1887 Old Judge Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1887 Old Judge Baseball Card Set

ACC #:
Set Name:
Old Judge
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Card Size:
1-7/16 x 2-1/2
Set Description:
This is the largest set ever produced issued by Goodwin & Co. with over 500 different players with multiple pictures and different type sets there may be no way of really knowing how many cards are in this set. The cards are black & white photographs glued onto cardboard. The backs are blank.

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
Return Coupon 0 0
1-3b AlbertGus Albert (Stooping to field grounder-Milwaukee) 0 0
1-2a AlbertGus Albert (Bat over R/shoulder-Clevelands) 1 0
1-2b AlbertGus Albert (Bat over R/shoulder-Milwaukees) 1 0
1-3a AlbertGus Albert (Stooping to field grounder-Cleveland's) 1 0
1-4b AlbertGus Albert (Throw-bending/L-R/arm extended-Milwaukees) 0 0 Buy
1-1b AlbertGus Albert (Bat at ready at 45-Milwaukees) 1 0
1-1a AlbertGus Albert (Bat at ready at 45-Clevelands) 0 0
1-4a AlbertGus Albert (Throw-bending/L-R/arm extended-Cleveland's) 1 0
2-1a AlcottCharles Alcott (Hands on hips-St. Louis) 0 0
2-3c AlcottCharles Alcott (Bat at ready-L/arm across belt-Mansfields) 0 0
2-3a AlcottCharles Alcott (Bat at ready-L/arm across belt-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
2-2a AlcottCharles Alcott (Ball in R/hand above head-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
2-3b AlcottCharles Alcott (Bat at ready-L/arm across belt-B.9, C.-St. Louis Whites) 0 0
2-5a AlcottCharles Alcott (Stooping to field grounder-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
2-4a AlcottCharles Alcott (Bat at ready-L/arm clear of belt-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
2-1b AlcottCharles Alcott (Hands on hips-Mansfields) 1 0
3-1a AlexanderDaniel Alexander (Ball in hands at chest-Des Moines) 1 0
3-2a AlexanderDaniel Alexander (Ball in R/hand above head-Des Moines) 1 0
3-4a AlexanderDaniel Alexander (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Des Moines) 0 0
3-3a AlexanderDaniel Alexander (Ball in R/hand head high-Des Moines) 1 0
4-2a AllenMyron Allen (Catch-high ball touching glove-Kansas City) 0 0
4-4a AllenMyron Allen (Stooping-R/foot behind L/leg-Kansas City) 0 0
4-6a AllenMyron Allen (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Kansas City) 0 0
4-3b AllenRobert Allen (Hands clasped at waist-Pittsburgh) 0 0
4-1a AllenMyron Allen (Catch-high ball well clear of glove-Kansas City) 1 0
4-3a AllenMyron Allen (Stooping-feet apart-lookinq at ball-Kansas City) 0 0
4-5a AllenMyron Allen (Ball in R/hand head high-Kansas City) 0 0
5-2a AllenRobert Allen (Hands on thighs-Pittsburghs) 1 0
5-5a AllenRobert Allen (Stooping to field grounder-Pittsburghs) 0 0
5-4a AllenRobert Allen (Hands cupped at waist, catch-Pittsburghs) 1 0
5-1b AllenRobert Allen (Strike-looking down at ball-Philadelphia (NL)) 0 0
5-3a AllenRobert Allen (Hands clasped at waist-Pittsburghs) 0 0
5-4b AllenRobert Allen (Hands cupped at waist-catch-Philadelphia (NL)) 0 0
5-1a AllenRobert Allen (Strike-looking down at ball-Pittsburghs) 0 0
5-3b AllenRobert Allen (Hands clasped at waist-Pittsburgh) 0 0
6-2a AlvordBilly Alvord (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Des Moines) 0 0
6-4a AlvordBilly Alvord (Throw-R/hand cap high-Des Moines) 0 0
6-3a AlvordBilly Alvord (Sliding-horizontal-Des Moines) 0 0
6-1a AlvordBilly Alvord (Stooping to field grounder on L-Toledos) 1 0
7-3a AndersonVarney Anderson (Pitch-hands chest high-St. Paul) 0 0
7-1a AndersonVarney Anderson (Pitch-R/hand head high-R/profile-St. Paul) 0 0
7-5a AndersonVarney Anderson (Pitch-R/hand head high facing front-St. Paul) 0 0
7-2a AndersonVarney Anderson (Bat over R/shoulder-St. Paul) 0 0
7-4a AndersonVarney Anderson (Ball in L/hand neck high-St. Paul) 0 0
8-1a AndrewsWally Andrews (Catch-stretching up to R-Omahas) 0 0
8-4a AndrewsWally Andrews (Catch-reaching down by R/foot-Omahas) 0 0
8-3a AndrewsWally Andrews (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Omahas) 1 0
8-5a AndrewsWally Andrews (Strike-ball shoulder high-Omahas) 0 0 Buy
8-2a AndrewsWally Andrews (Catch-hands by R/shoulder-Omahas) 1 0 Buy
9-4a AndrewsEd Andrews (R/hand above head-L/hand behind at side-Phila) 0 0
9-6a AndrewsEd Andrews (Tagged by Hoover-Phila) 1 0
9-5a AndrewsEd Andrews (Catch-hands shoulder high-Phila's) 1 0
9-1a AndrewsEd Andrews (Bat in R/hand at side-Phila) 0 0 Buy
9-2a AndrewsEd Andrews (Striking-bat nearly horizontal-looking at ball-Phila) 0 0
9-3a AndrewsEd Andrews (Bat at ready above R/shoulder-Phila's) 0 0
9-4b AndrewsEd Andrews (R/hand above head-L/hand behind at side-Philadelphias) 0 0
9-5b AndrewsEd Andrews (Catch-hands shoulder high-Philadelphias) 1 0
9-1b AndrewsEd Andrews (Bat in R/hand at side-Phila's) 0 0
9-2b AndrewsEd Andrews (Striking-bat nearly horizontal-looking at ball-Philadelphias) 1 0
10-3a AnnisBill Annis (Sliding-Omaha) 0 0
10-1b AnnisBill Annis (Bat in R/hand at side-Omaha) 0 0
10-2a AnnisBill Annis (Strike-bat nearly horizontal-Omaha) 0 0
10-1a AnnisBill Annis (Bat in R/hand at side-Worchesters) 1 0
10-4a AnnisBill Annis (Catch-hands head high on L-Omaha) 0 0
11-1c AnsonCap Anson (Street clothes, ANSON, CAPT., Chicagos NL) 1 1
11-1a AnsonCap Anson (Street clothes, A.C. ANSON, Chicagoes) 1 1
11-2a AnsonCap Anson (Bust portrait-Arms folded) 1 1
11-1b AnsonCap Anson (Street clothes, Capt. ANSON, Chicago's-script) 1 1
12-1a ArdnerJoe Ardner (Throw-R/hand by head-Kansas City) 0 0
12-3a ArdnerJoe Ardner (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-Kansas City) 0 0
12-2a ArdnerJoe Ardner (Hands on hips-St. Joes) 1 0
12-4a ArdnerJoe Ardner (Tagging Man on Ground-Kansas City) 0 0
13-6a ArundelTug Arundel (Catch-hands at thigh-Indianapolis) 0 0
13-2a ArundelTug Arundel (Ball in hands thigh high-Indianapolis) 1 0
13-1a ArundelTug Arundel (Catch-hands head high-Indianapolis) 1 0
13-5a ArundelTug Arundel (Throw-R/hand head high-Indianapolis) 0 0
13-4a ArundelTug Arundel (Bat at ready Near vertical-Indianapolis) 1 0
13-3a ArundelTug Arundel (Bat in R/hand at side-Indianapolis) 1 0
14-1a BakleyJersey Bakley (Pitch-hands at chest-Clevelands) 0 0
14-2a BakleyJersey Bakley (Pitch-L/arm half concealing face-Cleveland's) 1 0
14-3b BakleyJersey Bakley (Pitch-R/hand head high-Clevelands) 0 0
14-4a BakleyJersey Bakley (Bat at ready-feet together-Clevelands) 1 0
14-2b BakleyJersey Bakley (Pitch-L/arm half concealing face-Clevelands) 1 0
14-1b BakleyJersey Bakley (Pitch-hands at chest-Cleveland's) 1 0
14-3a BakleyJersey Bakley (Pitch-R/hand head high-Cleveland's) 0 0
14-5a BakleyJersey Bakley (Bat at read-feet apart-Clevelands) 0 0
15-7a BaldwinMark Baldwin (Bat in R/hand at side-Chicago) 1 0
15-1c BaldwinMark Baldwin (Portrait-M.E.) 0 0
15-5a BaldwinMark Baldwin (Bat at ready-heels together-Chicago) 1 0
15-3a BaldwinMark Baldwin (Pitch-hands neck high-Chicago) 0 0
15-6a BaldwinMark Baldwin (Bat at ready-R/foot behind L/foot-M.E.) 0 0
15-1b BaldwinMark Baldwin (Portrait-P.,) 0 0
15-7b BaldwinMark Baldwin (Bat in R/hand at side-Chicagos) 0 0
15-5b BaldwinMark Baldwin (Bat at ready-heels together-Columbus) 0 0
15-2a BaldwinMark Baldwin (Pitch-R/hand in rear waist high-Chicago) 1 0
15-4a BaldwinMark Baldwin (Pitch-R/hand above head) 1 0
15-2b BaldwinMark Baldwin (Pitch-R/hand in rear waist high-Columbus) 0 0
15-3c BaldwinMark Baldwin (Pitch-hands neck high-M.E. Baldwin, P. Columbus) 0 0
15-1a BaldwinMark Baldwin (Portrait-P.) 1 0
15-6c BaldwinMark Baldwin (Bat at ready,R/foot behind L/foot-Columbus) 0 0
15-3b BaldwinMark Baldwin (Pitch-hands neck high-P., Columbus) 1 0
15-6b BaldwinMark Baldwin (Bat at ready,R/foot behind L/foot-Baldwin, P. Chicago) 0 0 Buy
16-2a BaldwinKid Baldwin (Ball in R/hand head high-Cincinnati) 1 0
16-3a BaldwinKid Baldwin (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-Cincinnati) 0 0
16-4a BaldwinKid Baldwin (Stooping to field ball by R/foot-Cincinnati) 0 0
16-5b BaldwinKid Baldwin (Ball about to fall in hands above head-Cincinnatti) 1 0
16-2b BaldwinKid Baldwin (Ball in R/hand head high-Cincinnatis) 1 0
16-2c BaldwinKid Baldwin (Ball in R/hand head high-Cincinnatti) 0 0
16-3b BaldwinKid Baldwin (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-Cincinnatis) 0 0
16-5a BaldwinKid Baldwin (Ball about to fall in hands above head-Cincinnati) 1 0
16-6a BaldwinKid Baldwin (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Ball visible-Detroits) 0 0
16-1b BaldwinKid Baldwin (Ball in hands head high-Cincinnatti) 0 0
16-1a BaldwinKid Baldwin (Ball in hands head high-Cincinnati) 0 0
17-5a BaldwinLady Baldwin (Pitch-L/hand head high-L/foot off ground-Detroit) 0 0
17-2a BaldwinLady Baldwin (Pitch-hands neck high-Detroits) 0 0
17-3b BaldwinLady Baldwin (Pitch-L/hand thigh high-Cincinnati) 0 0
17-4b BaldwinLady Baldwin (Pitch-L/hand head high-Both feet on the ground-Detroit) 0 0
17-1a BaldwinLady Baldwin (Bat at ready) 0 0
17-3a BaldwinLady Baldwin (Pitch-L/hand thigh high-Detroits) 0 0
17-4a BaldwinLady Baldwin (Pitch-L/hand head high-Both feet on the ground-Detroits) 0 0
18-4a BanningJim Banning (Bat over R/shoulder) 0 0
18-1a BanningJim Banning (Hands on knees) 0 0
18-3a BanningJim Banning (Throw-R/hand head high) 0 0
18-5a BanningJim Banning (Stooping-hands by L/foot) 1 0 Buy
18-2a BanningJim Banning (Catch-hands above head) 0 0
19-2c BarkleySam Barkley (Catch-R/hand above head-Kansas City) 1 0
19-2a BarkleySam Barkley (Catch-R/hand above head-2d B. Pittsburg) 1 0
19-3a BarkleySam Barkley (Throw-R/hand neck high-2d B.) 1 0 Buy
19-4b BarkleySam Barkley (Tagging player on ground-2d Base) 0 0
19-6b BarkleySam Barkley (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-2d Base) 0 0
19-6a BarkleySam Barkley (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-2d B.) 1 0
19-1a BarkleySam Barkley (Portrait-looking/R-2d B.) 1 0 Buy
19-1b BarkleySam Barkley (Portrait-looking/R-2d Base) 1 0
19-2b BarkleySam Barkley (Catch-R/hand above head-2d Base, Pittsburg) 0 0
19-4a BarkleySam Barkley (Tagging player on ground-2d B.) 1 0 Buy
19-4c BarkleySam Barkley (Tagging player on ground-Kansas City) 0 0
19-7a BarkleySam Barkley (Bat at ready) 0 0
19-5b BarkleySam Barkley (Stooping to field grounder-2d Base) 1 0
19-5a BarkleySam Barkley (Stooping to field grounder-2d B.) 1 0
20-2a BarnesJohn Barnes (Portrait looking R-half-top hat-Mgr.) 1 0
20-1b BarnesJohn Barnes (Portrait looking L-bust-bare head-John S. Barnes, St. Paul) 0 0
20-2b BarnesJohn Barnes (Portrait looking R-half-top hat-No Mgr.) 0 0
20-1a BarnesJohn Barnes (Portrait looking L-bust-bare head-Mgr., St. Pauls) 1 0
20-1c BarnesJohn Barnes (Portrait looking L-bust-bare head-JManager) 0 0
21-1a BarnieBilly Barnie (Portrait looking L-waist length-Manager) 1 0
21-1b BarnieBilly Barnie (Portrait looking L-waist length-Mg'r) 0 0
22-2b BassettCharley Bassett (Bat in R/hand at side-2d B., In) 0 0
22-1b BassettCharley Bassett (Bat at ready at 60-New Yorks NL) 0 0
22-2a BassettCharley Bassett (Bat in R/hand at side-2d B. In) 1 0
22-1a BassettCharley Bassett (Bat at ready at 60-Indianapolis) 1 0 Buy
23-3a BastianCharles Bastian (Bat over R/shoulder-Phila) 0 0
23-5a BastianCharles Bastian (Stooping for low ball-Philadelphia's) 0 0
23-1a BastianCharles Bastian (Bat horizontal-looking at camera) 0 0
23-6a BastianCharles Bastian (Schriver tagging Bastian-Phila) 0 0
23-4a BastianCharles Bastian (Catch looking upwards-hands chest high-Chicagos) 1 0
23-4b BastianCharles Bastian (Catch looking upwards-hands chest high-Phila) 0 0
23-3b BastianCharles Bastian (Bat over R/shoulder-2d B. Chic) 0 0
23-2a BastianCharles Bastian (Bat horizontal-looking at ball) 0 0 Buy
23-5b BastianCharles Bastian (Stooping for low ball-Phila) 0 0
23-3c BastianCharles Bastian (Bat over R/shoulder-2d B., Chic) 1 0
23-6b BastianCharles Bastian (Schriver tagging Bastian-Phila's) 0 0
24-1a BeatinEd Beatin (Pitch-hands at chest-Beatin) 0 0
24-1b BeatinEd Beatin (Pitch-hands at chest-Beattin) 1 0
24-4a BeatinEd Beatin (Ready to strike approaching ball) 1 0
24-3a BeatinEd Beatin (Pitch-R/arm extended forward) 0 0
24-2a BeatinEd Beatin (Pitch-chin concealed behind L/arm) 1 0
24-5a BeatinEd Beatin (Catch-stooping for ball by R/foot) 1 0
25-4a BeckleyJake Beckley (Stooping to catch ball knee high-St. Louis) 1 1
25-1a BeckleyJake Beckley (Strike-looking at ball-St. Louis) 0 1
25-3b BeckleyJake Beckley (Catch-hands held out neck high-Pittsburghs) 1 1
25-4b BeckleyJake Beckley (Stooping to catch ball knee high-Pittsburgs) 1 1
25-1b BeckleyJake Beckley (Strike-looking at ball-Pittsburghs) 1 1
25-3a BeckleyJake Beckley (Catch-hands held out neck high-St. Louis) 1 1
25-2a BeckleyJake Beckley (Bat at ready-near vertical-looking at camera) 1 1
25-3c BeckleyJake Beckley (Catch-hands held out neck high-Pittsburgs) 1 1
25-3d BeckleyJake Beckley (Catch-hands held out neck high-Pittsburgh) 1 1
25-1c BeckleyJake Beckley (Strike-looking at ball-Pittsburgs) 0 1
26-1a BehelStephen Behel (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
27-1b BennettCharles Bennett (Bat at ready-Bostons) 0 0
27-1a BennettCharles Bennett (Bat at ready-Bosto) 1 0
28-5a BierbauerLouis Bierbauer (Tagging Gamble-Athletics) 1 0 Buy
28-6a BierbauerLouis Bierbauer (Throw-R/hand shoulder high off picture-R/profile-hat at feet) 0 0
28-3a BierbauerLouis Bierbauer (Strike-bat over R/shoulder-looking at ball-Bierbauer) 1 0
28-1a BierbauerLouis Bierbauer (Stooping to field grounder-Bierbauer) 1 0
28-4a BierbauerLouis Bierbauer (Running to R-cap in R/hand) 0 0
28-5b BierbauerLouis Bierbauer (Tagging Gamble-No Team) 0 0
28-2b BierbauerLouis Bierbauer (Catch-hands chest high-Bierbaur) 0 0
28-2a BierbauerLouis Bierbauer (Catch-hands chest high-Bierbauer) 1 0
28-3b BierbauerLouis Bierbauer (Strike-bat over R/shoulder-looking at ball-Bierbaur) 0 0
28-1b BierbauerLouis Bierbauer (Stooping to field grounder-Bierbaur) 0 0
29-3a BishopBill Bishop (Ball in R/hand head high-Pitcher, Pittsburg) 1 0
29-1a BishopBill Bishop (Catch-hands cupped above waist-P. Pitt) 1 0
29-3c BishopBill Bishop (Ball in R/hand head high-P. Pittsburg) 1 0
29-2b BishopBill Bishop (Bat at ready-over right shoulder-Pitcher, Pit) 0 0
29-3b BishopBill Bishop (Ball in R/hand head high-Syracuse) 0 0
29-1b BishopBill Bishop (Catch-hands cupped above waist-Pitcher, Pitt) 1 0
29-2a BishopBill Bishop (Bat at ready-over right shoulder-P. Pitt) 1 0
30-2a BlairBill Blair (Throw-L/hand head high-looking/L-Athletics) 0 0
30-1a BlairBill Blair (Throw-L/hand head high-looking front-Athletics) 1 0
30-3b BlairBill Blair (Pitch-hands shoulder high-Hamiltons) 1 0
30-1b BlairBill Blair (Throw-L/hand head high-looking front-Hamiltons) 1 0
30-5a BlairBill Blair (Catch-hands above head-Hamiltons) 0 0
30-2b BlairBill Blair (Throw-L/hand head high-looking/L-Hamiltons) 0 0
30-3a BlairBill Blair (Pitch-hands shoulder high-Athletics) 1 0 Buy
30-4a BlairBill Blair (Bat at ready-Hamiltons) 0 0
31-6a BlighNed Bligh (Bat at ready over R/shoulder) 1 0 Buy
31-3a BlighNed Bligh (Stooping-catch-hands chest high) 0 0
31-4a BlighNed Bligh (Throw-R/hand by head) 1 0
31-1a BlighNed Bligh (Hands on knees) 1 0
31-2a BlighNed Bligh (Catch-hands outstretched head high) 0 0
31-5a BlighNed Bligh (Bat at ready at 45) 0 0
32-4b BogartWalter Bogart (Hands cupped chest high-Ind'p'l's) 0 0
32-2a BogartWalter Bogart (Throw-R/hand by cap) 0 0
32-4a BogartWalter Bogart (Hands cupped chest high-Indianapolis) 0 0
32-5a BogartWalter Bogart (Catch-hands cupped thigh high) 0 0
32-1a BogartWalter Bogart (Stooping to field grounder) 0 0
32-3a BogartWalter Bogart (Strike-bat at 45) 0 0
33-2a BoyceAbner Boyce (Throw-R/hand by cap) 0 0
33-4a BoyceAbner Boyce (Catch-stooping-ball in hands chest high) 0 0
33-1a BoyceAbner Boyce (Strike-looking at ball chest high) 1 0
33-3a BoyceAbner Boyce (Catch-hands cupped chin high) 0 0
34-3a BoydCharles Boyd (Bat at ready) 0 0
34-2a BoydCharles Boyd (Throw-R/hand head high) 0 0
34-1a BoydCharles Boyd (About to catch-hands thigh high) 0 0
35-5c BoyleJack Boyle (Striped cap-bat at ready at 45-Chicagos (PL)) 0 0
35-4a BoyleJack Boyle (Striped cap-hands thigh high-J. Boyle) 1 0
35-1a BoyleJack Boyle (In mask-catch-hands thigh high-Boyle) 1 0
35-1b BoyleJack Boyle (In mask-catch-hands thigh high-J. Boyle) 0 0
35-2b BoyleJack Boyle (In mask-stooping to field grounder-St.. Louis) 0 0
35-3c BoyleJack Boyle (Striped cap-bat in R/hand at side-Chicagos (PL)) 0 0
35-4d BoyleJack Boyle (Striped cap-hands thigh high-Chicagos (PL)) 0 0
35-5b BoyleJack Boyle (Striped cap-bat at ready at 45-St. Louis) 0 0
35-4c BoyleJack Boyle (Striped cap-hands thigh high-Browns) 1 0
35-4b BoyleJack Boyle (Striped cap-hands thigh high-St., Louis) 1 0
35-3a BoyleJack Boyle (Striped cap-bat in R/hand at side-J. Boyle) 1 0 Buy
35-2a BoyleJack Boyle (In mask-stooping to field grounder-Browns) 0 0
35-3b BoyleJack Boyle (Striped cap-bat in R/hand at side-Boyle) 0 0
35-5a BoyleJack Boyle (Striped cap-bat at ready at 45-Browns) 0 0
36-3c BoyleHenry Boyle (End of pitch-R/arm extended forward-New Yorks (NL)) 0 0
36-4c BoyleHenry Boyle (Bat at ready at 60-P., Indianapolis) 1 0
36-3b BoyleHenry Boyle (End of pitch-R/arm extended forward-Pitcher, Indianapolis) 1 0
36-3a BoyleHenry Boyle (End of pitch-R/arm extended forward-P. Indianapolis) 1 0
36-2a BoyleHenry Boyle (Pitch-R/hand neck high-P. Indianapolis) 1 0
36-2c BoyleHenry Boyle (Pitch-R/hand neck high-New Yorks (NL)) 0 0
36-4b BoyleHenry Boyle (Bat at ready at 60-Pitcher, Indianapolis) 0 0
36-1a BoyleHenry Boyle (Pitch-hands above waist-P., Indianapolis) 1 0
36-2b BoyleHenry Boyle (Pitch-R/hand neck high-Pitcher, Indianapolis) 1 0
36-4a BoyleHenry Boyle (Bat at ready at 60-P. Indianapolis) 1 0 Buy
37-4a BradleyNick Bradley (Catch-bending/L-hands forward knee high-no ball visible-Kansas City) 0 0
37-6a BradleyNick Bradley (Hands at chin catching ball) 0 0
37-2a BradleyNick Bradley (Bat over R/shoulder looking at ball-Worchesters) 1 0
37-3a BradleyNick Bradley (Bat in R/hand at side-Worchesters) 0 0
37-5a BradleyNick Bradley (Catch-bending/L-hands forward knee high-ball left-Worchesters) 0 0
37-3b BradleyNick Bradley (Bat in R/hand at side-Kansas City) 0 0
37-1a BradleyNick Bradley (Leaning to L-arms at sides-Kansas City) 0 0
38-3b BradleyGeorge Bradley (Throw-ball in R/hand waist high-City) 1 0
38-1a BradleyGeorge Bradley (Bat at ready-looking at camera) 0 0 Buy
38-4a BradleyGeorge Bradley (Catch-hands cupped chest high-looking up at ball-Citys) 0 0
38-5a BradleyGeorge Bradley (Catch-hands chest high-looking down at ball-Citys) 0 0
38-2a BradleyGeorge Bradley (Strike-looking at ball) 1 0
38-3a BradleyGeorge Bradley (Throw-ball in R/hand waist high-Citys) 0 0
38-4b BradleyGeorge Bradley (Catch-hands cupped chest high-looking up at ball-City) 0 0
39-1a BradySteve Brady (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
40-1a BreckenridgeEdward Breckenridge (Bat over R/shoulder) 0 0
41-2a BrosnanTimothy Brosnan (Stooping/R to tag base-Minneapolis) 1 0 Buy
41-3b BrosnanTimothy Brosnan (Catch-hands neck high-Sioux Citys) 0 0 Buy
41-6a BrosnanTimothy Brosnan (Throw-R/hand head high-Minneapolis) 0 0
41-4a BrosnanTimothy Brosnan (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-Minneapolis) 0 0
41-1b BrosnanTimothy Brosnan (Stoop/L to field low ball-Sioux Citys) 1 0
41-3a BrosnanTimothy Brosnan (Catch-hands neck high-Minneapolis) 0 0
41-5a BrosnanTimothy Brosnan (Leaning on bat at back-Minneapolis) 0 0
41-2b BrosnanTimothy Brosnan (Stoop/R to tag base-Sioux Citys) 1 0
41-1a BrosnanTimothy Brosnan (Stoop/L to field low ball-Minneapolis) 0 0
42-2a BroughtonCal Broughton (Striking-looking down at ball-St. Pauls) 0 0
42-5b BroughtonCal Broughton (Catch-hands by R/thigh-St. Paul) 1 0
42-4a BroughtonCal Broughton (Catch-hands head high-St. Pauls) 1 0
42-3b BroughtonCal Broughton (Catch-hands chest high-St. Pauls) 1 0
42-1b BroughtonCal Broughton (Bat at ready-looking at camera-St. Paul) 0 0
42-3a BroughtonCal Broughton (Catch-hands chest high-St. Paul) 0 0
42-2b BroughtonCal Broughton (Striking-looking down at ball-St. Paul) 0 0
42-1a BroughtonCal Broughton (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Pauls) 1 0
42-5a BroughtonCal Broughton (Catch-hands by R/thigh-St. Pauls) 1 0
42-4b BroughtonCal Broughton (Catch-hands head high-St. Paul) 1 0
43-2a BrouthersDan Brouthers (Bat at ready over shoulder-looking/R-Detroits) 1 1
43-2c BrouthersDan Brouthers (Bat at ready over shoulder-looking/R-Bostons (PL) in picture) 0 1
43-2b BrouthersDan Brouthers (Bat at ready over shoulder-looking/R-Bostons) 1 1
43-1a BrouthersDan Brouthers (Catch-hands cupped above waist-Detroits) 1 1
43-3a BrouthersDan Brouthers (Bat at ready looking down at ball-Detroits) 1 1
43-1b BrouthersDan Brouthers (Catch-hands cupped above waist-Bostons) 1 1
44-4b BrownTom Brown (Bat at ready at 45-Centre Field Pittsburg) 1 0
44-1c BrownTom Brown (Catch-hands above head-Boston) 0 0
44-1a BrownTom Brown (Catch-hands above head-C.F. Pittsburg) 0 0
44-2b BrownTom Brown (Bat in R/hand at side-Centre Field, Pittsburg) 1 0 Buy
44-3b BrownTom Brown (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Centre Field) 0 0
44-3d BrownTom Brown (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Boston (PL)) 0 0
44-2d BrownTom Brown (Bat in R/hand at side-Boston (PL)) 0 0
44-1b BrownTom Brown (Catch-hands above head-Centre Field, Pittsburg) 1 0 Buy
44-2a BrownTom Brown (Bat in R/hand at side-C.F. Pittsburg) 1 0
44-3a BrownTom Brown (Catch-hands cupped chest high-C.F., Pittsburg) 1 0
44-2c BrownTom Brown (Bat in R/hand at side-Boston-script) 0 0
44-3c BrownTom Brown (Catch-hands cupped chest high-C.F. Boston) 0 0
44-4a BrownTom Brown (Bat at ready at 45-C.F. Pittsburg) 0 0
45-2b BrownCalifornia Brown (In mask-catch-hands chest high-New Yorks) 0 0
45-3d BrownCalifornia Brown (Throw-R/hand chin high-mask in L/hand-New York (P.L.)) 1 0
45-3c BrownCalifornia Brown (Throw, R/hand chin high, mask in L/hand-Yorks) 1 0
45-4c BrownCalifornia Brown (Bat in L/hand at side-New Yorks) 1 0
45-4a BrownCalifornia Brown (Bat in L/hand at side-C. N.Y's) 1 0
45-5a BrownCalifornia Brown (In mask-hands on knees-C. N.Y's) 1 0
45-5b BrownCalifornia Brown (In mask-hands on knees-C., N.Y's) 1 0
45-1b BrownCalifornia Brown (Bat at ready looking at camera-New Yorks) 0 0
45-3a BrownCalifornia Brown (Throw-R/hand chin high-mask in L/hand-C. N.Y's) 0 0
45-1c BrownCalifornia Brown (Bat at ready looking at camera-C., N.Y's) 1 0
45-4b BrownCalifornia Brown (Bat in L/hand at side-C., N.Y') 1 0
45-3b BrownCalifornia Brown (Throw-R/hand chin high-mask in L/hand-C., N.Y's) 1 0
45-4d BrownCalifornia Brown (Bat in L/hand at side-New York (PL)) 0 0
45-2a BrownCalifornia Brown (In mask-catch-hands chest high-California) 1 0
45-1a BrownCalifornia Brown (Bat at ready looking at camera-C. N.Y's) 1 0
46-1b BrowningPete Browning (Catch-stooping-hands head high-Browning) 0 0
46-3a BrowningPete Browning (Bat at ready nearly vertical-feet together) 0 0
46-4a BrowningPete Browning (Strike-bat at 30- -feet apart) 1 0
46-1a BrowningPete Browning (Catch-stooping-hands head high-Pete) 0 0
46-2a BrowningPete Browning (Stooping to field grounder) 0 0
46-5a BrowningPete Browning (Throw-R/hand head high) 1 0
47-5a BrynanCharles Brynan (Bat at ready over R/shoulder) 0 0
47-2a BrynanCharles Brynan (Pitch-hands below chest-looking/R) 1 0
47-4b BrynanCharles Brynan (End of pitch-R/arm stretched forward-Des Moines) 1 0
47-3a BrynanCharles Brynan (Pitch-R/hand neck high-looking/R) 0 0 Buy
47-4a BrynanCharles Brynan (End of pitch-R/arm stretched forward-Chicago) 1 0
47-1a BrynanCharles Brynan (Pitch-hands chest high-looking front) 1 0
48-2b BuckenbergerAl Buckenberger (Portrait, looking/R-Columbus) 1 0
48-1a BuckenbergerAl Buckenberger (Portrait, looking/L) 1 0
48-2a BuckenbergerAl Buckenberger (Portrait, looking/R-Colum) 1 0
49-2b BuckleyDick Buckley (Stooping-hands on knees-New Yorks, N.L.) 0 0
49-4a BuckleyDick Buckley (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-C., Indianapolis) 0 0
49-3b BuckleyDick Buckley (Catch-hands chest high-C., Indianapolis) 1 0
49-5a BuckleyDick Buckley (Strike-bat nearly horizontal-looking down at ball) 1 0
49-4b BuckleyDick Buckley (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-C. Indianapolis) 1 0
49-2a BuckleyDick Buckley (Stooping-hands on knees-Indianapolis) 0 0
49-3a BuckleyDick Buckley (Catch-hands chest high-C. Indianapolis) 0 0
49-4c BuckleyDick Buckley (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-New Yorks (N.L.)) 0 0
49-1b BuckleyDick Buckley (Stooping to catch ball ankle high-C., Indianapolis) 1 0
49-1a BuckleyDick Buckley (Stooping to catch ball ankle high-C. Indianapolis) 1 0
50-1a BuffintonCharles Buffinton (Pitch-hands chest high-C.F., Phila.) 1 0
50-1b BuffintonCharles Buffinton (Pitch-hands chest high-Centre Field) 1 0
50-3a BuffintonCharles Buffinton (Pitch-R/hand above head-C.F., Phila.) 0 0
50-2a BuffintonCharles Buffinton (Bat at ready-C.F., Phila.) 1 0 Buy
50-1c BuffintonCharles Buffinton (Pitch-hands chest high-Philadelphias) 1 0
50-2b BuffintonCharles Buffinton (Bat at ready-P., Phila's) 0 0
51-1a BurchErnest Burch (Dark uniform-leaning/L tagging base-St Louis) 0 0
51-6a BurchErnest Burch (White uniform-bat by L/shoulder-Brooklyn) 1 0
51-2a BurchErnest Burch (Dark uniform-catch-both hands stretching up/L-St Louis) 0 0
51-4a BurchErnest Burch (Dark uniform-throw-R/hand head high-St Louis) 1 0
51-8a BurchErnest Burch (White uniform-catch-hands above head on L-Brooklyn) 0 0
51-8b BurchErnest Burch (White uniform-catch-hands above head on L-Brooklyn-Mini) 0 0
51-7a BurchErnest Burch (White uniform-leaning/L to field grounder-horizontal-Brooklyn-Mini) 1 0
51-3a BurchErnest Burch (Dark uniform-catch-R/hand stretching up/L-St Louis) 0 0
51-5a BurchErnest Burch (Dark uniform-bat by L/shoulder-St Louis) 0 0 Buy
51-7b BurchErnest Burch (White uniform-leaning/L to field grounder-horizontal-Brooklyn) 0 0
52-1a BurdickBill Burdick (Ball in R/hand just above head-Indianapolis) 1 0
52-3b BurdickBill Burdick (Bat in L/hand at side-P., Indianapolis) 0 0
52-2a BurdickBill Burdick (Catch-hands above head on L-Indianapolis) 1 0
52-3a BurdickBill Burdick (Bat in L/hand at side-C., Indianapolis) 1 0
52-4a BurdickBill Burdick (Hands above waist-facing front-Omaha) 0 0
53-1a BurdockJack Burdock (Portrait-looking to R-2d B) 1 0
53-3b BurdockJack Burdock (Bat at ready at 30-2d Base) 0 0
53-5a BurdockJack Burdock (Bat in R/hand at side-2d Base) 1 0
53-5a BurdockJack Burdock (Bat in R/hand at side-2d B) 1 0
53-2a BurdockJack Burdock (Throw-R/hand neck high-2d B) 1 0
53-1b BurdockJack Burdock (Portrait-looking to R-Second Base) 0 0
53-4a BurdockJack Burdock (Stooping to field grounder-2d B.) 1 0 Buy
53-2b BurdockJack Burdock (Throw-R/hand neck high-2d Base) 1 0
53-4b BurdockJack Burdock (Stooping to field grounder-2d Base) 1 0
53-3a BurdockJack Burdock (Bat at ready at 30-2d B.) 1 0
54-1b BurkBob Burk (Catch-hands at chest-Citys) 1 0
54-3b BurkBob Burk (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Citys) 1 0
54-2a BurkBob Burk (Catch-hands head high-Citys) 1 0
54-3a BurkBob Burk (Bat at ready-looking at camera-City) 1 0
54-4a BurkBob Burk (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Citys) 1 0
54-1a BurkBob Burk (Catch-hands at chest-City) 1 0
55-1a BurnhamWatch Burnham (Portrait-looking to L-Man'gr) 1 0
55-1b BurnhamWatch Burnham (Portrait, looking to L-Manager) 1 0
56-3a BurnsJim Burns (Catch-hands shoulder high) 1 0
56-5a BurnsJim Burns (Strike-bat at 45) 1 0 Buy
56-6a BurnsJim Burns (On ground-sliding) 0 0
56-8a BurnsJim Burns (Ball in hands above head) 0 0
56-2a BurnsJim Burns (Catch-hands just above waist) 1 0
56-1a BurnsJim Burns (Stooping to field grounder by R/foot) 1 0
56-4a BurnsJim Burns (Bat over R/shoulder-looking at camera) 1 0
56-7a BurnsJim Burns (Bat in R/hand at side) 0 0
58-3b BurnsOyster Burns (Catch-hands above head-Brooklyns) 1 0
58-4b BurnsOyster Burns (Throw-R/hand head high-Baltimores) 0 0
58-1b BurnsOyster Burns (Bat at ready-held vertically-looking at camera-Brooklyns) 0 0
58-3a BurnsOyster Burns (Catch-hands above head-Baltimores) 1 0
58-4a BurnsOyster Burns (Throw-R/hand head high-Brooklyns) 0 0
58-5a BurnsOyster Burns (End of throw-L/hand off picture-Baltimores) 0 0
58-2b BurnsOyster Burns (Strike-bat over R/shoulder-looking at ball-Baltimores) 1 0
58-2a BurnsOyster Burns (Strike-bat over R/shoulder-looking at ball-Brooklyns) 0 0 Buy
58-1a BurnsOyster Burns (Bat at ready-held vertically-looking at camera-Baltimores) 1 0
58-9a BurnsJim Burns (Bat on R/shoulder-looking at ball) 0 0
59-2b BurnsTom Burns (Bat in R/hand at side-Chicago) 0 0
59-3b BurnsTom Burns (Catch-hands head high-Chicago) 0 0
59-4a BurnsTom Burns (Bat at ready-nearly horizontal-Chicago's) 1 0
59-3d BurnsTom Burns (Catch-hands head high-Chicago (NL)) 0 0
59-1a BurnsTom Burns (Tagging player on ground-Chicago's) 1 0 Buy
59-2a BurnsTom Burns (Bat in R/hand at side-Chicago's) 1 0
59-2c BurnsTom Burns (Bat in R/hand at side-T.E. Burns) 0 0
59-1b BurnsTom Burns (Tagging player on ground-Chicagos (N L)) 1 0
59-3c BurnsTom Burns (Catch-hands head high-T.C. Burns) 1 0
59-1c BurnsTom Burns (Tagging player on ground-T.C. Burns) 1 0
59-4b BurnsTom Burns (Bat at ready-nearly horizontal-Chicago) 0 0
59-3a BurnsTom Burns (Catch-hands head high-Chicago's) 1 0 Buy
60-6b BushongDoc Bushong (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-C., Brooklyns) 0 0
60-1a BushongDoc Bushong (Portrait in striped hat-Brown's Champions) 1 0
60-2a BushongDoc Bushong (In mask-hands on knees-C. Brooklyns) 0 0
60-3a Doc Bushong (Stoop, hands clasped waist high-C. Brook) 1 0
60-3c BushongDoc Bushong (Stooping-hands clasped waist high-C., Brooklyns) 0 0
60-6a BushongDoc Bushong (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-C. Brooklyns) 0 0
60-3a BushongDoc Bushong (Stooping-hands clasped waist high-C. Brooklyns) 0 0
60-5a BushongDoc Bushong (Throw-R/hand head high-C., Brooklyns) 1 0
60-2b BushongDoc Bushong (In mask-hands on knees-C., Brooklyns) 0 0
60-3b BushongDoc Bushong (Stooping-hands clasped waist high-C. Brooklyn's) 1 0
60-4a BushongDoc Bushong (Standing-ball in hands chest high-Brooklyns) 0 0
61-1a CahillPatsy Cahill (Catch-Hands head high-R.F.) 1 0 Buy
61-2b CahillPatsy Cahill (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-Right Field) 1 0
61-1b CahillPatsy Cahill (Catch-Hands head high-Right Field) 1 0
61-2a CahillPatsy Cahill (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-R.F.) 1 0
62-1a CampauCount Campau (Throw-R/hand above head-Detroits) 0 0
62-3b CampauCount Campau (Catch-bending/L-hands chest high-Kansas City) 0 0
62-4b CampauCount Campau (Catch-bending/R-hands knee high-Kansas City) 0 0
62-2a CampauCount Campau (Catch-hands head high-Detroits) 1 0
62-3a CampauCount Campau (Catch-bending/L-hands chest high-Detroits) 0 0
62-4a CampauCount Campau (Catch-bending/R-hands knee high-Detroits) 1 0
62-5a CampauCount Campau (Bat in R/hand at side-Detroits) 0 0
62-2b CampauCount Campau (Catch-hands head high-Kansas City) 0 0
63-1a CanavanJimmy Canavan (Bat at ready-looking at camera) 0 0
63-3a CanavanJimmy Canavan (Catch-hands neck high) 0 0
63-4a CanavanJimmy Canavan (Catch-hands waist high on L) 1 0
63-2a CanavanJimmy Canavan (Striking-looking down at ball-Omahas) 0 0
63-2b CanavanJimmy Canavan (Striking-looking down at ball-Omaha) 1 0
64-3b CantzBart Cantz (Catch-hands waist high-no mask-Baltimore) 0 0
64-1a CantzBart Cantz (Hands on knees-St. Louis Whites) 0 0
64-4b CantzBart Cantz (Bat on R/shoulder-Baltimores) 0 0
64-3a CantzBart Cantz (Catch-hands waist high-no mask-St. Louis Whites) 0 0 Buy
64-1b CantzBart Cantz (Hands on knees-Baltimores) 0 0
64-3c CantzBart Cantz (Catch-hands waist high-no mask-McCantz-St. Louis Whites) 0 0
64-5a CantzBart Cantz (Throw-R/hand shoulder high-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
64-2a CantzBart Cantz (Catch-hands waist high-in mask-St. Louis Whites) 0 0
64-4a CantzBart Cantz (Bat on R/shoulder-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
65-1a CarneyJack Carney (Catch-hands outstretched head high-Washingtons) 0 0
65-2a CarneyJack Carney (Throw-R/hand head high-Washingtons) 0 0 Buy
65-3a CarneyJack Carney (Bat in R/hand at side-Washingtons) 0 0 Buy
65-4b CarneyJack Carney (Bat at ready at 45-Washington) 0 0
65-3b CarneyJack Carney (Bat in R/hand at side-Washington) 1 0
65-1b CarneyJack Carney (Catch-hands outstretched head high-Washington) 0 0
65-2b CarneyJack Carney (Throw-R/hand head high-Washington) 0 0
65-4a CarneyJack Carney (Bat at ready at 45-Washingtons) 0 0
65-5a CarneyJack Carney (Catch-bending/L-hands thigh high) 0 0
66-3b CarpenterHick Carpenter (Bending to catch ball knee high-Cincinnatis) 1 0
66-4a CarpenterHick Carpenter (Bat at ready-close to head-Cincinnati) 0 0
66-4c CarpenterHick Carpenter (Bat at ready-close to head-Cin., (NL)) 0 0
66-5b CarpenterHick Carpenter (Catch-hands neck high-Cin.) 0 0
66-3a CarpenterHick Carpenter (Bending to catch ball knee high-Cincinnati) 1 0
66-1a CarpenterHick Carpenter (Tagging player on ground-Cincinnati) 0 0
66-2b CarpenterHick Carpenter (Stoop to field grounder-Cin.) 1 0
66-3c CarpenterHick Carpenter (Bending to catch ball knee high-Cin.) 0 0
66-4b CarpenterHick Carpenter (Bat at ready-close to head-Cin'ati) 0 0
66-5a CarpenterHick Carpenter (Catch-hands neck high-Cincinnati) 0 0
66-1b CarpenterHick Carpenter (Tag player-Cincinnatis) 1 0
66-1c CarpenterHick Carpenter (Tag player-Cin'ati) 0 0
66-2a CarpenterHick Carpenter (Stoop to field grounder-Cincinnati) 0 0
67-1b CarrollCliff Carroll (Bat at ready at 60-L.F.) 1 0
67-1a CarrollCliff Carroll (Bat at ready at 60-Left Field) 1 0
67-2b CarrollCliff Carroll (Catch on the run-hands chest high-Left Field) 0 0
67-2a CarrollCliff Carroll (Catch on the run-hands chest high-L.F.) 1 0
68-4b CarrollScrappy Carroll (Catch-hands chin high-St. Paul) 1 0
68-5b CarrollScrappy Carroll (Catch, hands chest high-Paul) 1 0
68-1a CarrollScrappy Carroll (Bat at ready-looking at camera-St. Paul) 1 0
68-2b CarrollScrappy Carroll (Strike-looking at ball shoulder high-Chicagos (NL)) 0 0
68-5a CarrollScrappy Carroll (Catch-hands chest high-St. Pauls) 0 0
68-6a CarrollScrappy Carroll (Catch-hands waist high-no ball-St. Paul) 1 0
68-3a CarrollScrappy Carroll (Catch-hands waist high-ball visible-St. Pauls) 1 0
68-2a CarrollScrappy Carroll (Strike-looking at ball shoulder high-St. Pauls) 1 0
68-1b CarrollScrappy Carroll (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Chicagos (NL)) 0 0
68-4a CarrollScrappy Carroll (Catch-hands chin high-St. Pauls) 0 0
68-5c CarrollScrappy Carroll (Catch-hands chest high-Chicagos (NL)) 0 0
69-1a CarrollFred Carroll (Throw-R/hand extended head high-C.) 0 0
69-3a CarrollFred Carroll (Bat in R/hand at side-C.) 1 0
69-4a CarrollFred Carroll (Catch-Hands knee High) 0 0
69-1b CarrollFred Carroll (Throw-R/hand extended head high-Catcher) 1 0
69-2a CarrollFred Carroll (Bat at ready at 60-C.) 1 0
69-2b CarrollFred Carroll (Bat at ready at 60-Catcher) 0 0
69-3b CarrollFred Carroll (Bat in R/hand at side-Catcher) 0 0
70-2a CartwrightEd Cartwright (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-Kansas City) 0 0
70-3b CartwrightEd Cartwright (Catch-hands head high-Kansas City) 0 0
70-5a CartwrightEd Cartwright (Throw-R/hand head high-Kansas City) 0 0
70-1c CartwrightEd Cartwright (Arms folded-St. Joes) 0 0
70-1a CartwrightEd Cartwright (Arms folded-St. Josep) 1 0
70-3a CartwrightEd Cartwright (Catch-hands head high-St. Joe) 0 0
70-4a CartwrightEd Cartwright (Bat in R/hand at side-St. Joes) 0 0
70-6a CartwrightEd Cartwright (Catching ground ball on L-Kansas City) 0 0
70-1b CartwrightEd Cartwright (Arms folded-Kansas City) 0 0
71-4b CaruthersBob Caruthers (End of pitch-R/arm stretched forward-P., Brooklyns) 0 0
71-5b CaruthersBob Caruthers (Catch-hands head high-P., Brooklyns) 0 0
71-2a CaruthersBob Caruthers (Holding up ball in L/hand neck high-P., Brooklyns) 1 0
71-3b CaruthersBob Caruthers (Ready to pitch-R/hand shoulder high-P., Brooklyns) 0 0
71-6a CaruthersBob Caruthers (Bat at ready at 30-feet together-P., Brooklyns) 1 0
71-2b CaruthersBob Caruthers (Holding up ball in L/hand neck high-P. Brooklyns) 0 0
71-4a CaruthersBob Caruthers (End of pitch-R/arm stretched forward-P. Brooklyns) 0 0
71-5a CaruthersBob Caruthers (Catch-hands head high-P. Brooklyns) 0 0
71-7a CaruthersBob Caruthers (Bat at ready over L/shoulder-feet apart-P. Brooklyns) 0 0
71-1a CaruthersBob Caruthers (Portrait in striped hat-Brown's Champions) 1 0
71-7b CaruthersBob Caruthers (Bat at ready over L/shoulder-feet apart-P., Brooklyns) 1 0
71-3a CaruthersBob Caruthers (Ready to pitch-R/hand shoulder high-P. Brooklyns) 1 0
72-1c CaseyDan Casey (Ball in L/hand at side-Philadelphias) 0 0
72-3b CaseyDan Casey (Start of pitch-L/hand shoulder high-Pitcher) 0 0
72-3a CaseyDan Casey (Start of pitch-L/hand shoulder high-P., Phila.) 1 0
72-3d CaseyDan Casey (Start of pitch-L/hand shoulder high-D.M.) 0 0
72-1a CaseyDan Casey (Ball in L/hand at side-P., Phila.) 1 0
72-1b CaseyDan Casey (Ball in L/hand at side-Pitcher) 1 0 Buy
72-2b CaseyDan Casey (Ready to pitch-hands above waist-Pitcher) 0 0
72-3c CaseyDan Casey (Start of pitch-L/hand shoulder high-Philadelphias) 0 0
72-1d CaseyDan Casey (Ball in L/hand at side-D.M. Philadelphias) 1 0
72-2a CaseyDan Casey (Ready to pitch-hands above waist-P., Phila.) 1 0
73-1b ChamberlainElton Chamberlain (Ready to pitch-hands at chest-P. St. Louis) 0 0
73-4c ChamberlainElton Chamberlain (Pitch-R/hand chest high-S., St. Louis) 1 0
73-4a ChamberlainElton Chamberlain (Pitch-R/hand chest high-P., St. Louis) 1 0
73-3a ChamberlainElton Chamberlain (Pitch-R/hand head high-P., St. Louis) 1 0
73-5a ChamberlainElton Chamberlain (Bat at ready over R/Shoulder-no ball visible-P., St. Louis) 0 0
73-5c ChamberlainElton Chamberlain (Bat at ready over R/Shoulder-no ball visible-P. St. Louis) 0 0
73-1c ChamberlainElton Chamberlain (Ready to pitch-hands at chest-S., St. Louis.) 0 0
73-1a ChamberlainElton Chamberlain (Ready to pitch-hands at chest-P., St. Louis) 0 0
73-2a ChamberlainElton Chamberlain (Ready to pitch-hands neck high-P.. St. Louis) 1 0
73-6a ChamberlainElton Chamberlain (Bat at ready over R/Shoulder-ball visible-S., St. Louis) 1 0 Buy
73-4b ChamberlainElton Chamberlain (Pitch-R/hand chest high-P. St. Louis) 0 0
73-5b ChamberlainElton Chamberlain (Bat at ready over R/Shoulder-no ball visible-P., St. Loui) 0 0
74-1a ChildsCupid Childs (Bat at ready at about 60-heels together) 0 0
74-3b ChildsCupid Childs (Catch-hands chin high/L-2 B. Phila) 1 0
74-4b ChildsCupid Childs (Throw-R/arm stretched forward-Syracuse) 0 0
74-5a ChildsCupid Childs (Catch-reaching/L-hands chest high) 0 0
74-2a ChildsCupid Childs (Bat at ready at about 30-heels well apart) 0 0
74-4a ChildsCupid Childs (Throw-R/arm stretched forward-Phila) 0 0
75-1b ClarkSpider Clark (Catch facing/L-hands neck high-Washington) 1 0
75-4a ClarkSpider Clark (Throw-R/hand head high-Washingtons) 1 0
75-2a ClarkSpider Clark (Catch facing front-hands chest high-Washingtons) 0 0
75-3a ClarkSpider Clark (Bat at ready at 30-Washington) 1 0
75-1a ClarkSpider Clark (Catch facing/L-hands neck high-Washingtons) 1 0
75-2b ClarkSpider Clark (Catch facing front-hands chest high-Washington) 1 0 Buy
75-5a ClarkSpider Clark (Catch-leaning/R-hands knee high-Washingtons) 0 0
75-3b ClarkSpider Clark (Bat at ready at 30-Washingtons) 0 0
76-5a ClarkBob Clark (Throw-R/hand shoulder high-Brooklyns) 1 0
76-1a ClarkBob Clark (Hands on hips-Brooklyns) 1 0
76-4a ClarkBob Clark (Catch-hands shoulder high-Brooklyns) 0 0
76-6a ClarkBob Clark (Tagging Hughes-Brooklyns) 1 0
76-3a ClarkBob Clark (Catch-hands above waist-Brooklyns) 1 0
76-2a ClarkBob Clark (Stooping-hands on knees-Brooklyns) 1 0
76-7a ClarkBob Clark (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Brooklyns) 0 0
77-3a ClarkDad Clark (Cap-ball in R/hand head high) 0 0
77-6b ClarkDad Clark (No cap-bat at ready-looking at camera-Omaha's.) 0 0
77-9a ClarkDad Clark (No cap-R/arm extended forward-Omahas) 1 0
77-9c ClarkDad Clark (No cap-R/arm extended forward-W.H., Chicago) 0 0
77-5a ClarkDad Clark (No cap-strike-looking down at ball-Omahas W.A) 1 0
77-4a ClarkDad Clark (Cap-ball in R/hand by R/knee) 1 0 Buy
77-2a ClarkDad Clark (Cap-bat in R/hand at side) 0 0
77-10a ClarkDad Clark (Cap-Hands chest high at L) 1 0
77-6a ClarkDad Clark (No cap-bat at ready-looking at camera-Chicago) 1 0
77-5b ClarkDad Clark (No cap-strike-looking down at ball-Chicago) 1 0
77-8a ClarkDad Clark (No cap-facing front-hands at chest) 1 0
77-9b ClarkDad Clark (No cap-R/arm extended forward-Chicago) 0 0
77-5c ClarkDad Clark (No cap, about to strike low ball-Omahas) 1 0
77-1a ClarkDad Clark (Cap-hands at chest) 0 0
77-7a ClarkDad Clark (No cap-facing/L-hands chest high) 1 0
78-2a ClarksonJohn Clarkson (Throw-R/arm extend horizontal-R/profile-L/hand clear of thigh-Chicago.) 1 1
78-7a ClarksonJohn Clarkson (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-Chicago) 1 1 Buy
78-3b ClarksonJohn Clarkson (Throw-R/hand hip high-R/profile-Bostons) 1 1
78-2c ClarksonJohn Clarkson (Throw-R/arm extend horizontal-R/profile-L/hand clear of thigh-Boston) 0 1
78-5c ClarksonJohn Clarkson (End of pitch-R/arm extended forward-L/hand on thigh-Bostons) 1 1 Buy
78-7b ClarksonJohn Clarkson (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-Bostons) 1 1
78-6a ClarksonJohn Clarkson (Stretching up/L-hands head high-Chicago) 1 1 Buy
78-1a ClarksonJohn Clarkson (Throw-R/arm extended horizontally-looking front-L/hand on thigh-Chicago) 1 1 Buy
78-5a ClarksonJohn Clarkson (End of pitch-R/arm extended forward-L/hand on thigh-Chicago) 1 1 Buy
78-4a ClarksonJohn Clarkson (Ready to pitch-hands at chest-Chicago) 1 1
78-2b ClarksonJohn Clarkson (Throw-R/arm extend horizontal-R/profile-L/hand clear of thigh-Bostons) 1 1
78-5b ClarksonJohn Clarkson (End of pitch-R/arm extended forward-L/hand on thigh-Boston) 0 1
78-1b ClarksonJohn Clarkson (Throw-R/arm extended horizontally-looking front-L/hand on thigh-Boston) 0 1
78-6b ClarksonJohn Clarkson (Stretching up/L-hands head high-Boston) 0 1
78-3a ClarksonJohn Clarkson (Throw-R/hand hip high-R/profile-Chicago) 1 1 Buy
79-3d ClementsJack Clements (Bat at ready nearly vertical-J.W., Phil) 0 0
79-1a ClementsJack Clements (Hands on knees-Phila) 1 0
79-1c ClementsJack Clements (Hands on knees-Philadelphias) 1 0
79-2d ClementsJack Clements (Catch-hands outstretched neck high-Phil'a (NL)) 1 0
79-2a ClementsJack Clements (Catch-hands outstretched neck high-C., Phila.) 1 0
79-1d ClementsJack Clements (Hands on knees-Phila (NL)) 0 0
79-2c ClementsJack Clements (Catch-hands outstretched neck high-C., Philadelphias) 1 0
79-3c ClementsJack Clements (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Philadelphias) 1 0
79-3e ClementsJack Clements (Bat at ready nearly vertical-J.W., Philadelphia) 0 0
79-1b ClementsJack Clements (Hands on knees-Catcher, Philadelphia) 1 0
79-2b ClementsJack Clements (Catch-hands outstretched neck high-Catcher, Philadelphia) 1 0
79-3a ClementsJack Clements (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Clements, C., Phila.) 1 0 Buy
79-3b ClementsJack Clements (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Catcher, Philadelphia) 0 0
80-2b ClevelandElmer Cleveland (Bending forward-hands at back-Omaha) 0 0
80-5a ClevelandElmer Cleveland (Bat held nearly horizontal-N.Y.) 0 0
80-3a ClevelandElmer Cleveland (Catch-hands at chest-N.Y.) 1 0
80-1a ClevelandElmer Cleveland (Sliding-horizontal-N.Y.) 0 0 Buy
80-4a ClevelandElmer Cleveland (Bat at ready-over R/shoulder-N.Y.) 1 0
80-2a ClevelandElmer Cleveland (Bending forward-hands at back-N.Y.) 1 0
80-6a ClevelandElmer Cleveland (Throw-R/hand head high-N.Y.) 1 0
81-2a ClineMonk Cline (Catch-hands by R/shoulder-looking front-ball above head) 0 0
81-5a ClineMonk Cline (Bat at ready at 45-looking at camera-Citys) 1 0
81-3a ClineMonk Cline (Catch-hands by R/shoulder-looking front-ball just above hands-Citys) 1 0
81-4a ClineMonk Cline (Strike-bat nearly vertical-looking down at ball-Citys) 1 0
81-1a ClineMonk Cline (Catch-hands at chest looking upwards-Citys) 1 0
81-3b ClineMonk Cline (Catch-hands by R/shoulder-looking front-ball just above hands-City) 0 0
81-4b ClineMonk Cline (Strike-bat nearly vertical-looking down at ball-City) 0 0
82-2a CodyMichael Cody (Throw-R/hand head high) 0 0
82-1a CodyMichael Cody (Catch-hands thigh high) 0 0
82-3a CodyMichael Cody (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Moins) 1 0
82-4a CodyMichael Cody (Strike-looking at ball near bat) 1 0 Buy
83-4a ColemanJohn Coleman (Holding bat in hands below waist-R.F.) 1 0
83-1a ColemanJohn Coleman (Catch-hands chest high) 0 0
83-3a ColemanJohn Coleman (Throw-R/hand extended forward) 0 0
83-2b ColemanJohn Coleman (Ball in hands at waist-Right Field) 1 0
83-2a ColemanJohn Coleman (Ball in hands at waist-R.F.) 0 0
83-5b ColemanJohn Coleman (Bat in R/hand at side-Right Field) 0 0
83-4b ColemanJohn Coleman (Holding bat in hands below waist-Right Field) 1 0
83-5a ColemanJohn Coleman (Bat in R/hand at side-R.F.) 1 0
84-2c CollinsBill Collins (Sliding-horizontal-Lowells) 1 0
84-2b CollinsBill Collins (Sliding-horizontal-Newarks) 0 0
84-2a CollinsBill Collins (Sliding-horizontal-N.Y's) 1 0
84-6c CollinsBill Collins (Hands on knees-in mask-Lowells) 0 0
84-4A CollinsBill Collins (Bat in L/Hand at side-N.Y's.) 1 0
84-7A CollinsBill Collins (Catch-hands above head-full length-N.Y's.) 1 0
84-1b CollinsBill Collins (Throw-R/hand head high-in mask-Newarks) 1 0
84-3A CollinsBill Collins (Bat at ready by head-N.Y's.) 1 0
84-6b CollinsBill Collins (Hands on knees-in mask-Newarks) 0 0
84-6a CollinsBill Collins (Hands on knees-in mask-N.Y's) 1 0
84-8a CollinsBill Collins (Catch-hands above head 3/4 length-Newarks) 0 0 Buy
84-5a CollinsBill Collins (Catching ball waist high-in mask-N.Y's) 1 0
84-4B CollinsBill Collins (Bat in L/Hand at side-Newarks) 1 0
84-1A CollinsBill Collins (Throw,-R/hand head high-in mask-N.Y's.) 1 0
85-5a CollinsHub Collins (Sliding on stomach-Louisville) 1 0
85-1a CollinsHub Collins (Stooping to field grounder-Louisville) 0 0
85-2b CollinsHub Collins (Bat at ready-looking at ball-Brooklyn) 0 0
85-4a CollinsHub Collins (Throw-R/hand head high at side-Louisville) 0 0
85-3b CollinsHub Collins (Catch-hands chest high-Brooklyns) 1 0
85-2a CollinsHub Collins (Bat at ready-looking at ball-Louisville) 0 0
85-3a CollinsHub Collins (Catch-hands chest high-Louisville) 0 0
86-2b ComiskeyCharlie Comiskey (Sliding-R/hand on base-St. Louis) 1 1
86-4a ComiskeyCharlie Comiskey (Catch-hands cupped chin high-looking up at ball-St. Louis Browns) 1 1
86-3b ComiskeyCharlie Comiskey (Catch-hands outstretched shoulder high-looking/L-St. L. B's) 1 1
86-6b ComiskeyCharlie Comiskey (Arms folded-Brown's) 0 1
86-3c ComiskeyCharlie Comiskey (Catch-hands outstretched shoulder high-looking/L-Brown's) 0 1
86-6a ComiskeyCharlie Comiskey (Arms folded-Browns) 1 1
86-6c ComiskeyCharlie Comiskey (Arms folded-Chicagos) 1 1
86-2d ComiskeyCharlie Comiskey (Sliding-R/hand on base-Chicagos (PL) in picture) 0 1
86-2a ComiskeyCharlie Comiskey (Sliding-R/hand on base-St. Louis Browns) 1 1
86-5b ComiskeyCharlie Comiskey (Bat at ready by head-Brown's) 0 1
86-3a ComiskeyCharlie Comiskey (Catch-hands outstretched shoulder high-looking/L-St. Louis) 1 1 Buy
86-5a ComiskeyCharlie Comiskey (Bat at ready by head-Browns) 1 1
86-1a ComiskeyCharlie Comiskey (Portrait in striped cap-Brown's Champions) 1 1
86-2c ComiskeyCharlie Comiskey (Sliding-R/hand on base-Brown's) 0 1
87-1a ConnellPete Connell (Stooping to catch-hands knee high-dark uniform) 1 0
88-1c ConnorRoger Connor (Hands on knees-N.Y's) 0 1
88-1a ConnorRoger Connor (Hands on knees-name in script) 1 1 Buy
88-2c ConnorRoger Connor (Catch-hands waist high-B. Connor) 1 1
88-1b ConnorRoger Connor (Hands on knees-New Yorks) 1 1
88-3a ConnorRoger Connor (Bat over L/shoulder-nearly touching cheek-New York) 0 1
88-5a ConnorRoger Connor (Bat at ready at 45-L/profile-New York) 0 1
88-1d ConnorRoger Connor (Hands on knees-New Yor) 0 1
88-1e ConnorRoger Connor (Hands on knees-New York) 0 1
88-2b ConnorRoger Connor (Catch-hands waist high-Connor) 0 1
88-3b ConnorRoger Connor (Bat over L/shoulder-nearly touching cheek-N.Y's.) 1 1
88-2a ConnorRoger Connor (Catch-hands waist high-Conner-New Yorks) 1 1
88-4a ConnorRoger Connor (Bat at ready at 60-Script Name) 1 1 Buy
88-4b ConnorRoger Connor (Bat at ready at 60-N.Y's) 0 1
89-1a ConwayDick Conway (Ball in R/hand head high-head level-P.) 0 0
89-4b ConwayDick Conway (Ready to pitch-hands chest high-Pitcher) 1 0
89-5c ConwayDick Conway (Bat in R/hand at side-P. Boston's) 0 0
89-1b ConwayDick Conway (Ball in R/hand head high-head level-Pitcher) 1 0
89-5b ConwayDick Conway (Bat in R/hand at side-Pitcher) 1 0
89-3a ConwayDick Conway (Bat at ready at 45-P., Boston.) 1 0
89-4a ConwayDick Conway (Ready to pitch-hands chest high-P.) 1 0
89-5a ConwayDick Conway (Bat in R/hand at side-P., Boston) 0 0
89-2b ConwayDick Conway (Ball in R/hand chin high-head tilted to L-Pitcher) 1 0
89-3b ConwayDick Conway (Bat at ready at 45-Pitcher) 1 0
89-2a ConwayDick Conway (Ball in R/hand chin high-head tilted to L-P., Boston.) 1 0
89-1c ConwayDick Conway (Ball in R/hand head high-head level-Worcesters) 1 0
90-4a ConwayPete Conway (Pitch-R/hand by head-heels on ground-Detroits) 0 0
90-1a ConwayPete Conway (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Detroits) 1 0
90-3b ConwayPete Conway (Pitch-hands chest high-L/foot off ground-Pittsburgs) 0 0
90-4c ConwayPete Conway (Pitch-R/hand by head-heels on ground-Pittsburghs) 0 0
90-3a ConwayPete Conway (Pitch-hands chest high-L/foot off ground-Detroits) 0 0
90-5b ConwayPete Conway (Pitch-R/hand stretch forward head high-R/heel off ground-Detroit) 0 0
90-1b ConwayPete Conway (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Pittsburgs) 1 0
90-4b ConwayPete Conway (Pitch-R/hand by head-heels on ground-Pittsburgs) 1 0
90-2a ConwayPete Conway (Ready to pitch-hands at chest-feet on ground-Detroits) 1 0
90-3c ConwayPete Conway (Pitch-hands chest high-L/foot off ground-Pittsburghs) 0 0
90-5a ConwayPete Conway (Pitch-R/hand stretch forward head high-R/heel off ground-Detroits) 0 0
90-5c ConwayPete Conway (Pitch-R/hand stretch forward head high-R/heel off ground-Indianapolis) 0 0
91-1a ConwayJim Conway (Bat at ready nearly vertical) 1 0
91-3a ConwayJim Conway (Ready to pitch-hands chest high) 0 0
91-4a ConwayJim Conway (Pitch-R/hand head high-L/ear not visible-City) 1 0
91-2a ConwayJim Conway (Bat in R/hand at side-Citys) 0 0 Buy
91-5a ConwayJim Conway (Pitch-R/hand head high-L/ear clearly visible) 0 0
91-2b ConwayJim Conway (Bat in R/hand at side-City) 1 0
92-5a CookPaul Cook (Stooping to field grounder-no mask-Louisvilles) 0 0
92-4a CookPaul Cook (In mask-catch-hands chest high-Lousiville) 1 0
92-2a CookPaul Cook (Stooping to field grounder) 0 0
92-4b CookPaul Cook (In mask-catch-hands chest high-Lousivilles) 0 0
92-1a CookPaul Cook (Tagging player on ground) 0 0
92-3b CookPaul Cook (Throw-R/arm extended forward chin high-Louisvilles) 0 0
92-3a CookPaul Cook (Throw-R/arm extended forward chin high-Louisville) 1 0
93-3a CooneyJimmy Cooney (Catch-hands chin high on R-Omaha) 0 0
93-2a CooneyJimmy Cooney (Bat in L/hand at side-Omahas, W.A.) 1 0
93-4b CooneyJimmy Cooney (Strike-ball shoulder high-Chicagos (NL)) 0 0
93-2b CooneyJimmy Cooney (Bat in L/hand at side-Chicago (NL)) 0 0
93-4a CooneyJimmy Cooney (Strike-ball shoulder high-Omahas) 0 0
93-1a CooneyJimmy Cooney (Throw-R/hand head high-Omahas) 0 0
94-1a CorcoranLarry Corcoran (Ready to pitch-hands above waist-P. Indianapolis) 1 0
94-2a CorcoranLarry Corcoran (Pitch-hands near L/shoulder-P. Indianapolis) 0 0
94-2c CorcoranLarry Corcoran (Pitch-hands near L/shoulder-London, Ont.) 0 0
94-1b CorcoranLarry Corcoran (Ready to pitch-hands above waist-Pitcher, Indianapolis) 0 0
94-1c CorcoranLarry Corcoran (Ready to pitch-hands above waist-P., London, Ont.) 1 0
94-2b CorcoranLarry Corcoran (Pitch, hands near L/shoulder-Pitcher) 0 0
95-2a CorkhillPop Corkhill (Catch-hands cupped neck high-Cincinnati) 0 0
95-2c CorkhillPop Corkhill (Catch-hands cupped neck high-J.Brooklyns) 0 0
95-5a CorkhillPop Corkhill (Strike-bat over R/shoulder-Cincinnati) 0 0
95-3a CorkhillPop Corkhill (Catch-hands above head-Cincinnati) 1 0
95-6a CorkhillPop Corkhill (Stooping-hands knee high-ball visibile-Cincinnati) 0 0
95.5-1a CoughlinRoscoe Coughlin (Arms at chest-holding baseball in between hands) 0 0
95-4a CorkhillPop Corkhill (Stooping-hands knee high-no ball visible-Cincinnati) 0 0
95-1b CorkhillPop Corkhill (Sliding-L/hand on base-Cincinnati) 0 0
95-2b CorkhillPop Corkhill (Catch-hands cupped neck high-Brooklyns) 1 0
95-4b CorkhillPop Corkhill (Stooping-hands knee high-no ball visible-Brooklyns) 0 0
95-5b CorkhillPop Corkhill (Strike-bat over R/shoulder-Brooklyn) 0 0
95-1a CorkhillPop Corkhill (Sliding-L/hand on base-Brooklyns) 1 0
96-2b CraneCannonball Crane (Striking-bat nearly horizontal-New Yorks) 1 0
96-4b CraneCannonball Crane (Ready to pitch-hands above waist-New Yorks) 1 0
96-5a CraneCannonball Crane (Pitch-facing/L-hands below waist-N.Y.) 0 0
96-6c CraneCannonball Crane (Pitch-R/hand in rear head high-New York) 0 0
96-5b CraneCannonball Crane (Pitch-facing/L-hands below waist-New Yorks) 1 0
96-1b CraneCannonball Crane (Bat at ready at 45-New Yorks) 1 0
96-1a CraneCannonball Crane (Bat at ready at 45-N.Y.) 1 0
96-2a CraneCannonball Crane (Striking-bat nearly horizontal-N.Y.) 1 0
96-4a CraneCannonball Crane (Ready to pitch-hands above waist-N.Y.) 0 0
96-4c CraneCannonball Crane (Ready to pitch-hands above waist-New Yorks (PL)) 0 0
96-6a CraneCannonball Crane (Pitch-R/hand in rear head high-N.Y.) 0 0
96-5c CraneCannonball Crane (Pitch-facing/L-hands below waist-New York PL) 1 0
96-3a CraneCannonball Crane (Bat in R/hand at side-N.Y.) 1 0
96-3b CraneCannonball Crane (Bat in R/hand at side-New Yorks) 1 0
96-6b CraneCannonball Crane (Pitch-R/hand in rear head high-New Yorks) 1 0
97-2b CraneSam Crane (Stooping to field grounder-Second Base) 1 0
97-1a CraneSam Crane (Bat at ready at 60-2d B) 1 0
97-3a CraneSam Crane (Bat in R/hand at side-2d B.) 0 0
97-2a CraneSam Crane (Stooping to field grounder-2d B.) 1 0
97-1b CraneSam Crane (Bat at ready at 60-Second Base) 1 0
97-3b CraneSam Crane (Bat in R/hand at side-Second Base) 0 0
98-3a CroganJack Crogan (Bat in L/hand at side) 1 0
98-5a CroganJack Crogan (Bat at ready near vertical) 1 0
98-2a CroganJack Crogan (Leaning/R-hands thigh high) 0 0
98-4a CroganJack Crogan (Catch-hands cupped chest high) 0 0
98-1a CroganJack Crogan (Stooping to field grounder-facing/L) 0 0
99-1 CrooksJohn Crooks (Sliding-back view-St. Louis Whites) 0 0
99-2a CrooksJohn Crooks (Strike-bat nearly vertical-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
99-5a CrooksJohn Crooks (Catch-hands cupped head high-St. Louis Whites) 0 0
99-4a CrooksJohn Crooks (Ball in hands held out waist high on L-Omaha) 1 0
99-1b CrooksJohn Crooks (Sliding-back view-Omahas) 1 0
99-3a CrooksJohn Crooks (Strike-bat nearly horizontal-St. Louis Whites) 0 0
99-4b CrooksJohn Crooks (Ball in hands held out waist high on L-St. Louis Whites) 0 0
100-2a CrossLave Cross (Hands on thighs-Louisville) 0 0
100-1b CrossLave Cross (Bat at ready at 30-Atheletics) 0 0
100-1a CrossLave Cross (Bat at ready at 30-Louisville) 0 0
100-2c CrossLave Cross (Hands on thighs-Athletic's) 0 0
100-4b CrossLave Cross (Throw-R/hand stretched forward head high-Philadelphias (PL)) 0 0
100-2b CrossLave Cross (Hands on thighs-Philadelphias (PL)) 0 0
100-4a CrossLave Cross (Throw-R/hand stretched forward head high-Louisville) 1 0
100-3a CrossLave Cross (Stooping to field low throw-Atheletics) 1 0
101-1b CrossleyWilliam Crossley (Catch-hands by R/knee-Milwaukees) 1 0
101-3b CrossleyWilliam Crossley (Catch-hands neck high-Milwaukees) 1 0
101-6a CrossleyWilliam Crossley (Bat at ready-looking at bat-ball visible-Milwaukees) 1 0
101-4a CrossleyWilliam Crossley (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Milwaukees) 1 0
101-5a CrossleyWilliam Crossley (Bat at ready-looking at bat-NO ball visible-Milwaukees) 0 0
101-1a CrossleyWilliam Crossley (Catch-hands by R/knee-Milwaukee) 1 0
101-2a CrossleyWilliam Crossley (Catch-hands waist high-Milwaukees) 1 0 Buy
101-3a CrossleyWilliam Crossley (Catch-hands neck high-Milwaukee) 1 0
102-5b CrottyJoe Crotty (Strike-looking at ball-City) 0 0 Buy
102-6a CrottyJoe Crotty (Catch-hands cupped at upper thigh looking down at ball-Citys) 1 0
102-1a CrottyJoe Crotty (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
102-3b CrottyJoe Crotty (Catch-hands shoulder high-City) 0 0
102-5a CrottyJoe Crotty (Strike-looking at ball-Citys) 0 0
102-2b CrottyJoe Crotty (Stooping/R to catch ball waist high-City) 1 0
102-3a CrottyJoe Crotty (Catch-hands shoulder high-Citys) 1 0
102-1b CrottyJoe Crotty (Stooping/R to catch ball waist high-Citys) 0 0
102-4a CrottyJoe Crotty (Bat at ready-looking at camera-City) 0 0
103-3a CrowellBilly Crowell (Pitch-facing L-hands concealed behind body-Cleveland's) 0 0
103-3b CrowellBilly Crowell (Pitch-facing L-hands concealed behind body-St. Joes) 1 0
103-5b CrowellBilly Crowell (Bat at ready-over R/shoulder-St. Joes) 0 0 Buy
103-4a CrowellBilly Crowell (Pitch-R/arm extended towards camera-Clevelands) 1 0
103-1a CrowellBilly Crowell (Pitch-facing front-hands above waist-Cleveland's) 1 0
103-2a CrowellBilly Crowell (Pitch-facing L-hands at L above waist-Cleveland's) 0 0
103-4b CrowellBilly Crowell (Pitch-R/arm extended towards camera-St. Joes) 0 0
103-1b CrowellBilly Crowell (Pitch-facing front-hands above waist-St. Joes) 1 0
103-5a CrowellBilly Crowell (Bat at ready-over R/shoulder-Clevelands) 1 0
103-2b CrowellBilly Crowell (Pitch-facing L-hands at L above waist-St. Joes) 0 0
104-3a CudworthJim Cudworth (Throw-R/hand above head) 1 0
104-2a CudworthJim Cudworth (Catch-hands head high) 1 0
104-1a CudworthJim Cudworth (Stooping to field low ball) 1 0
104-4a CudworthJim Cudworth (Strike-looking at ball at L/border) 1 0
105-5a CunninghamBert Cunningham (Bat at ready at 30-Baltimores) 0 0
105-1a CunninghamBert Cunningham (Catch-hands neck high-Baltimores) 1 0
105-2b CunninghamBert Cunningham (Pitch-hands chest high-Philadelphias) 0 0
105-4a CunninghamBert Cunningham (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Baltimores) 0 0
105-2a CunninghamBert Cunningham (Pitch-hands chest high-Baltimores) 0 0 Buy
105-3a CunninghamBert Cunningham (Pitch-ball in R/hand waist high-L/arm across waist-Baltimores) 0 0 Buy
106-3a CurtisTacks Curtis (Bat at ready-on ground) 1 0
106-1a CurtisTacks Curtis (Stooping-hands ankle high-feet together) 1 0
106-4a CurtisTacks Curtis (Bat at ready nearly vertical) 1 0
106-2a CurtisTacks Curtis (Stooping-hands ankle high-feet apart) 1 0
106-5a CurtisTacks Curtis (Catch-hands head high) 0 0
107-2a CushmanEd Cushman (Pitch-L/hand forward head high-Toledos) 1 0
107-1 CushmanEd Cushman (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
107-2b CushmanEd Cushman (Pitch-L/hand forward head high-Toledo's) 0 0
108-2a CusickTony Cusick (Throw-R/hand head high) 0 0
108-4a CusickTony Cusick (Catch-reaching/L-hands head high) 0 0
108-1a CusickTony Cusick (Strike-looking at ball) 0 0
108-3a CusickTony Cusick (Bat in R/hand at side) 0 0
108-5a CusickTony Cusick (Hands on knees) 0 0
109-1A DaileyVincent Dailey (Mask in R/hand at side) 1 0
110-2b DaileyEdward Dailey (Pitch-hands neck high-Pitcher, Philadelphia) 1 0
110-1e DaileyEdward Dailey (Pitch-R/hand head high-Columbus) 0 0
110-1b DaileyEdward Dailey (Pitch-R/hand head high-Pitcher, Philadelphia) 1 0
110-3c DaileyEdward Dailey (Bat at ready at 45-Washington) 0 0
110-2a DaileyEdward Dailey (Pitch-hands neck high-P., Phila.) 1 0
110-3b DaileyEdward Dailey (Bat at ready at 45-Pitcher, Philadelphia) 1 0
110-1c DaileyEdward Dailey (Pitch-R/hand head high-Washington) 1 0
110-1a DaileyEdward Dailey (Pitch-R/hand head high-Phila.) 1 0
110-2c DaileyEdward Dailey (Pitch-hands neck high-Washington) 0 0
110-3a DaileyEdward Dailey (Bat at ready at 45-P., Phila.) 1 0
110-3d DaileyEdward Dailey (Bat at ready at 45-Columbus) 1 0
110-1d DaileyEdward Dailey (Pitch-R/hand head high-Washington's) 0 0
111-1c DaleyBill Daley (Pitch-hands above waist-W. Daley) 0 0
111-1a DaleyBill Daley (Pitch-hands above waist-Daley) 1 0
111-1b DaleyBill Daley (Pitch-hands above waist-(PL)) 0 0
112-3a DaleyCon Daley (Throw-R/hand head high-Catcher, Boston) 1 0
112-3c DaleyCon Daley (Throw, R/hand head high-C., Indianapolis) 1 0
112-5b DaleyCon Daley (Strike-bat nearly vertical-Catcher, Boston) 0 0
112-4a DaleyCon Daley (Strike-bat over L/shoulder-C., Boston) 0 0
112-5c DaleyCon Daley (Strike-bat nearly vertical-Wheelock-Boston) 0 0
112-4c DaleyCon Daley (Strike-bat over L/shoulder-C. Indianapolis) 1 0
112-1b DaleyCon Daley (Hands on knees-Catcher Boston) 0 0
112-2c DaleyCon Daley (R/hand on hip-L/arm at side-Catcher, Boston) 0 0
112-3c DaleyCon Daley (Throw, R/hand head high-C., Boston) 0 0
112-1a DaleyCon Daley (Hands on knees-C., Boston) 1 0 Buy
112-2b DaleyCon Daley (R/hand on hip-L/arm at side-C., Indianapolis) 1 0
112-1c DaleyCon Daley (Hands on knees-Indianapolis) 1 0
112-4b DaleyCon Daley (Strike-bat over L/shoulder-Catcher, Boston) 1 0
112-3b DaleyCon Daley (Throw-R/hand head high-Anonymous) 1 0
112-2a DaleyCon Daley (R/hand on hip-L/arm at side-C., Boston) 0 0
112-5a DaleyCon Daley (Strike-bat nearly vertical-C., Indianapolis) 1 0
112-2d DaleyCon Daley (R/hand on hip-L/arm at side-C., Indianapolis) 1 0
112-3d DaleyCon Daley (Throw, R/hand head high-C., Boston) 0 0
113-3c DalrympleAbner Dalrymple (Throw-R/hand head high-L.F., Denvers) 1 0
113-3a DalrympleAbner Dalrymple (Throw-R/hand head high-L.F., Pittsburg) 1 0
113-4b DalrympleAbner Dalrymple (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Left Field, Pittsburg) 0 0
113-2b DalrympleAbner Dalrymple (Hands on hips-L/foot behind R/foot-Left Field) 1 0
113-1a DalrympleAbner Dalrymple (Hands on hips-feet apart-L.F., Pittsburg) 1 0
113-2a DalrympleAbner Dalrymple (Hands on hips-L/foot behind R/foot-L.F., Pittsburg) 1 0
113-1b DalrympleAbner Dalrymple (Hands on hips-feet apart-Left Field, Pittsburg) 1 0
113-2c DalrympleAbner Dalrymple (Hands on hips-L/foot behind R/foot-L.F., Denvers) 0 0
113-3d DalrympleAbner Dalrymple (Throw-R/hand head high-Dolrynigle) 0 0
113-3b DalrympleAbner Dalrymple (Throw-R/hand head high-Left field, Pittsburg) 1 0
113-4a DalrympleAbner Dalrymple (Bat at ready nearly vertical-L.F., Pittsburg) 1 0
113-1c DalrympleAbner Dalrymple (Hands on hips-feet apart-Denvers) 1 0
114-3a DalyTom Daly (Bat in R/hand at side-Chicagos) 1 0 Buy
114-2a DalyTom Daly (Catch-hands chest high-in cap-Chicagos) 1 0 Buy
114-1a DalyTom Daly (Portrait-looking/R-Chicagos) 1 0
114-6c DalyTom Daly (Bat at ready at 45-NO Ball-Chicago's) 1 0
114-2b DalyTom Daly (Catch-hands chest high-in cap-Washington) 0 0
114-3b DalyTom Daly (Bat in R/hand at side-Chicago) 0 0
114-4b DalyTom Daly (Bat at ready at 45-ball visible-Chicago) 0 0
114-5c DalyTom Daly (Hands on knees-Chicago) 0 0
114-5b DalyTom Daly (Hands on knees-Chicago's) 1 0
114-3c DalyTom Daly (Bat in R/hand at side-Clevelands) 1 0
114-5a DalyTom Daly (Hands on knees-Chicagos) 1 0
114-6a DalyTom Daly (Bat at ready at 45-NO ball-Chicagos) 0 0
114-6b DalyTom Daly (Bat at ready at 45-NO Ball-Chicago) 0 0
114-1b DalyTom Daly (Portrait-looking/R-Chicago) 1 0
114-2c DalyTom Daly (Catch-hands chest high-in cap-Chicago) 0 0
114-4a DalyTom Daly (Bat at ready at 45-ball visible-Chicagos) 0 0
114-4c DalyTom Daly (Bat at ready at 45-ball visible-Chicago's) 0 0
115-3a DalySun Daly (Catch-Hands by R/thigh-Minneapolis) 1 0
115-5a DalySun Daly (Catch-hands neck high-Minneapolis) 1 0
115-2a DalySun Daly (Strike-looking at ball-Minneapolis) 1 0
115-4a DalySun Daly (Catch-hands chest high-Minneapolis) 1 0
115-1a DalySun Daly (Bat at ready-Looking at camera-Minneapolis) 1 0
116-1a DanielsLaw Daniels (Bat at ready at 60) 0 0
116-4a DanielsLaw Daniels (Throw-ball in R/hand head high) 0 0
116-5a DanielsLaw Daniels (Catching ground ball-hands between legs) 1 0
116-3a DanielsLaw Daniels (Catch-ball in hands by R/thigh) 1 0
116-2a DanielsLaw Daniels (Catch-hands outstretched head high) 0 0
117-4c DarlingDell Darling (Catch-hands waist high-Chicago's) 0 0
117-2c DarlingDell Darling (Arms folded-Chicago (PL)) 0 0
117-3b DarlingDell Darling (Catch-hands chin high-Chicagos) 1 0
117-5a DarlingDell Darling (Strike-L/profile-Bat near vertical-Chicago) 1 0
117-1a DarlingDell Darling (Portrait) 1 0
117-3a DarlingDell Darling (Catch-hands chin high-Chicago) 0 0
117-4b DarlingDell Darling (Catch-hands waist high-Chicagos) 0 0
117-2b DarlingDell Darling (Arms folded-Chicagos) 0 0
117-2a DarlingDell Darling (Arms folded-Chicago) 1 0
117-4a DarlingDell Darling (Catch-hands waist high-Chicago) 1 0
117-1b DarlingDell Darling (Portrait (PL)) 0 0
118-1c DarnbroughWilliam Darnbrough (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-No name) 0 0
118-2a DarnbroughWilliam Darnbrough (Pitch-hands chest high-P.,) 1 0
118-1a DarnbroughWilliam Darnbrough (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-Denver) 0 0
118.5-2a DavinD.J. Davin (Catch-hands chest high) 0 0
118.5-3a DavinD.J. Davin (Bat at ready nearly vertical) 1 0
118-2b DarnbroughWilliam Darnbrough (Pitch-hands chest high-P.) 0 0
118.5-1a DavinD.J. Davin (Bat in R/hand at side) 0 0
118-1b DarnbroughWilliam Darnbrough (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-Denvers) 1 0
119-2a DavisJumbo Davis (Stooping to field grounder) 1 0
119-6a DavisJumbo Davis (Catch-bending/L-hands thigh high) 0 0
119-1a DavisJumbo Davis (Sliding on back) 0 0
119-3a DavisJumbo Davis (Catch-hands cupped shoulder high) 1 0
119-4a DavisJumbo Davis (Throw-R/hand chest high) 1 0
119-5a DavisJumbo Davis (Bat in R/hand at side) 0 0
119-7a DavisJumbo Davis (Strike-facing/L-looking at ball) 1 0
120-3a DealeyPat Dealey (Bat in R/hand at side-C.) 1 0
120-6b DealeyPat Dealey (Throw-R/hand head high-Catcher) 0 0
120-5a DealeyPat Dealey (Strike-bat on R/shoulder-C.) 1 0
120-6a DealeyPat Dealey (Throw-R/hand head high-C.) 1 0
120-3b DealeyPat Dealey (Bat in R/hand at side-Catcher) 0 0
120-4a DealeyPat Dealey (Hands on thighs-C.) 1 0
120-1a DealeyPat Dealey (Catch-hands waist high-standing upright-C.) 1 0
120-2a DealeyPat Dealey (Catch-hands waist high-leaning/L-C.) 1 0
120-5b DealeyPat Dealey (Strike-bat on R/shoulder-Catcher) 0 0
121-9a DeasleyPat Deasley (Bat at ready at 60-N.Y's.) 0 0
121-8a DeasleyTom Deasley (Catch-hands in front of face-N.Y's) 0 0
121-5a DeasleyTom Deasley (Bat in R/hand at side-N.Y.'s) 1 0
121-13a DeasleyTom Deasley (Throw-R/hand behind back-Washington) 1 0
121-2b DeasleyTom Deasley (Sliding-Washingtons) 0 0
121-12a DeasleyPat Deasley (Throw-R/hand neck high-N.Y's) 0 0
121-4a DeasleyTom Deasley (Leaning/L-hands clasped neck high-N.Y's.) 1 0
121-5b DeasleyTom Deasley (Bat in R/hand at side-Washingtons) 0 0
121-7a DeasleyTom Deasley (Ready to catch-Hands chest high-N.Y.) 1 0
121-10a DeasleyPat Deasley (R/hand hip high-L/hand by L/knee-N.Y's) 1 0
121-12b DeasleyTom Deasley (Throw-R/hand neck high-Washingtons) 0 0
121-4b DeasleyTom Deasley (Leaning/L-hands clasped neck high-Washingtons) 0 0
121-13a DeasleyTom Deasley (Bat at ready near vertical behind head-N.Y.) 1 0
121-13b DeasleyTom Deasley (Throw-R/hand behind back-C. N.Y's) 0 0
121-14a DeasleyTom Deasley (Stooping to field grounder-N.Y's.) 1 0 Buy
121-11a DeasleyPat Deasley (Throw-hands at L chest high-N.Y's) 0 0
121-6a DeasleyTom Deasley (Leaning L-ball in hands by chin-N.Y's) 1 0
121-3b DeasleyTom Deasley (Leaning/L-hands touching above waist-Washingtons) 0 0
121-3a DeasleyTom Deasley (Leaning/L-hands touching above waist-N.Y's.) 1 0
121-1a DeasleyTom Deasley (Catch-hands level with cap-N.Y's.) 1 0
121-9b DeasleyTom Deasley (Bat at ready at 60-Washingtons) 0 0
121-2a DeasleyTom Deasley (Sliding-N.Y's.) 1 0
122-1a DeckerHarry Decker (Bat at ready nearly horizontal-Philadelphias) 1 0 Buy
122-5b DeckerHarry Decker (Throw-R/hand neck high-Philadelphia) 0 0
122-1b DeckerHarry Decker (Bat at ready nearly horizontal-Phila's) 0 0
122-2b DeckerHarry Decker (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-Philadelphia (NL)) 0 0
122-3b DeckerHarry Decker (Catch-hands thigh high-Phila's) 0 0
122-5a DeckerHarry Decker (Throw-R/hand neck high-Philadelphias) 1 0
122-4b DeckerHarry Decker (Catch-hands chest high-Philadelphia) 1 0
122-5c DeckerHarry Decker (Throw-R/hand neck high-Philadelphia (NL)) 0 0
122-2a DeckerHarry Decker (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-Philadelphias) 0 0
122-3a DeckerHarry Decker (Catch-hands thigh high-Philadelphias) 1 0
122-4a DeckerHarry Decker (Catch-hands chest high-Philadelphias) 1 0
123-4b DelahantyEd Delahanty (Throw-R/hand head high-Phila's) 1 1
123-3b DelahantyEd Delahanty (Catch-hands at waist-Phila's) 1 1
123-5a DelahantyEd Delahanty (Stooping to field grounder-Phila) 1 1
123-1b DelahantyEd Delahanty (Bat at ready by R/shoulder-Phila's) 1 1 Buy
123-4a DelahantyEd Delahanty (Throw-R/hand head high-Phila.) 1 1
123-3a DelahantyEd Delahanty (Catch-hands at waist-Phila.) 1 1
123-2a DelahantyEd Delahanty (Bat at ready nearly horizontal-Phila.) 1 1
123-1a DelahantyEd Delahanty (Bat at ready by R/shoulder-Phila.) 1 1
124-1b DennyJerry Denny (Bat at ready at 60-3d Base, Indianapolis) 0 0
124-3a DennyJerry Denny (Catch-hands cupped chest high-3d B. Indianapolis) 1 0
124-2a DennyJerry Denny (In jacket-arms at side-3d B. Indianapolis) 1 0
124-2b DennyJerry Denny (In jacket-arms at side-3rd Base, Indianapolis.) 1 0
124-3b DennyJerry Denny (Catch-hands cupped chest high-3d Base, Indianapolis) 0 0
124-1a DennyJerry Denny (Bat at ready at 60-3d B. Indianapolis) 1 0
124-2c DennyJerry Denny (In jacket-arms at side-New York (NL)) 0 0
125-5a DevlinJim Devlin (Strike-ball waist high-looking at camera-J. Devlin) 1 0 Buy
125-1b DevlinJim Devlin (Slide-R/hand on base-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
125-2c DevlinJim Devlin (Pitch-L/hand at back shoulder high-Browns) 0 0
125-3a DevlinJim Devlin (Pitch-hands held out shoulder high-Browns) 1 0
125-2d DevlinJim Devlin (Pitch-L/hand at back shoulder high-J. Devlin) 1 0
125-4b DevlinJim Devlin (End of pitch-L/hand waist high-Delvin) 0 0
125-4c DevlinJim Devlin (End of pitch-L/hand waist high-St. Louis) 1 0 Buy
125-2b DevlinJim Devlin (Pitch-L/hand at back shoulder high-Delvin) 0 0
125-1a DevlinJim Devlin (Slide-R/hand on base-St. Louis) 1 0
125-2e DevlinJim Devlin (Pitch-L/hand at back shoulder high-Brown's) 0 0
125-4a DevlinJim Devlin (End of pitch-L/hand waist high-Browns) 1 0
125-2a DevlinJim Devlin (Pitch-L/hand at back shoulder high-St. Louis) 1 0
126-4a DolanTom Dolan (Catch-hands cupped above waist-St. Louis) 0 0
126-1a DolanTom Dolan (Sliding-R/hand on base-Denvers) 1 0
126-2a DolanTom Dolan (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-St. Louis Browns) 1 0 Buy
126-3a DolanTom Dolan (Bat in R/hand at side-St. Louis Browns) 0 0
126-5a DolanTom Dolan (Catch-in mask-hands by R/knee-St. Louis) 0 0
126-2b DolanTom Dolan (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-Denvers) 0 0
127-1a DonahueJack Donahue (Catch-hands neck high-San Francisco) 0 0
128-4b DonahueJim Donahue (Stooping to field grounder by L/foot-City) 1 0
128-5a DonahueJim Donahue (Stooping-ball by hands knee high-City) 1 0
128-1a DonahueJim Donahue (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
128-3a DonahueJim Donahue (Strike-bat nearly vertical-looking at ball-City) 1 0
128-2b DonahueJim Donahue (Throw-R/hand neck high-Citys) 0 0
128-5b DonahueJim Donahue (Stooping-ball by hands knee high-Citys) 0 0
128-6b DonahueJim Donahue (Ball in hands head high-Citys) 0 0
128-2a DonahueJim Donahue (Throw-R/hand neck high-City) 0 0
128-4a DonahueJim Donahue (Stooping to field grounder by L/foot-Citys) 1 0
128-3b DonahueJim Donahue (Strike-bat nearly vertical-looking at ball-Citys) 0 0
128-6a DonahueJim Donahue (Ball in hands head high-City) 0 0
129-2a DonnellyJim Donnelly (Bat at ready at 45-3d) 1 0
129-3b DonnellyJim Donnelly (Stooping to field grounder-Third) 1 0
129-1b DonnellyJim Donnelly (Catch-hands cupped shoulder high-Third) 1 0
129-1a DonnellyJim Donnelly (Catch-hands cupped shoulder high-3d) 1 0
129-3a DonnellyJim Donnelly (Stooping to field grounder-3d) 1 0
129-2b DonnellyJim Donnelly (Bat at ready at 45-Third Base) 1 0
130-1a DooleyCharles Dooley (Ball in hands neck high-Oakland) 0 0
131-3a DoranJohn Doran (Kneeling to field grounder) 1 0
131-2a DoranJohn Doran (Catch-Hands cupped chest high) 0 0
131-1a DoranJohn Doran (Bat in R/hand at side) 0 0
132-11b DorganMike Dorgan (Stooping to field grounds with R/hand by R/foot-New Yorks) 0 0
132-5a DorganMike Dorgan (Throw-R/hand chest high-N.Y's.) 0 0
132-4a DorganMike Dorgan (Throw-R/hand cap high-looking/L-N.Y's) 1 0 Buy
132-16b DorganMike Dorgan (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-New Yorks) 0 0
132-11a DorganMike Dorgan (Stooping to field grounds with R/hand by R/foot-N.Y's) 1 0
132-9 DorganMike Dorgan (Catch-Stooping-hands ankle high-New Yorks) 0 0
132-1a DorganMike Dorgan (Slide-L/hand raised-N.Y.'s.) 1 0
132-16a DorganMike Dorgan (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-N.Y's.) 1 0 Buy
132-6a DorganMike Dorgan (Catch-R/hand upstretched/L-N.Y's) 1 0
132-8a DorganMike Dorgan (Catch-Hands chin high) 0 0
132-17a DorganMike Dorgan (Bat at ready near vertical-N.Y's) 1 0
132-13a DorganMike Dorgan (Arms crossed) 0 0
132-15b DorganMike Dorgan (Bat in R/hand at side-New Yorks) 1 0
132-14a DorganMike Dorgan (Running/L-L/arm at side-N.Y's.) 1 0
132-3a DorganMike Dorgan (Throw-R/hand eye high-looking front-N.Y's) 1 0
132-5b DorganMike Dorgan (Throw-R/hand chest high-New Yorks) 0 0
132-12a DorganMike Dorgan (Hands on knees-N.Y's) 1 0
132-2a DorganMike Dorgan (Slide-L/hand on ground-N.Y's) 1 0
132-10a DorganMike Dorgan (Stooping to field grounder with both hands-N.Y's) 1 0
132-9a DorganMike Dorgan (Catch-Stooping-hands ankle high-N.Y.'s.) 0 0
132-7a DorganMike Dorgan (Catch-hands above head-N.Y's) 1 0
132-15a DorganMike Dorgan (Bat in R/hand at side-N.Y's.) 1 0
133-1a DoyleConny Doyle (Throw-R/hand head high-San Francisco) 0 0
134-1a DuffeCharlie Duffe (Strike-bat over right shoulder-looking at ball-St. Louis) 1 0
134-4a DuffeCharlie Duffe (Catch-standing upright-hands above waist-St. Louis) 1 0
134-6a DuffeCharlie Duffe (Strike-bat over right shoulder-NO ball visible-St. Louis) 0 0
134-3a DuffeCharlie Duffe (Catch-bending/L-hands waist high-St. Louis) 1 0
134-5a DuffeCharlie Duffe (Catch-leaning forward-hands about shoulder high-St. Louis) 0 0
134-2a DuffeCharlie Duffe (Stooping to field grounder-St. Louis) 1 0
135-2a DuffyHugh Duffy (Stooping to field grounder-Chicago) 1 1
135-1b DuffyHugh Duffy (Bat at ready-almost vertical-Chicagos) 1 1
135-1d DuffyHugh Duffy (Bat at ready-almost vertical-Chicago (PL)) 0 1
135-3c DuffyHugh Duffy (Throw-R/hand head high-Chicago's) 1 1
135-4a DuffyHugh Duffy (Catch-hands neck high-feet apart-Chicago) 0 1
135-5b DuffyHugh Duffy (Catch-hands chin high-R/heal behind L/leg-Chicagos) 1 1
135-2b DuffyHugh Duffy (Stooping to field grounder-Chicago's) 0 1
135-1c DuffyHugh Duffy (Bat at ready-almost vertical-Chicago's) 1 1 Buy
135-1a DuffyHugh Duffy (Bat at ready-almost vertical-Chicago) 1 1
135-3d DuffyHugh Duffy (Throw-R/hand head high-Chicago (PL)) 0 1
135-3a DuffyHugh Duffy (Throw-R/hand head high-Chicagos) 1 1
135-3b DuffyHugh Duffy (Throw-R/hand head high-Chicago) 0 1
135-5c DuffyHugh Duffy (Catch-hands chin high-R/heal behind L/leg-Chicago's) 1 1
135-5a DuffyHugh Duffy (Catch-hands chin high-R/heal behind L/leg-Chicago) 1 1
136-2a DugdaleDan Dugdale (Hands On Knees-L/profile-Chicago) 1 0
136-3b DugdaleDan Dugdale (Bat in R/hand at side-Chicago) 0 0
136-3a DugdaleDan Dugdale (Bat in R/hand at side-Minpls.) 1 0
136-1a DugdaleDan Dugdale (Hands on knees-looking at camera-Chicago) 0 0
136-4a DugdaleDan Dugdale (Ball in R/hand held up head high-Chicago) 0 0
137-3a DukeDuck Duke (Pitch-hands waist high) 0 0
137-5a DukeDuck Duke (Pitch-R/arm extended head high) 0 0 Buy
137-1a DukeDuck Duke (Bat at ready over R/shoulder) 0 0
137-4a DukeDuck Duke (Pitch-Hands at chest) 1 0
137-2a DukeDuck Duke (Pitch-R/hand chin high) 0 0
138-4a DunlapFred Dunlap (Strike-looking at ball near chest) 1 0
138-5a DunlapFred Dunlap (Catch-hands cupped above waist) 1 0
138-8a DunlapFred Dunlap (Ball in R/hand above head looking R-arm partially concealing head) 1 0
138-2a DunlapFred Dunlap (Hands on thighs) 1 0 Buy
138-10a DunlapFred Dunlap (Looking up at ball in R/hand above head) 1 0
138-6a DunlapFred Dunlap (Catch-hands cupped shoulder high) 1 0
138-1a DunlapFred Dunlap (Sliding-R/hand raised) 1 0
138-3a DunlapFred Dunlap (Bat in R/hand at side) 0 0
138-7a DunlapFred Dunlap (Throw-R/hand about waist high) 1 0
138-9a DunlapFred Dunlap (In coat looking/L-arms at sides) 0 0
138-11a DunlapFred Dunlap (Ball in extended R/hand waist high) 1 0
139-3a DunnJ.E. Dunn (Ball in R/hand head high-facing front) 1 0
139-4a DunnJ.E. Dunn (Ball in R/hand chin high-looking/R) 0 0
139-1a DunnJ.E. Dunn (Batting at ready at 60) 0 0
139-2a DunnJ.E. Dunn (Pitch-hands chest high) 1 0
139-5a DunnJ.E. Dunn (Catch-hands cupped chest high) 0 0
140-6a DuryeaJesse Duryea (Pitch-hands at chest-facing/L-St.Paul) 0 0
140-3a DuryeaJesse Duryea (Throw-R/hand head high-Cincinnati) 1 0
140-3b DuryeaJesse Duryea (Throw-R/hand head high-Cincinnatis) 0 0
140-4c DuryeaJesse Duryea (Throw-R/hand chest high-St.Paul) 0 0
140-5a DuryeaJesse Duryea (Pitch-hands at chest-looking/R-St.Paul) 0 0
140-1a DuryeaJesse Duryea (Bat at ready at about 30-Cincinnati (NL)) 0 0
140-1b DuryeaJesse Duryea (Bat at ready at about 30-Cincinnatis) 0 0
140-4a DuryeaJesse Duryea (Throw-R/hand chest high-Cincinnatis) 0 0
140-4b DuryeaJesse Duryea (Throw-R/hand chest high-Cincinnati (NL)) 0 0
140-2a DuryeaJesse Duryea (Bat over L/Arm-hands together-Cincinnatis) 0 0
141-2a DwyerFrank Dwyer (Throw-R/hand head high-Chicago's) 0 0
141-5a DwyerFrank Dwyer (Ball in hands above waist-Chicagos) 0 0
141-3a DwyerFrank Dwyer (Bat in R/hand at side-Chicagos) 1 0
141-3b DwyerFrank Dwyer (Bat in R/hand at side-Chicago's) 0 0
141-6b DwyerFrank Dwyer (Catch-hands cupped head high/L-Chicagos (PL)) 0 0
141-4a DwyerFrank Dwyer (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Chicagos) 0 0
141-1a DwyerFrank Dwyer (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Chicagos) 1 0
141-6a DwyerFrank Dwyer (Catch-hands cupped head high/L-Chicago's) 1 0
141-1b DwyerFrank Dwyer (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Chicago's) 0 0
142-1a EarleBilly Earle (Catch-hands above head-Cincinnatis) 1 0
142-3b EarleBilly Earle (Bat in R/hand at side-St. Paul) 0 0
142-2a EarleBilly Earle (Catch-bending forward hands thigh high-Cincinnati) 0 0
142-3a EarleBilly Earle (Bat in R/hand at side-Cincinnati) 0 0
142-4a EarleBilly Earle (Throw-R/hand head high-mask & glove in L/hand-Cincinnati) 0 0
143-1a EbrightBuck Ebright (Hands on knees) 0 0 Buy
143-2a EbrightBuck Ebright (Throw-R/hand head high) 0 0
143-3a EbrightBuck Ebright (Bat at ready at 60) 0 0
144-4a EhretRed Ehret (Bat at ready 45) 0 0
144-3a EhretRed Ehret (Pitch-hands held out head high) 0 0 Buy
144-2a EhretRed Ehret (Pitch-hands by L/shoulder) 0 0
144-5a EhretRed Ehret (Pitch-R/hand forward head high) 0 0
144-1a EhretRed Ehret (Throw-stooping-R/hand knee high) 0 0
145-1a EmmerkeR. Emmerke (Bat at ready-looking at camera) 1 0
145-4a EmmerkeR. Emmerke (Pitch-R/hand head high) 1 0
145-5a EmmerkeR. Emmerke (Pitch-R/hand chest high-L/foot off ground) 0 0
145-2a EmmerkeR. Emmerke (Strike-looking at ball chest high) 1 0
145-3a EmmerkeR. Emmerke (Pitch-hands at chest) 1 0
146-5a EsterbrookDude Esterbrook (Bat at ready close to head-Indianapolis) 1 0
146-4a EsterbrookDude Esterbrook (Kneeling on R/knee to field grounder-Indianapolis) 0 0
146-3a EsterbrookDude Esterbrook (Bending facing front-hands on knees-New York) 0 0
146-6b EsterbrookDude Esterbrook (Catch-hands cupped above waist-Lo'villes) 0 0
146-7b EsterbrookDude Esterbrook (R/hand over ball in L/hand waist high-Lo'villes) 1 0
146-5a EwingJohn Ewing (Pitch-hands neck high-Looking/R-Louisvilles) 0 0
146-6a EsterbrookDude Esterbrook (Catch-hands cupped above waist-Indianapolis) 1 0
146-3b EsterbrookDude Esterbrook (Bending facing front-hands on knees-Indianapolis) 0 0
146-7a EsterbrookDude Esterbrook (R/hand over ball in L/hand waist high-Indianapolis) 1 0
146-5b EsterbrookDude Esterbrook (Bat at ready close to head-Louisvilles) 0 0
146-2a EsterbrookDude Esterbrook (Bending facing/L-hands on knees-Script name only) 1 0
146-7c EsterbrookDude Esterbrook (R/hand over ball in L/hand waist high-New York) 0 0
146-1a EsterbrookDude Esterbrook (Standing upright-R/hand on hip-Script name only) 1 0
147-4b EsterdayHenry Esterday (Throw-R/hand chest high-Kansas City) 0 0
147-3a EsterdayHenry Esterday (Catch-hands above head-Columbus) 1 0
147-2a EsterdayHenry Esterday (Stooping for grounder-hands ankle high-Kansas City) 0 0
147-4a EsterdayHenry Esterday (Throw-R/hand chest high-Columbus) 0 0
147-3b EsterdayHenry Esterday (Catch-hands above head-Kansas City) 1 0
147-2a EsterdayHenry Esterday (Stooping for grounder-hands ankle high-Columbus) 1 0
147-1a EsterdayHenry Esterday (Stooping to field grounder by L/foot-Kansas City) 0 0
148-3a EwingJohn Ewing (Pitch-hands at cap-Louisvilles) 0 0
148-4a EwingJohn Ewing (Pitch-hands neck high-facing front-Louisvilles) 0 0
148-1a EwingJohn Ewing (Bat over R/shoulder-looking at camera-Louisvilles) 1 0
148-2a EwingJohn Ewing (Strike-bat nearly vertical-looking at ball-Louisvilles) 0 0
148-1b EwingJohn Ewing (Bat over R/shoulder-looking at camera-New York (PL)) 1 0
149-10b EwingBuck Ewing (Strike-bat nearly horizontal-looking down at ball by bat-Capt. New Yorks) 0 1
149-9b EwingBuck Ewing (Bat at ready at 45-Capt., New Yorks) 1 1
149-4a EwingBuck Ewing (Throw-R/arm extended forward head high-C., New Yorks) 0 1
149-6b EwingBuck Ewing (Walking/L-hands thigh high-Capt. N. Y's) 0 1
149-1b EwingBuck Ewing (Sliding-horizontal-C., New Yorks) 1 1
149-8b EwingBuck Ewing (Bat in R/hand at side-C., New Yorks) 1 1
149-6c EwingBuck Ewing (Walking/L-hands thigh high-C., New Yorks) 1 1
149-2b EwingBuck Ewing (Hands on knees-Captain New Yorks) 1 1
149-5b EwingBuck Ewing (Catch-hands head high-C., New Yorks) 0 1
149-11b EwingBuck Ewing (Standing by mascot on chair-N.Y's) 1 2
149-7b EwingBuck Ewing (Stooping to field grounder-L/profile-C., New Yorks) 1 1
149-2d EwingBuck Ewing (Hands on Knees-C. New York (PL)) 0 1
149-10a EwingBuck Ewing (Strike-bat nearly horizontal-looking down at ball by bat-Captain, New Yorks) 1 1
149-4b EwingBuck Ewing (Throw-R/arm extended forward head high-Captain, New Yorks) 0 1
149-8a EwingBuck Ewing (Bat in R/hand at side-Capt., New Yorks) 1 1 Buy
149-9a EwingBuck Ewing (Bat ready at 45-C., New Yorks) 1 1 Buy
149-1a EwingBuck Ewing (Sliding-horizontal-Capt., New Yorks) 1 1
149-6d EwingBuck Ewing (Walking/L-hands thigh high-C., New York (PL)) 0 1
149-6a EwingBuck Ewing (Walking/L-hands thigh high-Captain, New Yorks) 1 1
149-2c EwingBuck Ewing (Hands on knees-Capt. N.Y's) 0 1
149-3b EwingBuck Ewing (Throw-R/hand waist high at side-C., New Yorks) 0 1
149-2a EwingBuck Ewing (Hands on knees-C., New Yorks) 1 1
149-11c EwingBuck Ewing (Standing by mascot on chair-New York PL) 1 2
149-5a EwingBuck Ewing (Catch-hands head high-Capt. New Yorks) 0 1 Buy
149-11a EwingBuck Ewing (Standing by mascot on chair-New Yorks) 1 2
149-7a EwingBuck Ewing (Stooping to field grounder-L/profile-Capt., New Yorks) 1 1
149-3a EwingBuck Ewing (Throw-R/hand waist high at side-Capt., New Yorks) 0 1
150-3b FaatzJay Faatz (Throw-R/Hand head high-R/profile-Captain) 0 0
150-2b FaatzJay Faatz (Bat at 30-Captain) 1 0
150-2a FaatzJay Faatz (Bat at 30-Capt.) 1 0
150-1b FaatzJay Faatz (Stooping to field grounder-Clevelands) 0 0
150-1a FaatzJay Faatz (Stooping to field grounder-Cleveland's) 1 0
150-3a FaatzJay Faatz (Throw-R/Hand head high-R/profile-Capt) 1 0
151-1b FaganBill Fagan (Pitch-L/hand chin high R/foot pointing L-Denvers) 1 0
151-1a FaganBill Fagan (Pitch-L/hand chin high R/foot pointing L-Kansas City) 1 0
151-2a FaganBill Fagan (Pitch-hands about neck high-Kansas City) 1 0
151-5a FaganBill Fagan (Pitch-L/hand eye high-R/foot pointing forward-Denvers) 1 0
151-5b FaganBill Fagan (Pitch-L/hand eye high-R/foot pointing forward-Kansas City) 0 0
151-4a FaganBill Fagan (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Kansas City) 1 0
151-3a FaganBill Fagan (L/profile-R/hand forward waist high-L/hand in rear off picture-Kansas City) 0 0
152-2b FarmerBill Farmer (Hands on knees-Pittsburgh's) 0 0
152-2a FarmerBill Farmer (Hands on knees-Pittsburgh) 1 0
152-2d FarmerBill Farmer (Hands on knees-St. Pauls) 1 0
152-3b FarmerBill Farmer (Catch-hands thigh high-bare head-St. Pauls) 1 0
152-4b FarmerBill Farmer (Throw-R/hand close to head-St. Pauls) 0 0
152-1a FarmerBill Farmer (Tagging player on ground-Pittsburgh) 0 0
152-5a FarmerBill Farmer (Bat at ready by head-Pittsburgh) 1 0
152-2c FarmerBill Farmer (Hands on knees-Pittsburg) 0 0
152-3c FarmerBill Farmer (Catch-hands thigh high-bare head-St.Paul Script in photo) 1 0
152-3a FarmerBill Farmer (Catch-hands thigh high-bare head-Pittsburgh's) 1 0
152-4a FarmerBill Farmer (Throw-R/hand close to head-Pittsburgh) 1 0
152-5b FarmerBill Farmer (Bat at ready by head-St. Pauls) 0 0
153-2c FarrarSid Farrar (Stooping to field grounder-First Base, Philadelphia) 0 0
153-4b FarrarSid Farrar (Catch-hands cupped chin high-1st B., Philadelphias) 0 0
153-3b FarrarSid Farrar (R/hand at belt-L/arm at side-cap-Philadelphias) 1 0
153-5b FarrarSid Farrar (Catch-stooping-hands ankle high-First Base, Philadelphias) 0 0
153-6b FarrarSid Farrar (Arms folded-bare head-Phila.) 1 0
153-6d FarrarSid Farrar (Arms folded-bare head-First Base, Philadelphias) 0 0
153-1a FarrarSid Farrar (Catch-hands held out head high-Phila.) 1 0
153-1b FarrarSid Farrar (Catch-hands held out head high-First Base, Philadelphias) 0 0
153-3a FarrarSid Farrar (R/hand at belt-L/arm at side-cap-1st B., Phila.) 1 0
153-4a FarrarSid Farrar (Catch-hands cupped chin high-1st B., Phila.) 0 0
153-4c FarrarSid Farrar (Catch-hands cupped chin high-First Base, Philadelphias) 0 0
153-7a FarrarSid Farrar (Hands on thighs-looking at ball head high-1st B., Philadelphias) 0 0
153-6c FarrarSid Farrar (Arms folded-bare head-1st B., Philadelphias) 1 0
153-5a FarrarSid Farrar (Catch-stooping-hands ankle high-1st B., Phila.) 1 0
153-2b FarrarSid Farrar (Stooping to field grounder-Philadelphias (PL)) 0 0
153-2a FarrarSid Farrar (Stooping to field grounder-1st B. Philadelphias) 1 0
153-1c FarrarSid Farrar (Catch-hands held out head high-1st B., Philadelphias) 0 0
153-6a FarrarSid Farrar (Arms folded-bare head-Philadelphias (PL)) 0 0
154-1a FarrellJack Farrell (Bat in R/Hand at side-Looking at camera-Second Base, Washington) 1 0
154-9a FarrellJack Farrell (Bat at Ready-Look at camera-Field background-2nd B., Baltimores) 1 0
154-1b FarrellJack Farrell (Bat in R/Hand at side-Looking at camera-2nd B., Washington) 1 0
154-4a FarrellJack Farrell (Stoop to field grounder-2d B. Washington) 1 0
154-3b FarrellJack Farrell (Tag Paul Hines on ground-Second Base, Washington) 0 0
154-5a FarrellJack Farrell (Hands on thighs-Second Base, Washington) 1 0
154-6b FarrellJack Farrell (Bat at ready-Look at camera-Wall background-Second Base, Washington) 0 0
154-7a FarrellJack Farrell (Catch-Hands head high-2nd B., Washington) 0 0
154-12a FarrellJack Farrell (Bat in R/Hand at side-Looking right-2nd B., Baltimores) 1 0
154-2a FarrellJack Farrell (Strike-Looking at ball head high-Second Base, Washington.) 1 0
154-8a FarrellJack Farrell (Hands on hips-S.S., Baltimores) 1 0
154-2b FarrellJack Farrell (Strike-Looking at ball head high-2nd B., Washington) 1 0
154-11a FarrellJack Farrell (Throw-R/hand chest high-S.S., Baltimores) 1 0
154-5b FarrellJack Farrell (Hands on thighs-2nd B., Washington) 1 0
154-3a FarrellJack Farrell (Tag Paul Hines on ground-2d B. Washington) 1 0
154-8b FarrellJack Farrell (Hands on hips-2nd B., Baltimore) 0 0
154-6a FarrellJack Farrell (Bat at ready-Look at camera-Wall background-2nd B., Washington) 1 0
154-10a FarrellJack Farrell (Catch-Hands above head-2nd B., Baltimore) 0 0
155-3a FarrellDuke Farrell (Hands on knees-C., Chicago) 1 0
155-1a FarrellDuke Farrell (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-C., Chicago) 1 0
155-5b FarrellDuke Farrell (Stooping to catch low ball-hands by L/ankle-Chicago (PL)) 0 0
155-4a FarrellDuke Farrell (Stooping to field grounder by R/foot-C. Chicago) 0 0
155-2a FarrellDuke Farrell (Catch-Hands above head-C., Chicago) 0 0
155-5a FarrellDuke Farrell (Stooping to catch low ball-hands by L/ankle-C., Chicagos) 1 0
156-4b FennellyFrank Fennelly (Catch-hands head high on L-S.S., Athletics) 0 0
156-3a FennellyFrank Fennelly (Catch-hands thigh high-S.S., Athletics) 1 0
156-1a FennellyFrank Fennelly (Stooping to field grounder by R/foot-S.S., Cincinnati) 1 0
156-4a FennellyFrank Fennelly (Catch-hands head high on L-S.S. Cincinnati) 1 0
156-2a FennellyFrank Fennelly (Strike-looking at ball thigh high-S.S., Cincinnati) 1 0
156-3b FennellyFrank Fennelly (Catch-hands thigh high-S.S., Cincinnati) 0 0
156-5b FennellyFrank Fennelly (Throw-R/hand head high-S.S., Cincinnati) 0 0
156-5a FennellyFrank Fennelly (Throw-R/hand head high-S.S., Athletics) 1 0
157-4b FergusonCharlie Ferguson (Tagging a player on ground-Pitcher) 0 0
157-1b FergusonCharlie Ferguson (Bat at ready by head-Pitcher) 0 0
157-1a FergusonCharlie Ferguson (Bat at ready by head-P.) 1 0
157-4a FergusonCharlie Ferguson (Tagging a player on ground-P.) 1 0
157-2b FergusonCharlie Ferguson (Pitch-Hands at chest-Pitcher) 0 0
157-3b FergusonCharlie Ferguson (Throw-R/hand head high-Pitcher) 0 0
157-3a FergusonCharlie Ferguson (Throw-R/hand head high-P.) 1 0
157-2a FergusonCharlie Ferguson (Pitch-Hands at chest-P.) 1 0
158-2a FersonAlex Ferson (Pitch-hands neck high-looking front-P.,) 1 0
158-1a FersonAlex Ferson (Pitch-hands chest high/looking/R-P.,) 0 0
158-5a FersonAlex Ferson (Bat at ready by head-P.,) 1 0
158-3a FersonAlex Ferson (Ball in R/hand neck high-looking at camera-P.,) 0 0
158-4a FersonAlex Ferson (Looking at ball in R/hand cap high-P.,) 0 0
159-1a FessendenWallace Fessenden (Hands behind back looking up/L) 1 0
159-2a FessendenWallace Fessenden (Arms at sides-looking at camera) 1 0
159-4a FessendenWallace Fessenden (Arms folded-looking up/L) 1 0
159-3a FessendenWallace Fessenden (Leaning/R-L/hand on L/thigh) 0 0
160-1a FieldsJocko Fields (Catching ball head high-batter Barkley Standing on R-C.) 1 0
160-6b FieldsJocko Fields (Hands on thighs-Catcher) 1 0
160-5b FieldsJocko Fields (Throw-R/hand head high-Catcher) 1 0
160-6a FieldsJocko Fields (Hands on thighs-C.) 1 0
160-1b FieldsJocko Fields (Catching ball head high-batter Barkley Standing on R-Catcher) 1 0
160-4a FieldsJocko Fields (Tagging Barkley on the ground-C.) 1 0
160-2a FieldsJocko Fields (Bat at ready by head-C.) 0 0
160-3a FieldsJocko Fields (Catch-hands neck high-C.) 0 0
160-5a FieldsJocko Fields (Throw-R/hand head high-C.) 1 0
161-1a FischerFischer (Bat at ready by head-P.) 0 0
161-3a FischerFischer (Throw-R/hand head high-P.) 0 0
161-4a FischerFischer (Pitch-hands above head-P.) 1 0
161-2a FischerFischer (Catch-L/profile-hands neck high-P.) 0 0
162-5a FlaniganThomas Flanigan (Pitch-hands chin high at L-feet on ground-Clevelands) 1 0
162-5b FlaniganThomas Flanigan (Pitch-hands chin high at L-feet on ground-Sioux City) 0 0
162-1b FlaniganThomas Flanigan (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Sioux Citys) 1 0
162-4a FlaniganThomas Flanigan (Pitch-R/arm extended chin high-feet on ground-Clevelands) 0 0
162-3b FlaniganThomas Flanigan (Pitch-R/hand head high-L/foot off ground-Sioux City, script in image) 0 0
162-3a FlaniganThomas Flanigan (Pitch-R/hand head high-L/foot off ground-Clevelands) 1 0
162-2a FlaniganThomas Flanigan (Pitch-hands at neck-Clevelands) 0 0
162-1a FlaniganThomas Flanigan (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Clevelands) 1 0
163-2a FlintSilver Flint (Catch-Hands chest high-Leaning/L-Chicago) 1 0
163-5a FlintSilver Flint (Stooping-Hands waist high-Mask-Chicago's) 1 0
163-3b FlintSilver Flint (Hands on hips-Chicago) 1 0 Buy
163-4b FlintSilver Flint (Bat at Ready nearly vertical-Chicagos) 1 0
163-5b FlintSilver Flint (Stooping-Hands waist high-Mask-Chicago) 1 0
163-1a FlintSilver Flint (Portrait-Looking/L-Chicagos) 1 0
163-3a FlintSilver Flint (Hands on hips-Chicagos) 1 0
163-4a FlintSilver Flint (Bat at Ready nearly vertical-Chicago) 1 0
163-3c FlintSilver Flint (Hands on hips-Chicago's) 0 0
163-4c FlintSilver Flint (Bat at Ready nearly vertical-Chicago's) 0 0
164-1a FloodThomas Flood (Bat at ready at 45-St. Josephs) 1 0
164-3a FloodThomas Flood (Pitch-hands at neck-St. Joseph) 0 0
164-6a FloodThomas Flood (R/arm extended forward-looking L-St. Joseph) 0 0
164-2a FloodThomas Flood (Pitch-hands at chest-St. Joe) 1 0
164-4a FloodThomas Flood (Pitch-R/hand held out chest high-R/elbow near belt) 1 0
164-2b FloodThomas Flood (Pitch-hands at chest-St. Joseph) 0 0
164-5a FloodThomas Flood (Ball in L/hand chin high-St. Joseph) 0 0
164.5-2a FlynnJocko Flynn (Pitch-hands chest high at L-leaning to L) 0 0
164.5-1a FlynnJocko Flynn (Pitch-hands together chest high-Standing Straight) 0 0
165-4b FogartyJim Fogarty (Strike-bat over R/shoulder-ball above head-R.F., Philadelphias) 1 0
165-5b FogartyJim Fogarty (Sliding-L/hand on base-Right Field, Philadelphias) 1 0
165-2a FogartyJim Fogarty (Catch-facing/L-hands neck high-R.F., Phila.) 1 0
165-2b FogartyJim Fogarty (Catch-facing/L-hands neck high-Right Field, Philadelphias) 0 0
165-5a FogartyJim Fogarty (Sliding-L/hand on base-R.F., Phila.) 1 0
165-3a FogartyJim Fogarty (Stooping to field grounder-R.F., Phila.) 1 0
165-4c FogartyJim Fogarty (Strike-bat over R/shoulder-ball above head-Right Field, Philadelphias) 1 0
165-1b FogartyJim Fogarty (Catch on run to L-hands head high-Right Field, Philadelphias) 1 0
165-1a FogartyJim Fogarty (Catch on run to L-hands head high-R.F., Phila.) 1 0
165-4a FogartyJim Fogarty (Strike-bat over R/shoulder-ball above head-R.F., Phila.) 1 0
166-1a ForemanFrank Foreman (Strike-bat nearly horizontal-Baltimores) 1 0
166-4a ForemanFrank Foreman (Ready to pitch-hands by R/thigh-Cincinnati (NL)) 0 0
166-5a ForemanFrank Foreman (End of pitch-L/hand by L/knee-Baltimores) 0 0
166-2b ForemanFrank Foreman (Ball in L/hand head high-Cincinnati (NL)) 1 0
166-2a ForemanFrank Foreman (Ball in L/hand head high-Baltimores) 1 0
166-3a ForemanFrank Foreman (Ball in R/hand stretched forward head high-Baltimores) 0 0
167-5a ForsterTom Forster (On ground-R/hand touching base-Milwaukee) 0 0
167-2b ForsterTom Forster (Throw-R/hand head high-Milwaukee) 0 0
167-1a ForsterTom Forster (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
167-4a ForsterTom Forster (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Milwaukee) 0 0
167-2a ForsterTom Forster (Throw-R/hand head high-Hartford) 0 0
167-3a ForsterTom Forster (Crouching to field grounder-Milwaukee) 0 0
168-4b FosterElmer Foster (Bat at ready at 30-Minneapolis) 0 0
168-2a FosterElmer Foster (Sliding-horizontal-C.F. N.Y.) 0 0
168-6b FosterElmer Foster (Catch-hands shoulder high-C.F. New York) 0 0
168-7a FosterElmer Foster (Throw-R/hand in rear head high-C.F. N.Y.) 1 0
168-4a FosterElmer Foster (Bat at ready at 30-C.F. N.Y.) 1 0
168-3b FosterElmer Foster (Bat at ready by head-C.F., New Yorks) 1 0
168-3a FosterElmer Foster (Bat at ready by head-C.F., N.Y.) 0 0
168-6a FosterElmer Foster (Catch-hands shoulder high-C.F. N.Y.) 0 0
168-1a FosterElmer Foster (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
168-6c FosterElmer Foster (Catch-hands shoulder high-C.F. New Yorks) 0 0
168-7b FosterElmer Foster (Throw-R/hand in rear head high-C.F. New Yorks) 1 0
168-5a FosterElmer Foster (Bat in R/hand at side-C.F. N.Y.) 1 0 Buy
170-5a FoutzDave Foutz (Ready to pitch-Hands above waist-P.) 1 0
170-1 FoutzDave Foutz (Portrait in striped hat-Brown's Champions) 1 0
170-2a FoutzDave Foutz (Bending forward-R/hand shoulder high-P.) 0 0
170-6a FoutzDave Foutz (Throw-Right/hand shoulder high upright-P.) 1 0 Buy
170-3a FoutzDave Foutz (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-P.) 1 0
170-4a FoutzDave Foutz (Bat at ready at 30-p.) 1 0
171-1a FreemanJulie Freeman (Strike-ball waist high) 1 0
171-3b FreemanJulie Freeman (Pitch-hands thigh high) 1 0
171-6a FreemanJulie Freeman (Strike-NO ball waist high) 1 0
171-2a FreemanJulie Freeman (Pitch-hands neck high) 1 0
171-4a FreemanJulie Freeman (Pitch-R/hand neck high in rear) 1 0
171-5a FreemanJulie Freeman (Pitch-R/hand extended forward neck high) 1 0
172-2a FryWill Fry (Strike-looking at ball-L.F., St. Joes) 0 0
172-5a FryWill Fry (Catch-hands at chest-looking up at ball above head-L.F., St. Joes) 0 0
172-4a FryWill Fry (Stooping to field grounder-L.F., St. Joes) 1 0
172-1a FryWill Fry (Bat at ready-looking at camera-L.F., St. Joes) 1 0
172-3a FryWill Fry (Catch-hands above waist looking forward-L.F., St. Joes) 0 0
172.5-1 FudgerFred Fudger (Standing-hands just above waist-Oakland) 0 0
173-5a FullerWilliam Fuller (Catch-Ball in hands at chest) 0 0
173-1a FullerWilliam Fuller (Bat at ready by L/shoulder) 0 0
173-4a FullerWilliam Fuller (Catch-hands at chest ball approaching) 1 0 Buy
173-2a FullerWilliam Fuller (Bat in L/Hand at side) 0 0
173-3a FullerWilliam Fuller (Throw-R/hand head high) 1 0
174-5a FullerShorty Fuller (Catch-hands shoulder high) 1 0
174-1a FullerShorty Fuller (Bat at ready-elbows above belt) 1 0
174-4a FullerShorty Fuller (Catch-hands together at knees) 1 0
174-3a FullerShorty Fuller (Hands on knees) 0 0
174-2a FullerShorty Fuller (Strike-R/elbow level with belt) 1 0
175-4a FulmerChris Fulmer (Catch-hands by chin-Baltimores) 1 0
175-3a FulmerChris Fulmer (Strike-bat at 30-looking at ball-Baltimores) 0 0
175-1a FulmerChris Fulmer (Bat at ready at 60-Baltimores) 1 0
175-2a FulmerChris Fulmer (Bat at ready at 45-Baltimores) 1 0
175-6a FulmerChris Fulmer (Tagging Tucker-Horizontal-Baltimores) 1 0
176-1b GaffneyJohn Gaffney (Leaning/R-hands on thighs-Manager) 1 0
176-1a GaffneyJohn Gaffney (Leaning/R-hands on thighs-Manager of) 1 0
177-4d GalvinPud Galvin (In jacket-bat in R/hand at side-Jim Galvin) 0 1
177-4b GalvinPud Galvin (In jacket-bat in R/hand at side-P. Pittsburgs) 1 1 Buy
177-1b GalvinPud Galvin (Bat at ready-Pitcher) 1 1
177-3b GalvinPud Galvin (Ready to pitch-hands above waist-Pitcher, Pittsburg) 1 1
177-2d GalvinPud Galvin (In jacket-arms at side-Pitcher, Pittsburg) 1 1
177-2b GalvinPud Galvin (In jacket-arms at side-P. Pittsburgs) 0 1
177-4e GalvinPud Galvin (In jacket-bat in R/hand at side-Pitcher, Pittsburg) 0 1
177-4c GalvinPud Galvin (In jacket-bat in R/hand at side-J. Galvin) 1 1
177-4a GalvinPud Galvin (In jacket-bat in R/hand at side-P. Pittsburg) 1 1 Buy
177-1a GalvinPud Galvin (Bat at ready-P.) 1 1
177-3a GalvinPud Galvin (Ready to pitch-hands above waist-P. Pittsburg) 1 1
177-2c GalvinPud Galvin (In jacket-arms at side-P. Pittsburgh) 0 1
177-2a GalvinPud Galvin (In jacket-arms at side-P. Pittsburg) 1 1
178-2a GambleBob Gamble (Pitch-R/hand in rear thigh high) 1 0
178-1a GambleBob Gamble (Bat at ready-held vertically) 0 0
178-3a GambleBob Gamble (Pitch-R/hand forward chin high) 1 0
179-2a GanzelCharlie Ganzel (Catch-hands shoulder high-Detroits) 0 0
179-1b GanzelCharlie Ganzel (Catch-hands thigh high-Bostons) 1 0
179-3b GanzelCharlie Ganzel (Strike-bat at 45-Gauzel, C., Detroits) 0 0
179-2a WarnerE.H. Warner (Bat in R/hand at side-Milwaukee) 0 0
179-1a GanzelCharlie Ganzel (Catch-hands thigh high-Detroits) 1 0
179-2b GanzelCharlie Ganzel (Catch-hands shoulder high-Bostons) 0 0
179-3c GanzelCharlie Ganzel (Strike-bat at 45-Bostons) 0 0
179-3a GanzelCharlie Ganzel (Strike-bat at 45-Detroits) 1 0
180-5a GardnerGid Gardner (Tagging Murray-horizontal-2d B. Washington) 0 0
180-1a GardnerGid Gardner (Stooping to catch low ball in L/hand-2d B. Phila) 1 0
180-2a GardnerGid Gardner (Bat at ready-looking at camera-bat behind cap-2d B. Phila.) 1 0
180-4a GardnerGid Gardner (Catch-hands above head-2d B. Washington) 0 0
180-6a GardnerGid Gardner (Bat on R/shoulder-knees bent-2d B. Washington) 0 0
180-3a GardnerGid Gardner (Throw-R/hand off picture chin high-2d B. Phila) 0 0
181-1a GastreichHank Gastreich (Bat at ready-well clear of cap) 1 0
181-4a GastreichHank Gastreich (Pitch-R/profile-R/hand head high-L/hand waist high-both hands off picture) 1 0
181-3a GaestrichHank Gaestrich (Ready to pitch-hands at neck) 1 0
181-2a GastreichHank Gastreich (Bat at ready-partly behind cap) 0 0
181-5a GastreichHank Gastreich (Pitch-R/hand just visible at back of head-L/hand by L/thigh) 0 0
182-5a GeissEmil Geiss (Pitch-R/hand forward chin high) 1 0
182-2a GeissEmil Geiss (Ready to pitch-hands above waist) 1 0
182-6a GeissEmil Geiss (Portrait looking/R) 1 0
182-3a GeissEmil Geiss (Bat at ready-looking at camera) 0 0
182-4a GeissEmil Geiss (Pitch-R/hand shoulder high) 1 0
182-1a GeissEmil Geiss (Bat in R/hand at side) 1 0
183-1b GeninsFrank Genins (Catch-hands cupped neck high-R/heel clearly visible-Genins) 1 0
183-5a GeninsFrank Genins (Strike-looking at ball near bat-Genius) 1 0
183-2a GeninsFrank Genins (Catch-hands with fingers touching neck high-R/heal behind L/foot-Genius) 1 0
183-1a GeninsFrank Genins (Catch-hands cupped neck high-R/heel clearly visible-Genius) 1 0
183-3a GeninsFrank Genins (Catch-hands with finger touching on chest-R/heal behind L/foot-Genius) 1 0
183-4a GeninsFrank Genins (Bat at ready-look at camera-Genius) 1 0
184-5b GeorgeBill George (Pitch-hands held out chest high-New Yorks) 0 0
184-3b GeorgeBill George (Sliding-Horizontal-New Yorks) 0 0
184-5b GeorgeBill George (Bat in R/hand at side-New Yorks) 0 0
184-3a GeorgeBill George (Sliding-horizontal-N. Y's) 1 0
184-1a GeorgeBill George (Pitch-L/hand forward head high-N.Y's.) 1 0
184-5a GeorgeBill George (Pitch-hands held out chest high-N.Y's.) 1 0
184-6a GeorgeBill George (Bat in R/hand at side-N.Y's.) 1 0
184-2b GeorgeBill George (Bat at ready-by head-New Yorks) 0 0
184-4b GeorgeBill George (Pitch-L/hand chin high-New Yorks) 0 0
184-1b GeorgeBill George (Pitch-L/hand forward head high-New Yorks) 1 0
184-4a GeorgeBill George (Pitch-L/hand chin high-N.Y's.) 1 0
184-2a GeorgeBill George (Bat at ready-by head-N.Y's.) 1 0
185-1a GerhardtJoe Gerhardt (Hands on thighs-script name) 1 0
185-3a GerhardtJoe Gerhardt (Catch-stooping-hands knee high-Jersey City) 0 0
185-4b GerhardtJoe Gerhardt (Tagging player on ground-1st B., Jersey City) 0 0
185-2a GerhardtJoe Gerhardt (Throw-R/hand head high-Script Name) 1 0
185-2b GerhardtJoe Gerhardt (Throw-R/hand head high-1st B., J.C) 1 0
185-4a GerhardtJoe Gerhardt (Tagging player on ground-2nd B., Jersey City) 0 0
186-1b GetzeinCharlie Getzein (Bat at ready by head-Detroits) 0 0
186.5-1a GibsonWhitey Gibson (Catch-hands chest high-Athletics) 0 0
186-2b GetzeinCharlie Getzein (Pitch-hands above waist-Detroit) 0 0
186-1a GetzeinCharlie Getzein (Bat at ready by head-Indianapolis) 1 0
186-4a GetzeinCharlie Getzein (End of pitch-R/hand forward neck high-Detroit) 0 0
186-2a GetzeinCharlie Getzein (Pitch-hands above waist-Detroits) 0 0
186-4b GetzeinCharlie Getzein (End of pitch-R/hand forward neck high-Indianapolis) 1 0 Buy
186-3b GetzeinCharlie Getzein (Pitch-R/hand chin high at side-Detroit) 0 0
186-3a GetzeinCharlie Getzein (Pitch-R/hand chin high at side-Indianapolis) 0 0
186-5a GetzeinCharlie Getzein (R/hand forward above waist-ball in hand-Detroit) 0 0
187-2a GilksBobby Gilks (Bat at ready nearly horizontal) 1 0
187-5a GilksBobby Gilks (Pitch-R/hand in rear waist high-Cleveland's) 1 0
187-6a GilksBobby Gilks (Pitch-R/hand extended forward about chest high-Clevelands) 0 0
187-4a GilksBobby Gilks (Pitch-hands at neck-Clevelands) 1 0
187-1a GilksBobby Gilks (Bat at ready nearly vertical) 1 0
187-3a GilksBobby Gilks (Bat at ready at about 30-2 buttons visible) 1 0
187-5b GilksBobby Gilks (Pitch-R/hand in rear waist high-Clevelands) 0 0
188-4a GillespiePete Gillespie (Throw-R/hand head high-N.Y's.) 0 0
188-3a GillespiePete Gillespie (Catch-hands head high-N.Y's.) 1 0
188-1a GillespiePete Gillespie (R/hand on hip-L/arm at side-N.Y's.) 1 0
188-2a GillespiePete Gillespie (Bat at ready-L/handed-N.Y's.) 1 0
188-5a GillespiePete Gillespie (Moving/L-L/hand half off picture-N.Y's.) 1 0
189-1b GilliganBarney Gilligan (Stooping to catch ball thigh high-C. Washington) 1 0
189-2a GilliganBarney Gilligan (Hands on thighs-C. Washington) 1 0
189-2b GilliganBarney Gilligan (Hands on thighs-Catcher, Washington) 0 0
189-2c GilliganBarney Gilligan (Hands on thighs-C., Detroits) 0 0
189-1a GilliganBarney Gilligan (Stooping to catch ball thigh high-Catcher, Washington) 1 0
189-1c GilliganBarney Gilligan (Stooping to catch ball thigh high-C., Detroits) 0 0
190-5a GilmoreFrank Gilmore (Pitch-Hands neck high) 0 0
190-1a GilmoreFrank Gilmore (Bat at ready-feet apart) 1 0
190-2a GilmoreFrank Gilmore (Bat at ready-R/foot behind L/foot) 0 0
190-3a GilmoreFrank Gilmore (Ball in hands above head) 1 0
190-4a GilmoreFrank Gilmore (Ball in right hand above head) 0 0 Buy
191-3a GlasscockJack Glasscock (Bat at ready-looking at camera-New York (NL)) 0 0
191-2a GlasscockJack Glasscock (Hands On Knees-S.S. Indianapolis) 1 0 Buy
191-2c GlasscockJack Glasscock (Hands On Knees-Short Stop, Indianapolis) 0 0
191-4a GlasscockJack Glasscock (Bat in R/hand at side-Indpls.) 1 0
191-1d GlasscockJack Glasscock (Throw-R/hand head high-Short Stop, Indianapolis) 0 0
191-3b GlasscockJack Glasscock (Bat at ready-looking at camera-S.S. Indianapolis) 1 0
191-1a GlasscockJack Glasscock (Throw-R/hand head high-New York (NL)) 1 0
191-2b GlasscockJack Glasscock (Hands on knees-S.S., Indpls.) 1 0
191-4b GlasscockJack Glasscock (Bat in R/hand at side-Indianapolis) 1 0
191-1c GlasscockJack Glasscock (Throw-R/hand head high-S.S., Indpls.) 0 0
191-3c GlasscockJack Glasscock (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Short Stop, Indianapolis) 1 0
191-1b GlasscockJack Glasscock (Throw-R/hand head high-S.S. Indianapolis) 1 0
192-1b GleasonKid Gleason (Stooping to field grounder-Philadelphias) 0 0
192-2a GleasonKid Gleason (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-Phila) 1 0
192-3a GleasonKid Gleason (Strike-bat horizontal-Phila) 0 0
192-5a GleasonKid Gleason (Pitch-R/hand forward head high-Phila) 1 0
192-3c GleasonKid Gleason (Strike-bat horizontal-Phila's (NL)) 0 0
192-1a GleasonKid Gleason (Stooping to field grounder-Phila) 1 0
192-1c GleasonKid Gleason (Stooping to field grounder-Phila's) 0 0
192-2b GleasonKid Gleason (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-Philadelphias) 1 0
192-3b GleasonKid Gleason (Strike-bat horizontal-Philadelphias) 0 0
192-4a GleasonKid Gleason (Pitch-hands at neck-Philadelphias) 1 0
192-4b GleasonKid Gleason (Pitch-hands at neck-Phila's) 0 0
193-2b GleasonWill Gleason (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Louisville) 0 0
193-4b GleasonWill Gleason (Leaning/R-hands thigh high-S.S., Athletics) 0 0
193-1a GleasonWill Gleason (Portrait in striped hat-Brown's Champions) 1 0
193-2a GleasonWill Gleason (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Athletics) 1 0 Buy
193-3b GleasonWill Gleason (Hands on knees-S.S., Athletics) 0 0
193-5a GleasonWill Gleason (Stooping-hands clasped hip high-S.S., Louisvilles) 1 0
193-4a GleasonWill Gleason (Leaning/R-hands thigh high-S.S. Athletics) 1 0
193-3a GleasonWill Gleason (Hands on knees-S.S. Athletics) 1 0
194-1b GlennEd Glenn (Bat at ready-looking at camera-City) 0 0
194-2a GlennEd Glenn (Strike-looking at ball-Citys) 0 0
194-3a GlennEd Glenn (Catch-hands neck high at body-City) 1 0
194-5a GlennEd Glenn (Catch-hands chin high at L-City) 0 0
194-1a GlennEd Glenn (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Citys) 1 0
194-4a GlennEd Glenn (Catch-hands thigh high-Citys) 1 0
195-2a GoodfellowMike Goodfellow (Bat at ready-nearly horizontal-Clevelands) 1 0
195-3a GoodfellowMike Goodfellow (Catch-bending forward-hands chest high-Cleveland's) 1 0
195-4a GoodfellowMike Goodfellow (Catch-leaning/L-hands waist high-Clevelands) 0 0
195-3b GoodfellowMike Goodfellow (Catch-bending forward-hands chest high-Detroits) 0 0
195-5a GoodfellowMike Goodfellow (Throw-R/hand forward head high-Cleveland's) 1 0
195-1a GoodfellowMike Goodfellow (Bat at ready-by head-Cleveland's) 0 0
195-1b GoodfellowMike Goodfellow (Bat at ready-by head-Detroits) 0 0
195-4b GoodfellowMike Goodfellow (Catch-leaning/L-hands waist high-Detroits) 0 0
195-5b GoodfellowMike Goodfellow (Throw-R/hand forward head high-Detroits) 0 0
196-5a GoreGeorge Gore (Strike-bat nearly horizontal-New Yorks) 1 0
196-8a GoreGeorge Gore (Stooping to field low ball-facing front-N.Y's.) 1 0
196-4c GoreGeorge Gore (Bat in R/hand at side-New Yorks (PL)) 1 0
196-7a GoreGeorge Gore (Bat at ready-over L/shoulder-N.Y's.) 1 0
196-7b GoreGeorge Gore (Bat at ready-over L/shoulder-New Yorks) 1 0
196-3a GoreGeorge Gore (Sliding L/arm raised-horizontal-New Yorks) 1 0
196-6a GoreGeorge Gore (Catch-hands cap high-N.Y's.) 1 0 Buy
196-2a GoreGeorge Gore (Throw-R/hand head high in rear-N.Y's.) 1 0
196-1a GoreGeorge Gore (Stooping to field grounder-facing/R-N.Y's.) 1 0 Buy
196-1b GoreGeorge Gore (Stooping to field grounder-facing/R-New Yorks) 0 0
196-4b GoreGeorge Gore (Bat in R/hand at side-New Yorks) 0 0
196-5b GoreGeorge Gore (Strike-bat nearly horizontal-N.Y's.) 1 0
196-9a GoreGeorge Gore (Throw-R/hand forward-L/hand on hip-N.Y's.) 1 0
196-3b GoreGeorge Gore (Sliding L/arm raised-horizontal-N.Y's.) 0 0
196-4a GoreGeorge Gore (Bat in R/hand at side-N.Y's.) 1 0
197-3a GravesFrank Graves (Stooping to field grounder by R/foot) 0 0
197-1a GravesFrank Graves (In mask-hands on knees) 1 0
197-6a GravesFrank Graves (Catch-hands cap high) 1 0
197-4a GravesFrank Graves (Bat at ready-over R/shoulder) 0 0
197-5a GravesFrank Graves (Throw-hands waist high) 1 0
197-2a GravesFrank Graves (In mask-catch-hands by R/shoulder) 0 0
198-3b GreenwoodBill Greenwood (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Columbus) 0 0
198-3a GreenwoodBill Greenwood (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Baltimores) 1 0
198-4b GreenwoodBill Greenwood (Throw-L/hand head high-Baltimores) 1 0
198-1a GreenwoodBill Greenwood (Sliding-Horizontal-Baltimore) 0 0
198-2b GreenwoodBill Greenwood (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Baltimore) 0 0
198-2a GreenwoodBill Greenwood (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Columbus) 0 0
198-5a GreenwoodBill Greenwood (Hands on knees-Baltimore) 0 0
198-4a GreenwoodBill Greenwood (Throw-L/hand head high-Columbus) 0 0
199-3b GreerEd Greer (Bat at ready-nearly horizontal-MINI) 1 0
199-1a GreerEd Greer (Bat at ready-by head) 1 0
199-4a GreerEd Greer (Hands on thighs) 1 0
199-3a GreerEd Greer (Bat at ready-nearly horizontal) 0 0
199-2a GreerEd Greer (Throw-R/hand shoulder high) 1 0
200-2a GriffinMike Griffin (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Baltimores) 0 0
200-3a GriffinMike Griffin (Catch-hands stretched up/L-Baltimores) 1 0
200-4b GriffinMike Griffin (Throw-R/hand forward head high-Philadelphia (PL)) 0 0
200-1a GriffinMike Griffin (Sliding-Horizontal-Baltimores) 1 0
200-4a GriffinMike Griffin (Throw-R/hand forward head high-Baltimores) 0 0
200-5a GriffinMike Griffin (Arms folded-Baltimores) 0 0
200-3b GriffinMike Griffin (Catch-hands stretched up/L-Philadelphias (PL)) 1 0
201-3a GriffithClark Griffith (Pitch-hands at chest-R/ankle behind left leg-Milwaukees) 1 1
201-1a GriffithClark Griffith (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Milwaukee) 1 1
201-4a GriffithClark Griffith (Pitch-hands at neck-R/ankle clearly visible-Milwaukees) 1 1
201-5a GriffithClark Griffith (Pitch-R/hand head high-Milwaukees) 1 1
201-1b GriffithClark Griffith (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Milwaukees) 1 1
201-2a GriffithClark Griffith (Strike-looking at approaching ball-Milwaukees) 0 1
202-3a GruberHenry Gruber (Pitch-R/hand chin high-L/hand just clear of L/thigh-Clevelands) 1 0
202-4a GruberHenry Gruber (Pitch-R/hand cap high-L/hand on L/thigh-Clevelands) 0 0
202-1a GruberHenry Gruber (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Cleveland) 1 0
202-1a HanlonNed Hanlon (Bat in R/hand at side-Boston) 0 1
202-1b GruberHenry Gruber (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Clevelands) 0 0
202-5a GruberHenry Gruber (Bat in R/hand at side-Clevelands) 1 0
202-2a GruberHenry Gruber (Pitch-hands at chest-Cleveland) 1 0
203-2b GumbertAd Gumbert (Pitch-R/hand level with eyes-L/hand over thigh-Chicagos) 1 0
203-3b GumbertAd Gumbert (Pitch-R/hand waist high-Chicago) 0 0
203-5a GumbertAd Gumbert (Pitch-hands at chest-Chicagos) 0 0
203-1a GumbertAd Gumbert (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Chicagos) 0 0
203-3a GumbertAd Gumbert (Pitch-R/hand waist high-Chicagos) 0 0
203-4a GumbertAd Gumbert (Pitch-R/hand level with chin-L/hand clear of thigh-Chicago's) 0 0
203-2a GumbertAd Gumbert (Pitch-R/hand level with eyes-L/hand over thigh-Chicago's) 1 0
204-2c GunningTom Gunning (Bending forward-hands by R/knee-C., Athletics) 0 0
204-1c GunningTom Gunning (Stooping to catch low ball on L-Catcher, Philadelphia) 1 0
204-2a GunningTom Gunning (Bending forward-hands by R/knee-C., Phila) 1 0
204-1b GunningTom Gunning (Stooping to catch low ball on L-C., Phila.) 1 0
204-1a GunningTom Gunning (Stooping to catch low ball on L-C., Athletics) 1 0
204-2b GunningTom Gunning (Bending forward-hands by R/knee-Catcher, Philadelphia) 1 0
205-1a GunsonJoe Gunson (Bat in R/hand at side-Kansas Citys) 1 0
205-4a GunsonJoe Gunson (In jacket-gloves in R/hand at side-Kansas City) 1 0
205-2a GunsonJoe Gunson (Catch-hands by L/shoulder-Kansas City) 0 0
205-5a GunsonJoe Gunson (Catch-hands cupped just above waist-Kansas City) 0 0
205-3a GunsonJoe Gunson (Throw-R/hand head high-bare head-Kansas City) 0 0
206-1b HaddockGeorge Haddock (Pitch-hands at chest-Washingtons) 0 0
206-3a HaddockGeorge Haddock (Pitch-hands about waist high-Washington) 1 0
206-4a HaddockGeorge Haddock (End of pitch-R/hand forward chin high-Washingtons) 0 0
206-1a HaddockGeorge Haddock (Pitch-hands at chest-Washington) 0 0
206-2a HaddockGeorge Haddock (Pitch-hands held out neck high-Washingtons) 0 0
206-5a HaddockGeorge Haddock (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Washingtons) 0 0
207-1a HafnerBill Hafner (Bat at ready-L/profile) 1 0
207-3a HafnerBill Hafner (Pitch-hands directly above head) 0 0
207-5a HafnerBill Hafner (End of pitch-R/hand forward shoulder high-Kansas City) 1 0
207-2a HafnerBill Hafner (Pitch-hands by chin) 0 0
207-4a HafnerBill Hafner (Pitch-R/hand neck high) 0 0
208-1a HahmWillie Hahm (Boy with flag over R/shoulder) 0 0
209-5b HallmanBill Hallman (Light uniform-bat at ready-almost horizontal-Philadelphia (PL)) 0 0
209-4a HallmanBill Hallman (Dark uniform-leaning/L-about to catch ball chest high-Philadelphia) 1 0
209-3a HallmanBill Hallman (Dark uniform-facing front-catch-hands chest high-Philadelphias) 1 0
209-3b HallmanBill Hallman (Dark uniform-facing front-catch-hands chest high-Philadelphia) 0 0
209-5a HallmanBill Hallman (Light uniform-bat at ready-almost horizontal-Philadelphia) 0 0
209-1a HallmanBill Hallman (Dark uniform-bat on R/shoulder-Phildelphia) 0 0
209-2a HallmanBill Hallman (Dark uniform-throw-R/hand head high-Phildelphias) 1 0
209-4b HallmanBill Hallman (Dark uniform-leaning/L-about to catch ball chest high-Philadelphia (PL)) 0 0
210a HahnWillie Hahn (Chicago NL) 0 0
210-4b HamiltonBilly Hamilton (Catch-hands cupped above waist-Philadelphia (NL)) 1 1
210-4a HamiltonBilly Hamilton (Catch-hands cupped above waist-Kansas Citys) 1 1
210-2a HamiltonBilly Hamilton (Strike-looking up at ball-Kansas Citys) 1 1
210b HahnWillie Hahn (W/ Ned Williamson) 0 0
210-2b HamiltonBilly Hamilton (Strike-looking up at ball-Philadelphia N L) 0 1
210-5b HamiltonBilly Hamilton (Catch-hands neck high-Philadelphia (NL)) 0 1
210-5a HamiltonBilly Hamilton (Catch-hands neck high-Kansas Citys) 0 1
210-3a HamiltonBilly Hamilton (Stooping to field grounder-Kansas Citys) 1 1
210-2c HamiltonBilly Hamilton (Strike-looking up at ball-K.Cs.) 0 1
210-1a HamiltonBilly Hamilton (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Kansas Citys) 1 1
211-1a HankinsonFrank Hankinson (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
212-1b HanlonNed Hanlon (Bat in R/hand at side-Detroits) 1 1
212-2b HanlonNed Hanlon (bat at ready at 45-Pittsburgs) 1 1
212-2a HanlonNed Hanlon (Bat at ready at 45-Detroits) 1 1
212-3b HanlonNed Hanlon (Catch-hands head high-Pittsburghs) 1 1
212-3a HanlonNed Hanlon (Catch-hands head high-Detroits) 1 1
213-1a HanrahanBill Hanrahan (Squatting on bat-Chicago Maroons) 0 0
213.5-1a HapemanAl Hapeman (Standing-hands just above waist-Sacramento) 0 0
213-5b HanrahanBill Hanrahan (Catch-hands held out head high-Chicago Maroons) 0 0
213-2a HanrahanBill Hanrahan (Stooping to field grounder-Chicago Maroons) 1 0
213-5a HanrahanBill Hanrahan (Catch-hands held out head high-Minneap'l's) 0 0
213-3b HanrahanBill Hanrahan (Hands On Knees-Minneap'l's) 1 0
213-4b HanrahanBill Hanrahan (Bat in R/hand at side-Minneap'l's) 0 0
213-3a HanrahanBill Hanrahan (Hands On Knees-Chicago Maroons) 1 0
213-6a HanrahanBill Hanrahan (Leaning/L-R/hand thigh high-L/arm at back-Chicago Maroons) 0 0
213-4a HanrahanBill Hanrahan (Bat in R/hand at side-Chicago Maroons) 1 0
214-4a HarkinsJohn Harkins (Dark uniform-bat on R/shoulder-Baltimores) 1 0
214-8a HarkinsJohn Harkins (Dark uniform-ball in R/hand extended forward chin high-Baltimores) 0 0
214-5a HarkinsJohn Harkins (Dark uniform-bat at ready at 60-Baltimores) 0 0
214-6a HarkinsJohn Harkins (Dark uniform-hands at chest-Baltimores) 1 0
214-2a HarkinsJohn Harkins (Light uniform-catch-hands above waist-Brooklyn) 1 0
214-1a HarkinsJohn Harkins (Light uniform-bat at ready-Brooklyn) 1 0
214-3a HarkinsJohn Harkins (Light uniform-throw-R/hand head high-Brooklyn) 0 0
214-7a HarkinsJohn Harkins (Dark uniform-ball in R/hand in rear-Baltimores) 0 0
215-2a HartBilly Hart (Pitch-hands above head feet on ground-Des Moines) 0 0 Buy
215-1a HartBilly Hart (Pitch-hands at chest-Cincinnati) 0 0
215-4a HartBilly Hart (Ready to pitch-R/hand above head-L/arm at side-Cincinnati) 0 0
215-3a HartBilly Hart (Pitch-hands above head-L/foot off ground-Des Moines) 0 0
215-3b HartBilly Hart (Pitch-hands above head-L/foot off ground-Cincinnati) 0 0
216-2a HasamdearBill Hasamdear (Catch-hands knee high) 0 0
216-4a HasamdearBill Hasamdear (Bat in R/hand at side) 0 0
216-1a HasamdearBill Hasamdear (Catch-hands head high) 0 0
216-3a HasamdearBill Hasamdear (Throw-R/hand head high in rear) 0 0
216-5a HasamdearBill Hasamdear (Walking/L-hands thigh high) 0 0
217-6a HatfieldGil Hatfield (Catch-Hands by R/Knee-N.Y.) 0 0
217-3a HatfieldGil Hatfield (Bat at ready near horizontal-New Yorks) 0 0
217-4a HatfieldGil Hatfield (Catch- hands chest high-looking at ball neck high-New Yorks) 1 0
217-1a HatfieldGil Hatfield (Bat over R/shoulder behind head-New Yorks) 1 0
217-1b HatfieldGil Hatfield (Bat over R/shoulder behind head-N.Y.) 0 0
217-6b HatfieldGil Hatfield (Catch-Hands by R/Knee-New Yorks) 0 0
217-7a HatfieldGil Hatfield (Catch-Hands cupped chest high-Looking up ball visible-New Yorks) 0 0
217-5 HatfieldGil Hatfield (Catch- hands cupped chest high-Looking up no ball) 1 0 Buy
217-2a HatfieldGil Hatfield (Bat at ready near vertical) 1 0
218-1c HealyEgyptian Healy (Dark cap-pitch-hands at chest-Pitcher, Indianapolis) 1 0
218-1a HealyEgyptian Healy (Dark cap-pitch-hands at chest-Washingtons) 0 0
218-1b HealyEgyptian Healy (Dark cap-pitch-hands at chest-P. Indianapolis) 1 0
218-5a HealyEgyptian Healy (Bat at ready at 30-Omaha) 0 0
218-4a HealyEgyptian Healy (Portrait-looking/L-bare headed-moustache-Washingtons) 0 0
218-2c HealyEgyptian Healy (Dark cap-bat at ready by head-P. Indianapolis) 1 0
218-3a HealyEgyptian Healy (Plain white cap-moustache-pitch-hands neck high-L/elbow raised-Washington) 0 0
218-2b HealyEgyptian Healy (Dark cap-bat at ready by head-Pitcher, Indianapolis) 1 0
218-2a HealyEgyptian Healy (Dark cap-bat at ready by head-Washingtons) 1 0
219-4a HealyJohn Healy (Ringed Cap-Bat horizontal-Omaha) 0 0
219-1c HealyJohn Healy (Ringed Cap-Clean shaven-Pitch-Hands above head-Omaha) 0 0
219-2b HealyJohn Healy (Ringed Cap-Clean shaven-Pitch-R/hand neck high-Washington) 0 0
219-1a HealyJohn Healy (Ringed Cap-Clean shaven-Pitch-Hands above head-Denvers) 1 0
219-1b HealyJohn Healy (Ringed Cap-Clean shaven-Pitch-Hands above head-Washington) 0 0
219-2a HealyJohn Healy (Ringed Cap-Clean shaven-Pitch-R/hand neck high-Omaha) 0 0
219-3a HealyJohn Healy (Ringed Cap-Bat in R/hand at side-Omaha) 0 0
220-1a HeckerGuy Hecker (Bat over R/shoulder-looking front-C. Hecker) 0 0
220-1b HeckerGuy Hecker (Bat over R/shoulder-looking front-Hecker) 0 0
220-5a HeckerGuy Hecker (Ball in hands on chest-R/foot behind L/foot-Hecker) 0 0
220-4a HeckerGuy Hecker (R/hand extended forward-Hecker) 1 0
220-2a HeckerGuy Hecker (Ball in hands on chest-feet wide apart-Hecker) 1 0
220-4b HeckerGuy Hecker (R/hand extended forward-C. Hecker) 0 0
220-3a HeckerGuy Hecker (R/hand extended at side-chest high-Hecker) 0 0
221-2a HellmanTony Hellman (Strike-looking at ball by bat-City) 1 0
221-3a HellmanTony Hellman (Catch-hands thigh high-ball by face-Citys) 1 0 Buy
221-5a HellmanTony Hellman (Catch-hands head high-Citys) 0 0
221-4a HellmanTony Hellman (Catch-hands thigh high-ball by R/wrist-Citys) 1 0
221-1a HellmanTony Hellman (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Citys) 1 0
222-4a HendersonHardie Henderson (White cap-pitch-R/hand head high-looking/R-Brooklyn) 0 0
222-6a HendersonHardie Henderson (Bare head-strike-ball by bat-Pittsburgh's) 0 0
222-8a HendersonHardie Henderson (Dark cap-hands at waist-Pittsburgh's) 0 0
222-10a HendersonHardie Henderson (White cap-at bat-Greer catching-Brooklyn) 1 0
222-3a HendersonHardie Henderson (White cap-hands at chest-Brooklyn) 0 0
222-2a HendersonHardie Henderson (White cap-throw-R/hand cap high-looking at camera-Brooklyn) 1 0
222-7a HendersonHardie Henderson (Dark cap-throw-R/hand head high-Pittspurgh's) 0 0
222-3c HendersonHardie Henderson (White cap-hands at chest-HE Hender on) 0 0
222-7b HendersonHardie Henderson (Dark cap-throw-R/hand head high-Pittspurgh) 0 0
222-9a HendersonHardie Henderson (Dark cap-pitch-L/arm across neck-Pittsburgh's) 0 0
222-1a HendersonHardie Henderson (White cap-bat over R/shoulder-Brooklyn) 1 0
222-4b HendersonHardie Henderson (White cap-pitch-R/hand head high-looking/R-MINI) 1 0
222-5a HendersonHardie Henderson (Dark cap-bat at ready at 30-Pittsburgh) 0 0
222-3b HendersonHardie Henderson (White cap-hands at chest-Pittsburgh) 0 0
223-1a HengleMoxie Hengle (Sliding-Minneapolis) 1 0
223-2a HengleMoxie Hengle (Bat at ready by head-Minneapolis) 1 0
223-3a HengleMoxie Hengle (Hands on knees-Minneapolis) 0 0
223-5b HengleMoxie Hengle (Bat in R/hand at side-Maroons) 1 0
223-4a HengleMoxie Hengle (Catch-hands above head-Minneapolis) 0 0
223-1b HengleMoxie Hengle (Sliding-Maroons) 0 0
223-2b HengleMoxie Hengle (Bat at ready by head-Maroons) 1 0
223-5a HengleMoxie Hengle (Bat in R/hand at side-Minneapolis) 1 0
223-3b HengleMoxie Hengle (Hands on knees-Maroons) 0 0
223-6a HengleMoxie Hengle (Leaning/R-R/hand pointing at camera-ball in L/hand-Maroons) 0 0
224-3a HenryJohn Henry (Catch-hands above head-Phila) 1 0
224-1a HenryJohn Henry (Bat over R/shoulder-Phila) 1 0
224-2a HenryJohn Henry (Bat at ready-nearly horizontal-Phila) 0 0
224-5a HenryJohn Henry (Pitch-Hands chest high-Phila) 1 0
224-4a HenryJohn Henry (Throw-hands chest high-Phila) 0 0
225-1a HerrEd Herr (Bat over R/shoulder-looking front-St. Louis) 1 0
225-2a HerrEd Herr (Strike-looking at ball chin high-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
225-4a HerrEd Herr (Bat in R/hand at side-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
225-4b HerrEd Herr (Bat in R/hand at side-Milwaukees) 0 0
225-1b HerrEd Herr (Bat over R/shoulder-looking front-J. Herr, Milw) 1 0
225-1c HerrEd Herr (Bat over R/shoulder-looking front-Herr, Milw) 0 0
225-3a HerrEd Herr (Stooping to field grounder-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
225-5a HerrEd Herr (Ball in hands by neck-St. Louis Whites) 0 0
226-2a HinesHunkey Hines (Bat at R/shoulder) 1 0
226-4a HinesHunkey Hines (Bat in R/hand at side) 0 0
226-3a HinesHunkey Hines (Catch-hands held out head high-ball above hands-looking at camera) 1 0
226-1a HinesHunkey Hines (Bending/L to catch ball knee high) 0 0
227-1a HinesPaul Hines (Bat at ready-looking at camera-C.F. Washington) 0 0
227-1b HinesPaul Hines (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Centre Field, Washington) 0 0
227-1d HinesPaul Hines (Bat at ready-looking at camera-P. Hines) 0 0
227-2c HinesPaul Hines (Arms at sides-Indianapolis) 0 0
227-4a HinesPaul Hines (Catch-hands head high-C.F. Washington) 1 0
227-3c HinesPaul Hines (Arms folded-Indianapolis) 0 0
227-3a HinesPaul Hines (Arms folded-C.F. Washington) 1 0
227-4c HinesPaul Hines (Catch-hands head high-Indianapolis) 0 0
227-1c HinesPaul Hines (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Indianapolis) 0 0
227-2b HinesPaul Hines (Arms at sides-Centre Field, Washington) 1 0
227-3b HinesPaul Hines (Arms folded-Centre Field, Washington) 0 0
227-2a HinesPaul Hines (Arms at sides-C.F. Washington) 1 0
227-4b HinesPaul Hines (Catch-hands head high-Centre Field, Washington) 0 0
228-4a HoffmanFrank Hoffman (End of pitch-R/hand forward head high-Denver) 1 0
228-1a HoffmanFrank Hoffman (Pitch-hands chest high on L-Denver) 0 0
228-5a HoffmanFrank Hoffman (Pitch-hands chest high by L/shoulder-Denver) 1 0
228-3a HoffmanFrank Hoffman (Pitch-R/hand head high in rear-Denver) 0 0
228-2a HoffmanFrank Hoffman (Pitch-hands head high-Denver) 0 0
229-4a HoganEddie Hogan (Catch-hands head high) 0 0
229-1a HoganEddie Hogan (Bat at ready-looking at camera) 1 0
229-3a HoganEddie Hogan (Stooping to field grounder) 1 0
229-5a HoganEddie Hogan (Throw-R/hand at side chest high) 0 0
229-2a HoganEddie Hogan (Bat at ready-looking/R) 1 0
230-5b HolbertBill Holbert (Catch-hands cupped chin high-Ball visible-Mets) 0 0
230-2a HolbertBill Holbert (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Brooklyns) 1 0
230-4a HolbertBill Holbert (Catching ball by L/shoulder-Brooklyns) 0 0
230-5a HolbertBill Holbert (Catch-hands cupped chin high-Ball visible-Brooklyns) 1 0
230-7b HolbertBill Holbert (Catch-hands cupped chin high-No ball visible-Mets) 1 0
230-6b HolbertBill Holbert (In mask-hands knee high-Mets) 0 0
230-7a HolbertBill Holbert (Catch-hands cupped chin high-NO ball visible-Brooklyns) 0 0
230-3a HolbertBill Holbert (Throw-R/hand forward chin high-Brooklyns) 1 0
230-1a HolbertBill Holbert (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
230-6a HolbertBill Holbert (In mask-hands knee high-Brooklyns) 1 0 Buy
230-2b HolbertBill Holbert (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Mets) 0 0
230-6c HolbertBill Holbert (In mask-hands knee high-Jersey Citys) 0 0
231-2b HollidayBug Holliday (Arms at sides-feet apart-Cincinnatis) 1 0
231-2a HollidayBug Holliday (Arms at sides-feet apart-Des Moines) 0 0
231-2d HollidayBug Holliday (Arms at sides-feet apart-W. Holliday) 0 0
231-3b HollidayBug Holliday (Hands crossed below waist on bat-Des Moines) 0 0
231-4b HollidayBug Holliday (Bat at ready-Cincinnati) 0 0
231-6a HollidayBug Holliday (Catch-hands cupped at waist-Cincinnatis) 1 0
231-6b HollidayBug Holliday (Catch-hands cupped at waist-Des Moines) 0 0
231-2c HollidayBug Holliday (Arms at sides-feet apart-Cincinnati (NL)) 0 0
231-1a HollidayBug Holliday (Hands at back-legs crossed-Des Moines) 1 0
231-3a HollidayBug Holliday (Hands crossed below waist on bat-Cincinnati (NL)) 0 0
231-4a HollidayBug Holliday (Bat at ready-Des Moines) 0 0
231-5a HollidayBug Holliday (Ball in hands by L/shoulder-Des Moines) 0 0
232-1b HooverCharles Hoover (Hands on thighs-Kansas City) 1 0
232-2c HooverCharles Hoover (Kneeling to field low ball-C.E. Hoover, Chicago) 1 0
232-4a HooverCharles Hoover (Throw-R/hand head high-Chicago) 1 0
232-2a HooverCharles Hoover (Kneeling to field low ball-Hoover, Chicago) 1 0
232-3a HooverCharles Hoover (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Chicago) 1 0
232-1a HooverCharles Hoover (Hands on thighs-Chicago) 1 0
232-2b HooverCharles Hoover (Kneeling to field low ball-E. Hoover,Chicago) 0 0
232-2e HooverCharles Hoover (Kneeling to field low ball-E. Hoover, Kansas Citys) 0 0
232-2d HooverCharles Hoover (Kneeling to field low ball-C.E. Hoover, Kansas Citys) 1 0
232-5a HooverCharles Hoover (Ball in hands chin high-Chicago) 1 0
233-1a HooverBuster Hoover (Bat over R/shoulder nearly horizontal-Phila) 0 0
233-2b HooverBuster Hoover (Catch-ball by hands head high-Philadelphia) 0 0
233-4a HooverBuster Hoover (Throw-R/hand cap high-Phila) 1 0
233-1b HooverBuster Hoover (Bat over R/shoulder nearly horizontal-Torontos) 0 0
233-2a HooverBuster Hoover (Catch-ball by hands head high-Phila) 1 0
233-3a HooverBuster Hoover (Catch-ball by hands waist high-Phila) 1 0
233-5a HooverBuster Hoover (Strike-ball on bat-Phila) 1 0
234-2b HornerJack Horner (Catch-L/profile-hands neck high-Milwaukee) 0 0
234-3a HornerJack Horner (With Warner-Milwaukee) 0 0
234-1a HornerJack Horner (Ball in R/hand neck high-New Havens) 0 0
234-5a HornerJack Horner (Bat at ready-Milwaukee) 0 0
234-2a HornerJack Horner (Catch-L/profile-hands neck high-New Havens) 1 0
234-4a HornerJack Horner (Bat in R/hand at side-Milwaukee) 0 0
235-1a HornungJoe Hornung (Bat at ready-nearly horizontal-L.F., Boston.) 0 0
235-4a HornungJoe Hornung (Bat in R/hand at side-L.F., Boston) 1 0
235-6a HornungJoe Hornung (Leaning/L-hands thigh high-bare head-L.F., Boston) 0 0
235-5a HornungJoe Hornung (Bat at ready at 60-Left Field, Boston) 1 0
235-1a MilliganJocko Milligan (Bat at ready-looking at camera-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
235-6b HornungJoe Hornung (Leaning/L-hands thigh high-bare head-Left Field, Boston) 0 0
235-2a HornungJoe Hornung (Throw-R/hand neck high-New York (NL)) 0 0
235-3c HornungJoe Hornung (Ball in hands held out neck high-Left Field, Boston) 0 0
235-2c HornungJoe Hornung (Throw-R/hand neck high-Left Field, Boston) 1 0
235-3b HornungJoe Hornung (Ball in hands held out neck high-L.F., Baltimores) 0 0
235-5c HornungJoe Hornung (Bat at ready at 60-L.F., Baltimores) 0 0
235-4c HornungJoe Hornung (Bat in R/hand at side-Joe Hornung, Boston.) 1 0
235-2b HornungJoe Hornung (Throw-R/hand neck high-L.F., Boston.) 1 0
235-6d HornungJoe Hornung (Leaning/L-hands thigh high-bare head-Baltimores) 0 0
235-6c HornungJoe Hornung (Leaning/L-hands thigh high-bare head-Joe Hornung, Boston) 0 0
235-3a HornungJoe Hornung (Ball in hands held out neck high-L.F., Boston.) 0 0
235-5b HornungJoe Hornung (Bat at ready at 60-L.F., Boston.) 0 0
235-4b HornungJoe Hornung (Bat in R/hand at side-Left Field, Boston) 1 0
236-2a HotalingPete Hotaling (R/hand across waist-L/hand at back-Clevelands) 0 0
236-4a HotalingPete Hotaling (Throw-R/hand chin high-Clevelands) 1 0
236-1a HotalingPete Hotaling (Bat on L/shoulder-Cleveland's) 1 0
236-3a HotalingPete Hotaling (Stooping/L-hands thigh high-Cleveland) 1 0
237-2a HowesBill Howes (Catch-hands neck high-looking at approaching ball) 1 0
237-4a HowesBill Howes (Ball in hands thigh high on L) 1 0
237-1b HowesBill Howes (Catch-hands neck high-looking up-Hawes) 1 0
237-6a HowesBill Howes (Bat at ready-nearly vertical) 1 0
237-3a HowesBill Howes (Stooping to field ball by R/foot) 1 0
237-5a HowesBill Howes (Ball near hands by R/knee-not in time to tag man at base) 0 0
237-1a HowesBill Howes (Catch-hands neck high-looking up-Howes) 0 0
238-2a HoyDummy Hoy (Strike-bat over L/shoulder-C.F. Washington) 0 0
238-1a HoyDummy Hoy (Bat in L/hand at side-Washington) 1 0 Buy
238-3b HoyDummy Hoy (Stooping to field grounder-C.F.) 0 0
238-5a HoyDummy Hoy (Catch-hands neck high-Washingtons) 1 0
238-1b HoyDummy Hoy (Bat in L/hand at side-Washingtons) 0 0
238-2b HoyDummy Hoy (Strike-bat over L/shoulder-C.F., Washington) 0 0
238-4a HoyDummy Hoy (Throw-R/hand in rear head high-Washington) 0 0
238-3a HoyDummy Hoy (Stooping to field grounder-C.F., Washington) 1 0
238-2c HoyDummy Hoy (Strike-bat over L/shoulder-Washingtons) 1 0
238-4b HoyDummy Hoy (Throw-R/hand in rear head high-Washingtons) 1 0
239-4b HudsonNat Hudson (Pitch-hands chest high-St. Louis Browns) 0 0
239-3b HudsonNat Hudson (Pitch-hands at waist-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
239-2a HudsonNat Hudson (Bat at ready-looking at camera-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
239-5a HudsonNat Hudson (Pitch-R/hand held out waist high-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
239-6a HudsonNat Hudson (Pitch-R/hand forward head high) 1 0
239-5b HudsonNat Hudson (Pitch-R/hand held out waist high-St. Louis) 1 0
239-3a HudsonNat Hudson (Pitch-hands at waist-St. Louis) 0 0
239-2b HudsonNat Hudson (Bat at ready-looking at camera-St. Louis) 0 0
239-4a HudsonNat Hudson (Pitch-hands chest high-St. Louis) 1 0
239-1a HudsonNat Hudson (Portrait in striped hat-Brown's Champions) 1 0
240-2a HughesMickey Hughes (Bat at ready-over R/shoulder) 0 0
240-8a HughesMickey Hughes (Pitch-R/hand forward head high) 1 0
240-3a HughesMickey Hughes (bat at ready at about 30) 1 0
240-6a HughesMickey Hughes (Pitch-ball in R/hand-chest high-looking at camera) 0 0
240-4a HughesMickey Hughes (Catch-Hands chest high-looking up) 1 0
240-1a HughesMickey Hughes (Portrait-spotted tie) 0 0
240-5a HughesMickey Hughes (Pitch-hands at L-chest high) 0 0
240-7a HughesMickey Hughes (Pitch-ball in R/hand at side-R/profile-feet wide apart) 0 0
241-1b HunglerAl Hungler (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-Citys) 0 0
241-4a HunglerAl Hungler (Pitch-R/hand forward chin high-Citys) 0 0
241-2a HunglerAl Hungler (Pitch-hands chin high close to body-City) 1 0
241-1a HunglerAl Hungler (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-City) 0 0
241-3a HunglerAl Hungler (Pitch-hands chest high well away from body-Citys) 0 0
241-5a HunglerAl Hungler (Strike-looking at ball close to bat-Citys) 1 0
242-4a HutchinsonBill Hutchinson (Pitch-hands chest high-Chicagos) 0 0
242-3a HutchinsonBill Hutchinson (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Chic. (NL)) 0 0 Buy
242-2b HutchinsonBill Hutchinson (Ball in R/hand above head-R/heel concealed behind L/leg-Chic. (NL)) 0 0
242-1a HutchinsonBill Hutchinson (Ball in R/hand above head-R/heel visible behind L/leg-Chicagos) 0 0
242-1b HutchinsonBill Hutchinson (Ball in R/hand above head-R/heel visible behind L/leg-Chic (NL)) 0 0
242-2a HutchinsonBill Hutchinson (Ball in R/hand above head-R/heel concealed behind L/leg-Ohio (NL)) 1 0
242-3b HutchinsonBill Hutchinson (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Chicagos) 0 0
242-2c HutchinsonBill Hutchinson (Ball in R/hand above head-R/heel concealed behind L/leg-Chicagos) 0 0
243-2a IrwinJohn Irwin (Strike-looking at ball on bat-Washington) 1 0
243-3b IrwinJohn Irwin (Throw-R/hand head high-Wilkes-Barre) 0 0
243-4a IrwinJohn Irwin (Catch-hands waist high-Washington) 1 0
243-3a IrwinJohn Irwin (Throw-R/hand head high-Washington) 1 0
243-1a IrwinJohn Irwin (Hands on Knees-Washington) 1 0
244-1a IrwinArthur Irwin (Portrait-looking/L-Philadelphias) 1 0
244-11b IrwinArthur Irwin (Dolling cap in R/hand by head-Philadelphias) 1 0
244-4b IrwinArthur Irwin (Bat at ready at 60-L/heel behind R/leg-Short Stop, Philadelphia) 0 0
244-6c IrwinArthur Irwin (Stooping for grounder-hands between knees-Short Stop, Philadelphia) 0 0
244-9a IrwinArthur Irwin (Bat at ready-horizontal-Philadelphias) 1 0
244-10b IrwinArthur Irwin (Catch-R/profile-hands above head-S.S., Phila.) 0 0
244-7a IrwinArthur Irwin (Stooping/R to field ball by L/foot-Philadelphias) 0 0
244-5c IrwinArthur Irwin (Throw-R/hand head high-Philadelphia) 0 0
244-8a IrwinArthur Irwin (Bat on L/shoulder-heels together-Philadelphias) 1 0
244-4a IrwinArthur Irwin (Bat at ready at 60-L/heel behind R/leg-S.S., Phila.) 1 0
244-2a IrwinArthur Irwin (Portrait-looking/R) 1 0
244-1b IrwinArthur Irwin (Portrait-looking/L-Boston (PL)) 0 0
244-11a IrwinArthur Irwin (Dolling cap in R/hand by head-Bostons (PL)) 1 0
244-6b IrwinArthur Irwin (Stooping for grounder-hands between knees-Philadelphias) 1 0
244-5b IrwinArthur Irwin (Throw-R/hand head high-Philadelphias) 1 0
244-10a IrwinArthur Irwin (Catch-R/profile-hands above head-Boston (PL)) 0 0
244-4c IrwinArthur Irwin (Bat at ready at 60-L/heel behind R/leg-Washington) 0 0
244-6a IrwinArthur Irwin (Stooping for grounder-hands between knees-S.S., Phila.) 1 0
244-3a IrwinArthur Irwin (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Phila.) 1 0
244-5a IrwinArthur Irwin (Throw-R/hand head high-S.S., Phila.) 1 0
245-1a JantzenA.C. Jantzen (Bat at ready-looking at camera) 1 0
245-5a JantzenA.C. Jantzen (Catch-Hands head high) 1 0
245-2a JantzenA.C. Jantzen (Strike-looking at approaching ball) 1 0
245-3a JantzenA.C. Jantzen (Catch-ball by hands at R/knee) 1 0
245-4a JantzenA.C. Jantzen (Catch-Ball by hands chest high) 1 0
246-3a JevneFrederick Jevne (Catch-hands above head) 1 0
246-1a JevneFrederick Jevne (Sliding-horizontal) 0 0
246-4a JevneFrederick Jevne (Stooping for low ball by R/foot) 1 0
246-5a JevneFrederick Jevne (Bat at ready-looking at camera) 1 0
246-2a JevneFrederick Jevne (Bat in R/hand at side) 1 0
246-6a JevneFrederick Jevne (Catch-hands neck high on L) 0 0
247-5a JohnsonSpud Johnson (Catch-hands waist high-Kansas City) 0 0
247-1a JohnsonSpud Johnson (Hands inside tunic above waist-Columbus) 0 0
247-3a JohnsonSpud Johnson (Bat over L/shoulder-Columbus) 0 0
247-4b JohnsonSpud Johnson (Throw-R/hand chest high in rear-Kansas City) 0 0
247-2a JohnsonSpud Johnson (Catch-hands head high-Kansas City) 0 0
247-6a JohnsonSpud Johnson (Leaning on bat in R/hand-Kansas City) 0 0
247-2b JohnsonSpud Johnson (Catch-hands head high-Columbus) 0 0
247-4a JohnsonSpud Johnson (Throw-R/hand chest high in rear-Columbus) 0 0
248-2d JohnstonDick Johnston (Strike-looking at approaching ball-C.F., Boston) 0 0
248-2a JohnstonDick Johnston (Strike-looking at approaching ball-C.F., Bostons) 1 0
248-3b JohnstonDick Johnston (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Centre Field) 1 0
248-4b JohnstonDick Johnston (Hands on hips-Centre Field) 0 0
248-3a JohnstonDick Johnston (Bat at ready-looking at camera-C.F., Boston) 1 0
248-4d JohnstonDick Johnston (Hands on hips-Bostons (PL)) 0 0
248-6b JohnstonDick Johnston (Catch-hands neck high-Centre Field) 0 0
248-3d JohnstonDick Johnston (Bat at ready-looking at camera-R.F. Johnston) 1 0
248-1b JohnstonDick Johnston (Catch-hands by R/thigh-Centre Field) 0 0
248-6a JohnstonDick Johnston (Catch-hands neck high-C.F.) 0 0
248-2c JohnstonDick Johnston (Strike, looking at approaching ball-R.F. Johnston) 0 0
248-2b JohnstonDick Johnston (Strike-looking at approaching ball-Centre Field) 0 0
248-3c JohnstonDick Johnston (Bat at ready-looking at camera-C.F., Bostons) 1 0
248-4c JohnstonDick Johnston (Hands on hips-C.F., Bostons) 1 0
248-5a JohnstonDick Johnston (Throw-R/hand chin high-C.F., Boston) 0 0
248-5b JohnstonDick Johnston (Throw-R/hand chin high-Centre Field) 0 0
248-4a JohnstonDick Johnston (Hands on hips-C.F., Boston) 1 0
248-1a JohnstonDick Johnston (Catch-hands by R/thigh-C.F.) 0 0
249-5a JordanW.J. Jordan (Bat at ready at 45) 0 0
249-2a JordanW.J. Jordan (Throw-R/hand head high) 0 0
249-6a JordanW.J. Jordan (In mask-hands on thighs) 0 0
249-3a JordanW.J. Jordan (Catch-in mask-ball in hands at chest) 0 0
249-1a JordanW.J. Jordan (Bat over R/shoulder-ball in L/hand) 1 0
249-4a JordanW.J. Jordan (Catch-no mask-hands chest high) 0 0
250-1a KappellHeinie Kappell (Stooping to field grounder-Columbus) 1 0
250-2a KappellHeinie Kappell (Catch-stooping/R-hands knee high-Columbus) 1 0
250-2b KappellHeinie Kappell (Catch-stooping/R-hands knee high-Cincinnati) 0 0
250-4a KappellHeinie Kappell (Throw-R/hand neck high-Cincinnati) 0 0
250-3a KappellHeinie Kappell (Catch-hands above head-Columbus) 1 0
250-1b KappellHeinie Kappell (Stooping to field grounder-Cincinnati) 0 0
250-3b KappellHeinie Kappell (Catch-hands above head-Cincinnati) 0 0
250-5a KappellHeinie Kappell (Strike-bat at 90-Cincinnati) 0 0
251-1a KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-hands at chest-New York (PL)) 1 1
251-7b KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-hands above waist-facing front-Tim Keefe) 1 1
251-8b KeefeTim Keefe (Tagging Richardson-both lying on ground-Horizontal-Keefe & Richardson) 1 2 Buy
251-1b KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-hands at chest-New Yorks) 1 1
251-2b KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-R/hand in rear waist high-Keef) 1 1
251-2d KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-R/hand in rear waist high-New Yorks) 1 1
251-3b KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-R/hand forward head high-KeefeP) 1 1
251-6b KeefeTim Keefe (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-Jim Keefe) 1 1
251-2a KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-R/hand in rear waist high-Jim Keefe) 1 1
251-3c KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-R/hand forward head high-New York (PL)) 1 1
251-4b KeefeTim Keefe (Bat at ready at 30-N.Y.) 1 1 Buy
251-1c KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-hands at chest-Tim Keefe) 1 1
251-7c KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-hands above waist-facing front-Jim Keefe) 0 1
251-9a KeefeTim Keefe (Catching ball by chin-Richardson sliding to base-horizontal-N.Y's) 1 2
251-7a KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-hands above waist-facing front-New Yorks) 0 1
251-8a KeefeTim Keefe (Tagging Richardson-both lying on ground-Horizontal-New Yorks) 1 2 Buy
251-5a KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-R/hand held out waist high-Tim Keefe) 1 1
251-3a KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-R/hand forward head high-Tim Keefe) 1 1 Buy
251-2c KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-R/hand in rear waist high-Tim Keefe) 1 1
251-6a KeefeTim Keefe (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-Tim Keefe) 1 1
251-5b KeefeTim Keefe (Pitch-R/hand held out waist high-New Yorks) 1 0
251-4a KeefeTim Keefe (Bat at ready at 30-New Yorks) 1 1
252-4a KeefeGeorge Keefe (Pitch-hands above head-Washington) 0 0
252-2a KeefeGeorge Keefe (Pitch-hands at chest-looking front-Washingtons) 1 0
252-2b KeefeGeorge Keefe (Pitch-hands at chest-looking front-Washington) 0 0
252-3a KeefeGeorge Keefe (Pitch-hands at chest-R/profile-Washingtons) 0 0
252-5a KeefeGeorge Keefe (Pitch-L/hand forward head high-Washington) 1 0
252-1a KeefeGeorge Keefe (Bat at ready at 60-Washingtons) 0 0
253-2a KeenanJim Keenan (Stooping to field grounder-Cincinnatti) 1 0
253-5b KeenanJim Keenan (Catch-hands above head-Cin..NL) 0 0
253-1a KeenanJim Keenan (Hands on knees-J.M. Keenan) 1 0 Buy
253-5a KeenanJim Keenan (Catch-hands above head-J.M. Keenan) 0 0
253-3b KeenanJim Keenan (Bat at ready nearly vertical-J.M. Keenan) 1 0
253-4a KeenanJim Keenan (Catch-hands chest high-Cincinnatti) 0 0
253-3a KeenanJim Keenan (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Cincinnatti) 1 0
254-10a KellyKing Kelly (Catch-hands head high-Boston $10,000) 1 1 Buy
254-8a KellyKing Kelly (Bat on R/shoulder-Boston $10,000) 1 1 Buy
254-11a KellyKing Kelly (Portrait in street clothes) 0 1
254d KappelHeinie Kappel (Cin-Field-bent over hand to ankles) 0 0
254a KappelHeinie Kappel (Cin-sideview bent to his left away from camera) 1 0
254-6a KellyKing Kelly (Bat at ready-horizontal-Boston $10,000) 1 1
254-5b KellyKing Kelly (Bat at ready at 45-R/handed-Boston No Position) 1 1
254-1a KellyKing Kelly (Portrait-in cap-Chicago on shirt) 1 1 Buy
254-4a KellyKing Kelly (Bat at ready at 45-L/handed-Chicago jersey $10,000) 1 1 Buy
254-3a KellyKing Kelly (Portrait-bare head-Boston on shirt $10,000) 1 1
254-9a KellyKing Kelly (Catch-hands chest high-Boston $10,000) 1 1
254c KappelHeinie Kappel (Cin-Catch-sideview hands and ball above head) 0 0
254-7a KellyKing Kelly (Bat in L/Hand at side-Boston $10,000) 1 1
254b KappelHeinie Kappel (Columbus) 0 0
254-5c KellyKing Kelly (Bat at ready at 45-Kelly, C., Bostons) 1 1
254-5a KellyKing Kelly (Bat at ready at 45-R/handed-Boston jersey $10,000) 1 1
254-2a KellyKing Kelly (Portrait-bare head-Chicago on shirt) 1 1
254-5d KellyKing Kelly (Bat at ready at 45-R/handed-Boston (PL) No Position) 0 1
255-1a KellyJohn Kelly (Portrait-looking/L) 0 0
255-3a KellyJohn Kelly (Looking at approaching ball) 1 0
255-2a KellyJohn Kelly (Full length photo-coat over L/arm) 0 0
255-4a KellyJohn Kelly (With Jim Powell) 0 0
257-2a KellyCharles Kelly (Bat at ready-hands clear of body-Phila) 0 0
257-4a KellyCharles Kelly (Catch-leaning forward-hands thigh high-Phila) 0 0
257-1a KellyCharles Kelly (Bat at ready-hands close to body-Phila) 0 0
257-3a KellyCharles Kelly (Catch-L/profile-hands head high-Phila) 0 0
257-5a KellyCharles Kelly (Throw-leaning/L-R/hand thigh high-Phila) 0 0
258b KellyCharlie Kelly (Throw-side view rear back) 0 0
258-3a KemmlerRudy Kemmler (Catch-facing/L-ball just above head-C. St. Paul) 0 0
258-1a KemmlerRudy Kemmler (Portrait in striped hat-Brown's Champions) 1 0
258a KellyCharlie Kelly (Bat on right shoulder) 1 0
258-2a KemmlerRudy Kemmler (Bat on R/shoulder-C. St. Paul) 0 0
259-5a KennedyTed Kennedy (Pitch-R/arm extended at side-Des Moines) 0 0
259-6a KennedyTed Kennedy (Pitch-hands at R/shoulder, facing R-Omaha's) 0 0
259-2a KennedyTed Kennedy (Bat in L/hand at side-Des Moines) 0 0
259-4b KennedyTed Kennedy (Pitch-hands chest high-Omahas) 1 0
259-3a KennedyTed Kennedy (Catch-hands waist high-Des Moines) 1 0
259-4a KennedyTed Kennedy (Pitch-hands chest high-Des Moines) 0 0
259-5b KennedyTed Kennedy (Pitch-R/arm extended at side-Omahas) 0 0
259-2b KennedyTed Kennedy (Bat in L/hand at side-Omaha's) 1 0
259-1a KennedyTed Kennedy (Bat on L/shoulder) 0 0
259-3b KennedyTed Kennedy (Catch-hands waist high-Omahas) 0 0
260-5a KenyonJ.J. Kenyon (R/hand in glove held up head high-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
260-3a KenyonJ.J. Kenyon (Catch-stooping-hands chest high-Des Moines) 0 0
260-2a KenyonJ.J. Kenyon (Bat in R/hand at side-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
260-4a KenyonJ.J. Kenyon (In mask-stooping-hands on knees-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
260-5b KenyonJ.J. Kenyon (R/hand in glove held up head high-Des Moines) 0 0
260-1a KenyonJ.J. Kenyon (Strike-ball thigh high-looking at camera-Des Moines) 0 0
260-1b KenyonJ.J. Kenyon (Strike-ball thigh high-looking at camera-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
260-3b KenyonJ.J. Kenyon (Catch-stooping-hands chest high-St. Louis Whites) 0 0
261-2b KerinsJohn Kerins (Hands on thighs-Kerins) 1 0
261-1a KerinsJohn Kerins (Strike-looking at ball waist high-Kerins) 1 0
261-4a KerinsJohn Kerins (Catch-kneeling-hands by L/knee-Kerins) 0 0
261-1b KerinsJohn Kerins (Strike-looking at ball waist high-J. Kerins) 1 0
261-3a KerinsJohn Kerins (In mask-stooping-hands thigh high-Kerins) 0 0
261-2a KerinsJohn Kerins (Hands on thighs-J. Kerins) 1 0
261-5a KerinsJohn Kerins (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Kerins) 1 0
262-4a KilroyMatt Kilroy (Pitch-hands on R waist high-Baltimores) 0 0
262-1a KilroyMatt Kilroy (Bat at ready nearly vertical-looking/L-Baltimores) 1 0
262-1b KilroyMatt Kilroy (Bat at ready nearly vertical-looking/L-Bostons (PL)) 1 0
262-2a KilroyMatt Kilroy (Pitch-ball in fingers chest high-Baltimores) 1 0
262-2b KilroyMatt Kilroy (Pitch-ball in fingers chest high-Bostons (PL)) 0 0
262-3a KilroyMatt Kilroy (Catch-hands held out head high-Baltimores) 0 0
262-7a KilroyMatt Kilroy (Pitch-L/arm forward neck high-Baltimores) 0 0
262-6a KilroyMatt Kilroy (Catch-ball by hands-neck high-Baltimores) 1 0
262-5a KilroyMatt Kilroy (Pitch-L/hand held up head high-Baltimores) 0 0
262-2c KilroyMatt Kilroy (Pitch-ball in fingers chest high-Boston) 0 0
263-2b KingSilver King (Pitch-hands chest high-looking/R-St. Louis) 0 0
263-2a KingSilver King (Pitch-hands chest high-looking/R-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
263-2c KingSilver King (Pitch-hands chest high-looking/R-Chicago (PL)) 0 0
263-1b KingSilver King (Pitch-hands chin high-looking at camera-St. Louis Browns) 0 0
263-1a KingSilver King (Pitch-hands chin high-looking at camera-St. Louis) 1 0 Buy
264-4a KloffAugust Kloff (Catch leaning/R-hands waist high-Minneapolis) 0 0
264-6a KloffAugust Kloff (Pitch-R/hand vertically above head-arm almost straight) 0 0
264-2a KloffAugust Kloff (Pitch-ball leaving hand head high) 1 0
264-3a KloffAugust Kloff (Hands at neck) 0 0
264-5a KloffAugust Kloff (Bat at ready nearly vertical) 0 0
264-4b KloffAugust Kloff (Catch leaning/R-hands waist high-St. Joes) 1 0
264-1a KloffAugust Kloff (Pitch-R/hand above head-arm bent) 0 0
265-2b KlusmanBilly Klusman (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Milwaukee) 0 0
265-5a KlusmanBilly Klusman (Catch-hands waist high-Denvers) 0 0
265-3a KlusmanBilly Klusman (Strike-looking at ball-Denvers) 1 0
265-4b KlusmanBilly Klusman (Catch-hands head high-Milwaukee) 1 0
265-2a KlusmanBilly Klusman (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Denvers) 1 0
265-3b KlusmanBilly Klusman (Strike-looking at ball-Milwaukee) 0 0
265-4a KlusmanBilly Klusman (Catch-hands head high-Denvers) 1 0
265-1a KlusmanBilly Klusman (Stooping-hands by R/foot-Denvers) 0 0
266-1a KnellPhillip Knell (Pitch-hands at chest-St. Josephs) 0 0 Buy
266-3b KnellPhillip Knell (Pitch-nearly back view-L/hand head high-R/profile-St. Josephs) 1 0
266-2a KnellPhillip Knell (Pitch-L/hand by head-looking at camera-St. Josephs) 0 0
266-5a KnellPhillip Knell (Bat held horizontal-St. Josephs) 1 0
266-3a KnellPhillip Knell (Pitch-nearly back view-L/hand head high-R/profile-St. Joes) 1 0
266-4a KnellPhillip Knell (Pitch-L/hand forward head high) 0 0
267-2a KnouffFred Knouff (Strike-bat nearly horizontal-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
267-4a KnouffFred Knouff (Ball in R/hand held out waist high-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
267-5b KnouffFred Knouff (Ball in R/hand held up head high-Athletic's) 0 0
267-5a KnouffFred Knouff (Ball in R/hand held up head high-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
267-1a KnouffFred Knouff (Sliding-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
267-3a KnouffFred Knouff (Pitch-hands chest high-St. Louis Browns) 0 0
268-1a KremmeyerCharles Kremmeyer (Catch-hands above waist-Sacramento) 0 0
269-5b KriegBill Krieg (Dark cap-bat at ready-looking front-1st B. Minne) 0 0
269-6b KriegBill Krieg (Dark cap-throw-R/hand shoulder high-St. Joes) 1 0
269-8a KriegBill Krieg (Dark cap-catch-hands by L/shoulder-Minneapolis) 0 0
269-10a KriegBill Krieg (In mask with Kloff-Minneapolis) 0 0
269-1b KriegBill Krieg (Ringed cap-catch-hands chest high-First Base, Washington) 0 0
269-2c KriegBill Krieg (Ringed cap-catch-hands thigh high-Minne) 0 0
269-2e KriegBill Krieg (Ringed cap, catch, hands thigh high-1st B. St. Joe) 0 0
269-1c KriegBill Krieg (Ringed cap-catch-hands chest high-St. Joe) 0 0
269-3b KriegBill Krieg (Ringed cap-strike-looking at ball-First Base, Washington) 1 0
269-5a KriegBill Krieg (Dark cap-bat at ready-looking front-C., Minneapolis) 0 0
269-6a KriegBill Krieg (Dark cap-throw-R/hand shoulder high-C., Minneapolis) 0 0
269-7a KriegBill Krieg (Dark cap-catch-stretching up/L-Minneapolis) 0 0
269-9a KriegBill Krieg (In mask-hands on knees-Minneapolis) 0 0
269-2b KriegBill Krieg (Ringed cap-catch, hands thigh high-First Base, Washington) 0 0
269-2d KriegBill Krieg (Ringed cap-catch-hands thigh high-C., St. Joes) 1 0
269-2a KriegBill Krieg (Ringed cap-catch-hands thigh high-1st B., Washington) 1 0
269-3a KriegBill Krieg (Ringed cap-strike-looking at ball-1st B. Minne.) 0 0
269-1a KriegBill Krieg (Ringed cap-catch-hands chest high-1st B. Washington) 0 0
269-4a KriegBill Krieg (Dark cap-tagging player on ground-Minneapolis) 0 0
270-3c KrockGus Krock (Pitch-R/hand thigh high at back-Chicago's) 1 0
270-5b KrockGus Krock (Pitch-R/hand forward chin high-G.) 0 0
270-4b KrockGus Krock (Pitch-R/hand head high at L-G.) 1 0
270-2b KrockGus Krock (Pitch-hands above waist-Chicago) 1 0
270-1b KrockGus Krock (Bat on R/shoulder-G.) 1 0
270-3b KrockGus Krock (Pitch, R/hand thigh high at back-G.) 0 0
270-4a KrockGus Krock (Pitch-R/hand head high at L-Chicago) 0 0
270-1a KrockGus Krock (Bat on R/shoulder-Gus) 1 0
270-5c KrockGus Krock (Pitch-R/hand forward chin high-Chicago's) 0 0
270-1c KrockGus Krock (Bat on R/shoulder) 0 0
270-5a KrockGus Krock (Pitch-R/hand forward chin high-Chicago) 1 0
270-3a KrockGus Krock (Pitch-R/hand thigh high at back-Gus) 1 0
270-2a KrockGus Krock (Pitch-hands above waist-Chicagos) 0 0
271-2a KuehneWillie Kuehne (Stooping to field grounder-Pittsburgh's) 0 0
271-5c KuehneWillie Kuehne (Stooping for catch-hands thigh high-Pittburgh's) 0 0
271-2d KuehneWillie Kuehne (Stooping to field grounder-Pittburgh) 0 0
271-2b KuehneWillie Kuehne (Stooping to field grounder-Pittburgs) 1 0
271-4a KuehneWillie Kuehne (Throw-R/hand head high-Pittsburgs) 1 0
271-5a KuehneWillie Kuehne (Stooping for catch-hands thigh high-Pittburgs) 0 0
271-1a KuehneWillie Kuehne (About to bunt) 0 0
271-2c KuehneWillie Kuehne (Stooping to field grounder-Pittburghs) 0 0
271-3a KuehneWillie Kuehne (Walking to L-Pittburgh's) 0 0
271-4b KuehneWillie Kuehne (Throw-R/hand head high-Pittsburgh) 0 0
271-3b KuehneWillie Kuehne (Walking to L-Pittburgs) 1 0
271-5b KuehneWillie Kuehne (Stooping for catch-hands thigh high-Pittburghs) 0 0
272-5a LangeFred Lange (Throw-R/hand head high) 0 0
272-2a LangeFred Lange (Bending/L-hands ankle high) 0 0
272-4a LangeFred Lange (Catch-hands chest high) 0 0
272-1a LangeFred Lange (Bat at ready-looking at camera) 1 0
272-3a LangeFred Lange (Bending/R-L/hand on ground ball) 0 0
273-2a LarkinTed Larkin (Catch-bending/R-hands thigh high) 1 0
273-4a LarkinTed Larkin (Catch-L/hand above head) 0 0
273-1a LarkinTed Larkin (Strike-ball by bat-looking front) 0 0
273-5a LarkinTed Larkin (Stooping to field grounder) 1 0
273-3a LarkinTed Larkin (Throw-R/hand shoulder high) 1 0
274-4c LathamArlie Latham (Bat at ready at 30-bending/L-Chicagos (PL)) 1 0
274-6b LathamArlie Latham (Throw-R/hand head high-A. Latham) 0 0
274-2c LathamArlie Latham (Sliding-St. Louis) 0 0
274-2b LathamArlie Latham (Sliding-A. Latham) 0 0
274-4a LathamArlie Latham (Bat at ready at 30-bending/L-Latham) 1 0
274-4d LathamArlie Latham (Bat at ready-bending/L-A. Latham) 0 0
274-1a LathamArlie Latham (Portrait in striped hat-Brown's Champions) 1 0
274-6a LathamArlie Latham (Throw-R/hand head high-Latham) 1 0
274-3a LathamArlie Latham (Bat at ready at 60-standing upright-Latham) 0 0
274-2a LathamArlie Latham (Sliding-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
274-3b LathamArlie Latham (Bat at ready at 60-standing upright-A. Latham) 0 0
274-4b LathamArlie Latham (Bat at ready at 30-bending/L-W. Latham) 1 0
274-5a LathamArlie Latham (Catch-hands head high-W. Latham) 0 0
275-3a LauerChuck Lauer (Bat at ready-looking at camera) 0 0
275-5a LauerChuck Lauer (Catch-hands forward almost shoulder high-palms out) 0 0
275-1a LauerChuck Lauer (Catch-hands forward chest high-palms in) 0 0
275-4a LauerChuck Lauer (Strike-looking at ball) 0 0
275-2a LauerChuck Lauer (Throw-R/hand head high) 1 0
276-2a LeightonJohn Leighton (Stooping-catch-hands by L/ankle) 1 0
276-1a LeightonJohn Leighton (Strike-looking at ball) 1 0
276-4a LeightonJohn Leighton (Catch hands above head) 1 0
276-3a LeightonJohn Leighton (Catch-hands neck high) 1 0
276-5a LeightonJohn Leighton (Catch-L/hand head high) 1 0
276.5-1a LevyLevy, San Francisco (Bat in L/hand at side-San Francisco) 0 0
277-1a LoftusTom Loftus (Bowler hat in R/hand-Clevelands) 1 0
277-1b LoftusTom Loftus (Bowler hat in R/hand-Cleveland) 1 0
277-2a LoftusTom Loftus (Bowler hat on head-Whites) 1 0
277-1c LoftusTom Loftus (Bowler hat in R/hand-Whites) 0 0
278-4a LongHerman Long (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Chicago Maroons) 1 0
278-5a LongHerman Long (Throw-R/hand head high-Kansas City) 1 0
278-4c LongHerman Long (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Kansas City) 1 0 Buy
278-1b LongHerman Long (Bat at ready-Kansas Citys) 0 0
278-3a LongHerman Long (Stooping-catch-hands thigh high-Chicago Maroons) 0 0
278-4b LongHerman Long (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Kansas Citys) 1 0
278-2a LongHerman Long (Bat in R/hand at side-Chicago Maroons) 1 0
278-1a LongHerman Long (Bat at ready-Chicago Maroons) 0 0
278-3b LongHerman Long (Stooping-catch-hands thigh high-Kansas City) 0 0
280-4b LovettTom Lovett (Hands clenched at sides-Omaha) 0 0
280-6a LovettTom Lovett (Bat in R/hand at side-Omaha) 0 0
280-2a LovettTom Lovett (Pitch-hands chest high-Brooklyns) 1 0
280-1b LovettTom Lovett (Bat at ready on R/shoulder-Brooklyns) 0 0
280-4a LovettTom Lovett (Hands clenched at sides-Brooklyns) 0 0
280-5a LovettTom Lovett (Pitch-R/hand extended shoulder high on L-Brooklyns) 0 0
280-1a LovettTom Lovett (Bat at ready on R/shoulder-Omaha) 1 0
280-3a LovettTom Lovett (Pitch-hands above head-Brooklyns) 0 0
281-2a LoweBobby Lowe (Sliding-hand on base-Milwaukees) 0 0
281-4a LoweBobby Lowe (Stooping to field grounder-Milwaukees) 0 0
281-5a LoweBobby Lowe (Catch-hands cupped shoulder high-Milwaukees) 1 0
281-3a LoweBobby Lowe (Strike-bat on R/shoulder-Milwaukees) 1 0
281-1b LoweBobby Lowe (Bat in R/hand at side-Milwaukees, W. Ass'n) 1 0
281-6a LoweBobby Lowe (Throw-R/hand shoulder high-Milwaukees) 0 0
281-1a LoweBobby Lowe (Bat in R/hand at side-Milwaukees) 1 0
282-5a LynchJack Lynch (Throw-hands chest high-R/foot behind L/leg) 0 0
282 LongDanny Long (Bat at ready-looking front-Oakland) 0 0
282-3a LynchJack Lynch (Throw-hands chest high) 1 0
282-2a LynchJack Lynch (Bat over R/shoulder) 0 0
282-4a LynchJack Lynch (Throw-R/hand neck high) 1 0
282-1a LynchJack Lynch (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
283-4a LyonsDenny Lyons (Catch-L/hand above head-Athletics) 0 0
283-2a LyonsDenny Lyons (Bat over R/shoulder-Athletics) 0 0
283-3a LyonsDenny Lyons (Bat at ready at 30-Athletics) 1 0
283-1a LyonsDenny Lyons (Hands on knees-Athletics) 1 0
284-1a LyonsHarry Lyons (Bending/L-hands thigh high-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
284-5a LyonsHarry Lyons (Throw-R/hand waist high-St Louis Browns) 0 0
284-1a LyonsHarry Lyons (Sliding-St Louis Browns) 0 0
284-4a LyonsHarry Lyons (Stooping-hands cupped at knees-St Louis Browns) 0 0
284-5b LyonsHarry Lyons (Throw-R/hand waist high-New Jersey) 0 0
284-2a LyonsHarry Lyons (Bat on R/shoulder-St Louis Browns) 1 0
285-1a MackConnie Mack (Throw-R/hand neck high-C.) 1 1
285-2a MackConnie Mack (Stoop-hands on knees-C.) 1 1
285-3b MackConnie Mack (Strike-looking down at ball-C.) 0 1
285-1c MackConnie Mack (Throw-R/hand neck high-C. Mack, Catcher) 0 1
285-2b MackConnie Mack (Stoop-hands on knees-Catcher) 1 1
285-3a MackConnie Mack (Strike-Looking down at ball-Catcher) 1 1
285-1b MackConnie Mack (Throw-R/hand neck high-Catcher) 0 1
286-4a MackJoseph Mack (Bending/R-L/hand thigh high in rear-Louisville) 1 0
286-4b MackJoseph Mack (Bending/R-L/hand thigh high in rear-Baltimores) 0 0
286-3a MackJoseph Mack (Catch-hands chin high-Louisville) 0 0
286-1a MackJoseph Mack (Sliding-Louisville) 0 0
286-3a JosephJoseph Joseph (Catch, hands chin high) 0 0
286-4b JosephJoseph Joseph (Bending/R, L/hand thigh high in rear-Joe, Balt) 0 0
286-5a MackJoseph Mack (Stooping to field grounder by L/foot-Louisville) 1 0
286-2a MackJoseph Mack (Strike-looking at ball head high-Louisville) 1 0
287-5a MacullarJimmy Macullar (Throw-L/hand held out belt high) 1 0
287-2a MacullarJimmy Macullar (Catch-hands held out head high) 0 0
287-6a MacullarJimmy Macullar (Arms at side-looking/L) 0 0
287-4a MacullarJimmy Macullar (Stooping for grounder by L/foot) 0 0
287-1a MacullarJimmy Macullar (Hands on knees) 0 0
287-3a MacullarJimmy Macullar (Bat in L/Hand at side) 0 0
288-2d MaddenKid Madden (Bat in L/Hand at side-Bostons (PL)) 0 0
288-1b MaddenKid Madden (Portrait-looking at camera-Boston) 1 0
288-3d MaddenKid Madden (Ball in hands at neck-Boston) 0 0
288-3a MaddenKid Madden (Ball in hands at neck-Bostons) 1 0
288-3c MaddenKid Madden (Ball in hands at neck-Bostons(PL)) 1 0
288-5a MaddenKid Madden (Ball in L/hand just above head-P., Boston's) 1 0
288-4c MaddenKid Madden (Bat at ready by L/shoulder-Bostons (PL)) 0 0
288-2b MaddenKid Madden (Bat in L/Hand at side-Pitcher, Boston) 1 0
288-6a MaddenKid Madden (Ball in L/hand eye high-P. Boston) 0 0
288-1a MaddenKid Madden (Portrait-looking at camera-Boston's) 1 0
288-2a MaddenKid Madden (Bat in L/Hand at side-Boston) 1 0
288-3b MaddenKid Madden (Ball in hands at neck-Pitcher, Boston) 1 0
288-2c MaddenKid Madden (Bat in L/Hand at side-Bostons) 1 0
288-4b MaddenKid Madden (Bat at ready by L/shoulder-Pitcher, Boston) 0 0
288-4a MaddenKid Madden (Bat at ready by L/shoulder-P., Boston) 1 0
288-5b MaddenKid Madden (Ball in L/hand just above head-P. Boston) 0 0
288-1c MaddenKid Madden (Portrait-looking at camera-Bostons) 1 0
288-7a MaddenKid Madden (Arms folded-bat against rock-P. Boston's) 0 0
289-1a MahoneyDanny Mahoney (Hands on knees-St. Joes) 1 0
290-4a MainesWillard Maines (Ball in R/hand head high-arm bent-St. Pauls) 1 0
290-5a MainesWillard Maines (Ball in R/hand extended head high-St. Paul) 0 0
290-1b MainesWillard Maines (Bat at ready-looking at camera-St. Paul) 0 0
290-2b MainesWillard Maines (Strike-looking down at ball-St. Pauls) 0 0
290-3b MainesWillard Maines (Pitch-hands by neck-St. Pauls) 0 0
290-4b MainesWillard Maines (Ball in R/hand head high-arm bent-St. Paul) 0 0
290-1a MainesWillard Maines (Bat at ready-looking at camera-St. Pauls) 1 0
290-5b MainesWillard Maines (Ball in R/hand extended head high-St. Pauls) 0 0
290-2a MainesWillard Maines (Strike-looking down at ball-St. Paul) 0 0
290-3a MainesWillard Maines (Pitch-hands by neck-St. Paul) 0 0
291-4a MannFred Mann (Stooping to field grounder) 1 0
291-3a MannFred Mann (Sliding-L/hand on base) 0 0
291-1a MannFred Mann (Catch-hands head high-ball visible-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
291-5a MannFred Mann (Catch-hands head high-NO ball visible-Hartfords) 0 0
291-2a MannFred Mann (Strike-looking at ball by bat) 1 0
291-1b MannFred Mann (Catch-hands head high-ball visible-Hartfords) 1 0
292-2a ManningJimmy Manning (Bat at ready by head-Kansas City) 0 0
292-4a ManningJimmy Manning (Catch-hands cupped neck high-Kansas City) 0 0
292-5a ManningJimmy Manning (Bat in R/hand at side-Kansas City) 0 0
292-6a ManningJimmy Manning (Hands on thighs-Kansas City) 0 0
292-1a ManningJimmy Manning (Stooping to field grounder-Kansas City) 1 0
292-1b ManningJimmy Manning (Stooping to field grounder-Kansas Citys) 0 0
292-2b ManningJimmy Manning (Bat at ready by head-Kansas Citys) 0 0
292-4b ManningJimmy Manning (Catch-hands cupped neck high-Kansas Citys) 0 0
292-5b ManningJimmy Manning (Bat in R/hand at side-Kansas Citys) 0 0
292-6b ManningJimmy Manning (Hands on thighs-Kansas Citys) 0 0
292-3a ManningJimmy Manning (Throw-R/hand above head-Kansas Citys) 1 0
292-3b ManningJimmy Manning (Throw-R/hand above head-Kansas City) 0 0 Buy
293-3a MarrLefty Marr (Bat at ready at 45-Cincinnati (NL)) 0 0
293-4a MarrLefty Marr (Throw-L/hand shoulder high-Columbus) 0 0
293-1a MarrLefty Marr (Stooping to field grounder-Columbus) 0 0
293-2a MarrLefty Marr (Bat at ready over L/shoulder-Columbus) 1 0
293-3b MarrLefty Marr (Bat at ready at 45-Columbus) 1 0
293-5a MarrLefty Marr (Catch-hands held out neck high-Columbus) 1 0
293-5b MarrLefty Marr (Catch-hands held out neck high-Cincinnati (NL)) 1 0
294-1a BreslinWillie Breslin (Boy-ball in hands at chest) 1 0 Buy
295-3e MaskreyLeech Maskrey (Arms in fists by side-Des Moines) 0 0
295-1a MaskreyLeech Maskrey (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Des Moines) 1 0
295-3b MaskreyLeech Maskrey (Throw-R/hand cap high-Milwaukee) 0 0
295-2a MaskreyLeech Maskrey (Ball in hands chin high-Des Moines) 0 0
295-3a MaskreyLeech Maskrey (Throw-R/hand cap high-Des Moines) 1 0
295-2b MaskreyLeech Maskrey (Ball in hands chin high-Milwaukee) 0 0
296-2a MathewsBobby Mathews (Throw-R/hand head high-Athletics) 1 0
296-1a MathewsBobby Mathews (Pitch-hands neck high-Athletics) 0 0
296-3a MathewsBobby Mathews (Catch-hands head high-Athletics) 1 0
297-9a MattimoreMike Mattimore (Sliding-L/hand raised-horizontal-Athletics) 1 0 Buy
297-3b MattimoreMike Mattimore (Bat at ready-standing upright-Athletics) 0 0
297-10a MattimoreMike Mattimore (Bat in R/hand at side-Athletics) 1 0
297-1b MattimoreMike Mattimore (Pitch-hands shoulder high on L-Athletics) 0 0
297-7b MattimoreMike Mattimore (Slide-hands on base-horizontal-Athletics) 0 0
297-7a MattimoreMike Mattimore (Slide-hands on base-horizontal-N.Y's.) 1 0
297-3a MattimoreMike Mattimore (Bat at ready-standing upright-N.Y's) 1 0
297-11a MattimoreMike Mattimore (Throw-R/hand head high-N.Y's) 1 0
297-9b MattimoreMike Mattimore (Sliding-L/hand raised-horizontal-N.Y's) 1 0
297-6a MattimoreMike Mattimore (Pitch-hands waist high on L-Athletics) 1 0
297-5a MattimoreMike Mattimore (Bat at ready-L/knee bent-Athletics) 1 0
297-4a MattimoreMike Mattimore (Pitch-hands at neck-N.Y's) 1 0
297-4b MattimoreMike Mattimore (Pitch-hands at neck-Athletics) 0 0
297-2b MattimoreMike Mattimore (Pitch-hands above head-N.Y's.) 0 0
297-6b MattimoreMike Mattimore (Pitch-hands waist high on L-N.Y's.) 1 0
297-8b MattimoreMike Mattimore (Stooping to field grounder-Athletics) 0 0
297-8a MattimoreMike Mattimore (Stooping to field grounder-N.Y's) 1 0
297-1a MattimoreMike Mattimore (Pitch-hands shoulder high on L-N.Y's) 1 0
297-10b MattimoreMike Mattimore (Bat in R/hand at side-N.Y's.) 1 0
297-2a MattimoreMike Mattimore (Pitch-hands above head-Athletics) 0 0
297-5b MattimoreMike Mattimore (Bat at ready-L/knee bent-N.Y's) 1 0
298-1a MaulAl Maul (Bat at ready-L/foot pointing at camera-Pittsburghs) 1 0
298-5a MaulAl Maul (Ball in R/hand above head-both heels on ground-Pittsburgh's) 0 0
298-6a MaulAl Maul (Catch-leaning/L-hands head high-Pittsburgs) 1 0
298-3a MaulAl Maul (Pitch-hands at chest-Pittsburgh) 1 0
298-4a MaulAl Maul (Ball in R/hand above head-both heels on ground) 1 0
298-3b MaulAl Maul (Pitch-hands at chest-Pittsburgs) 0 0
298-2a MaulAl Maul (Bat at ready-L/foot point diagonally/L-Pittsburgs) 1 0
298-2b MaulAl Maul (Bat at ready-L/foot point diagonally/L-Pittsburgh) 1 0
298-1b MaulAl Maul (Bat at ready-L/foot pointing at camera-Pittsburgh) 1 0
298-7a MaulAl Maul (Catch-leaning forward-hands thigh high-Pittsburgh's) 1 0
298-7b MaulAl Maul (Catch-leaning forward-hands thigh high-Pittsburgs) 0 0
298-6b MaulAl Maul (Catch-leaning/L-hands head high-Pittsburgh's) 1 0
299-1a MaysAl Mays (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
299-2a MaysAl Mays (Pitch-hands waist high on L) 1 0
299-4a MaysAl Mays (Pitch-R/hand forward head high) 1 0
299-5a MaysAl Mays (Bat at ready at 60) 1 0
299-3a MaysAl Mays (Col-Hands at chest) 1 0
300-5a McAleerJimmy McAleer (Catch-hands cupped above waist-Clevelands) 0 0
300-4a McAleerJimmy McAleer (Catch-hands above head) 1 0
300-3a McAleerJimmy McAleer (Stooping/L to field low ball-Clevelands) 1 0
300-2a McAleerJimmy McAleer (Strike-looking at ball-Clevelands) 0 0
300-1a McAleerJimmy McAleer (Bat at ready nearly vertical-looking at camera-Clevelands) 1 0
301-9a McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Catch-hands outstretched/L-head high-Carthy, St. Louis Brown) 1 1 Buy
301-5c McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Catch-hands cupped chest high-2d B. St. Louis) 1 1
301-7a McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Bat at ready-outdoor background-C.F., St. Louis) 1 1
301-2c McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Throw-R/hand head high-indoor background-C.F., St. Louis) 1 1
301-2a McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Throw-R/hand head high-indoor background-2d B. Phila.) 1 1
301-9d McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Catch-hands outstretched/L-head high-C.F., St. Louis Browns) 1 1
301-3d McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Tagging player on ground-C.F., St. Louis) 0 1
301-3a McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Tagging player on ground-2d B. Phila.) 1 1 Buy
301-6b McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Sliding-outdoor background-C.F., St. Louis Browns) 0 1
301-1a McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Sliding-indoor background-2d B. Phila.) 1 1 Buy
301-1d McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Sliding-indoor background-C.F. St. Louis) 1 1
301-5a McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Catch-hands cupped chest high-2d B. Phila.) 1 1
301-4a McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Bat at ready-indoor background-2nd B. Phila.) 0 1 Buy
301-9b McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Catch-hands outstretched/L-head high-T. McCarthy, Browns) 1 1
301-4c McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Bat at ready-indoor background-C.F., St. Louis) 0 1
301-9c McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Catch-hands outstretched/L-head high-C.F., St. Louis) 0 1
301-7b McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Bat at ready-outdoor background-C.F., St. Louis Browns) 1 1
301-2b McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Throw-R/hand head high-indoor background-Second Base, Philadelphia) 1 1
301-8b McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Throw-R/hand head high-outdoor background-C.F., St. Louis) 1 1
301-8a McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Throw-R/hand head high-outdoor background-T. McCarthy, St. Louis Browns) 1 1
301-3b McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Tagging player on ground-Second Base, Philadelphia) 1 1
301-3c McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Tagging player on ground-2d B. St. Louis) 1 1
301-1b McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Sliding-indoor background-Second Base, Philadelphia) 0 1
301-6a McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Sliding-outdoor background-C.F., St. Louis) 1 1
301-5b McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Second Base, Philadelphia) 0 1
301-1c McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Sliding-indoor background-2nd B. St. Louis) 1 1
301-4b McCarthyTommy McCarthy (Bat at ready-indoor background-Second Base, Philadelphia) 1 1
302-3a McCartyJohn McCarty (Catch-hands above head-Kansas City) 0 0
302-1a McCartyJohn McCarty (Pitch-hands head high on L-Kansas Citys) 1 0
302-2a McCartyJohn McCarty (Pitch-hands below and to R of chin-Kansas City) 0 0
303-1a McCauleyJim McCauley (Bat at ready by head-looking at camera) 0 0
303-3a McCauleyJim McCauley (Throw-L/profile-R/hand head high) 0 0
303-5a McCauleyJim McCauley (Catch-facing L-hands chest high-wearing cap) 0 0
303-2a McCauleyJim McCauley (Catch-hands chest high-no cap) 0 0
303-4a McCauleyJim McCauley (Standing-leaning/L) 0 0
304-1b McClellanBill McClellan (Stooping-hands knee high-Denvers) 1 0
304-3a McClellanBill McClellan (Bat at ready-L/handed-Name in photo) 1 0
304-1a McClellanBill McClellan (Stooping-hands knee high-Brooklyn) 1 0
304-2a McClellanBill McClellan (Catch-hands outstretched head high-Brooklyn) 1 0
305-1a McCormackJerry McCormack (Bat on R/shoulder-looking at camera) 1 0
305-3a McCormackJerry McCormack (Stooping to field grounder) 1 0
305-4a McCormackJerry McCormack (Throw-R/hand shoulder high) 1 0
305-2a McCormackJerry McCormack (Catch-hands cupped shoulder high) 1 0
306-4a McCormickJim McCormick (Standing-arms folded) 0 0
306-6a McCormickJim McCormick (Bat at ready-L/handed) 0 0
306-8a McCormickJim McCormick (Standing-arms at sides) 0 0
306-3a McCormickJim McCormick (Portrait-bowler hat) 0 0
306-7a McCormickJim McCormick (Catch-R/profile-hands head high-No team-Chicago) 1 0
306-1a McCormickJim McCormick (Portrait-bare head) 1 0
306-2a McCormickJim McCormick (Portrait-peaked cap) 0 0
306-5b McCormickJim McCormick (Pitch-hands at chest-looking at camera-Pittsburg) 0 0
306-10a McCormickJim McCormick (Pitch-hands at chest-R/profile-No team-Chicago) 1 0
306-7b McCormickJim McCormick (Catch-R/profile-hands head high-Pittsburg) 0 0
306-9a McCormickJim McCormick (Bat at ready-R/handed-No team-Chicago) 1 0
306-5a McCormickJim McCormick (Pitch-hands at chest-looking at camera-No team-Chicago) 1 0
306-9b McCormickJim McCormick (Bat at ready-R/handed-Pittsburg) 1 0
306-10b McCormickJim McCormick (Pitch-hands at chest-R/profile-Pittsburg) 0 0
308.5-1a McDonaldJim McDonald (Standing-ball in R/hand head high-Oaklands) 0 0
308-2a McCullumTom McCullum (Catch-hands waist high) 0 0
308-4a McCullumTom McCullum (Bat in R/hand at side) 0 0
308-1a McCullumTom McCullum (Bat at ready near head) 1 0
308.5-2a McDonaldJim McDonald (Portrait in striped hat-Oaklands) 0 0
308-4b McClellanBill McClellan (Bat at ready-L/handed-Name below photo) 0 0
308-3a McCullumTom McCullum (Throw-R/hand head high) 1 0
308-5a McCullumTom McCullum (Catch-hands above head) 0 0
309-2a McGarrChippy McGarr (Catch-hands head high-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
309-3a McGarrChippy McGarr (Bat at ready-looking at camera-St. Louis Browns) 0 0
309-5a McGarrChippy McGarr (Catch-hands thigh high-St. Louis Browns) 0 0
309-4a McGarrChippy McGarr (Strike-bat over R/shoulder-umpire John McQuaid in rear-Kansas City) 1 0
309-4b McGarrChippy McGarr (Strike-bat over R/shoulder-umpire John McQuaid in rear-K.C.) 1 0 Buy
309-4c McGarrChippy McGarr (Bat at ready-looking at camera-St. Louis Browns) 0 0
309-1a McGarrChippy McGarr (Stooping-hands thigh high-St. Louis Browns) 0 0
310-1b McGeachyJack McGeachy (Bat in R/hand at side-Indianap's) 1 0
310-4a McGeachyJack McGeachy (Throw-R/hand head high-Indianapolis) 1 0
310-3a McGeachyJack McGeachy (Catch-hands head high-Indianap's) 1 0
310-2a McGeachyJack McGeachy (Bat at ready at 30-Indianapolis) 1 0
310-3b McGeachyJack McGeachy (Catch-hands head high-Indianapolis) 1 0
310g McCormickMcCormick (Portrait with derby hat) 0 0
310-1a McGeachyJack McGeachy (Bat in R/hand at side-Indianapolis) 1 0
311a McCreacheryMcCreachery (Indianapolis) (Indy-Photo is Deacon WHite) 0 0
311-1a McGloneJohn McGlone (On ground-being tagged by Albert-Cleveland's) 1 0
311-5a McGloneJohn McGlone (Bat over R/shoulder-looking at camera-Detroits) 1 0
311-5b McGloneJohn McGlone (Bat over R/shoulder-looking at camera-Cleveland's) 1 0
311-4a McGloneJohn McGlone (Stooping to field grounder-Clevelands) 0 0
311-1b McGloneJohn McGlone (On ground-being tagged by Albert-Detroits) 0 0
311-3a McGloneJohn McGlone (Throw-R/hand head high in rear-L/arm extended in front-Clevelands) 1 0
311-2a McGloneJohn McGlone (Catch-hands neck high-Cleveland's) 1 0
312-1b McGuireDeacon McGuire (Hands on knees-C., Phila.) 1 0
312-4b McGuireDeacon McGuire (Strike-looking at ball-Catcher, Philadelphia) 1 0
312-4a McGuireDeacon McGuire (Strike-looking down at ball-C., Phila.) 1 0
312-2b McGuireDeacon McGuire (R/hand on hip-L/arm at side-Catcher, Phila.) 1 0
312-3b McGuireDeacon McGuire (Catch-hands shoulder high-Toronto) 0 0
312-1a McGuireDeacon McGuire (Hands on knees-Catcher, Philadelphia) 1 0
312-3a McGuireDeacon McGuire (Catch-hands shoulder high-C., Phila.) 1 0
312-2a McGuireDeacon McGuire (R/hand on hip-L/arm at side-C., Phila.) 1 0
313-1a McGunnigleBill McGunnigle (Three-quarter length-looking/R-full photo) 1 0 Buy
313-1b McGunnigleBill McGunnigle (Three-quarter length-looking/R-Arch at top of photo) 1 0
314-3a McKeanEd McKean (Catch-hands thigh high-Clevelands) 0 0
314-4a McKeanEd McKean (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Clevelands) 1 0
314-1a McKeanEd McKean (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Clevelands) 1 0
314-5a McKeanEd McKean (Catch-hands above head-Clevelands) 1 0
314-2a McKeanEd McKean (Strike-looking down at ball-Clevelands) 1 0
315-4a McKinnonAlex McKinnon (Bat in R/hand at side-1st B. Pittsburg) 0 0
315-1a McKinnonAlex McKinnon (Stooping to field grounder-1st B. Pittsburg) 1 0
315-2b McKinnonAlex McKinnon (Catch-hands waist high-1st Base, Pittsburg) 1 0
315-3b McKinnonAlex McKinnon (Strike-looking at ball-1st Base, Pittsburg) 0 0
315-4b McKinnonAlex McKinnon (Bat in R/hand at side-1st Base, Pittsburg) 0 0
315-2a McKinnonAlex McKinnon (Catch-hands waist high-1st B. Pittsburg) 1 0
315-1b McKinnonAlex McKinnon (Stooping to field grounder-First Base, Pittsburg) 0 0
315-3a McKinnonAlex McKinnon (Strike-looking at ball-1st B. Pittsburg) 1 0
316-1a McLaughlinTom McLaughlin (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
317-4d McPheeBid McPhee (Catch-hands head high-McPhee-Cincinnati) 1 1
317-4b McPheeBid McPhee (Catch-hands head high-John McPhee-Cincinnati) 1 1
317-3a McPheeBid McPhee (Stooping-hands ankle high-McPhee-Cincinnat) 1 1
317-1a McPheeBid McPhee (Bat at ready looking at camera-Cincinnati) 1 1
317-2a McPheeBid McPhee (Strike-looking at ball-John McPhee) 1 1
317-3d McPheeBid McPhee (Stooping-hands ankle high-John McPhee-Cincinnati) 0 1
317-5a McPheeBid McPhee (Throw-R/hand head high-McPhee-Cincinnatti) 0 1
317-4a McPheeBid McPhee (Catch-hands head high-McPhee-Cincinnatis) 1 1
317-3b McPheeBid McPhee (Stooping-hands ankle high-John McPhee-Cincinnatis) 1 1
317-1c McPheeBid McPhee (Bat at ready looking at camera-Cincinnatti) 0 1
317-1b McPheeBid McPhee (Bat at ready looking at camera-Cincinnati (NL)) 0 1
317-2b McPheeBid McPhee (Strike-looking at ball-McPhee) 0 1
317-3c McPheeBid McPhee (Stooping-hands ankle high-McPhee-Cincinnatis) 1 1
317-5b McPheeBid McPhee (Throw-R/hand head high-John McPhee-Cincinnati) 1 1
317-4c McPheeBid McPhee (Catch-hands head high-McPhee-Cincinnatti) 1 1
318-3b McQuaidJames McQuaid (Catch-hands outstretched head high on L-Denver) 0 0
318-4a McQuaidJames McQuaid (Bat at ready-facing camera-Denver) 1 0
318-1a McQuaidJames McQuaid (Strike-looking at ball head high on L-Denver) 0 0
318-2a McQuaidJames McQuaid (Catch-hands cupped near chin-Denver) 1 0
318-3a McQuaidJames McQuaid (Catch-hands outstretched head high on L-No name) 1 0
319-1a McQuaidJack McQuaid (L/arm at side-Umpire) 1 0
319-1b McQuaidJack McQuaid (L/arm at side-Umpire American Association) 1 0
320-3b McTamanyJim McTamany (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Kansas City) 0 0
320-4b McTamanyJim McTamany (R/hand extended head high on L-Columbus) 0 0
320-2c McTamanyJim McTamany (Catch R/hand above head-Columbus) 0 0
320-1a McTamanyJim McTamany (Catch-hands out head high-Brooklyn) 1 0
320-3a McTamanyJim McTamany (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Brooklyn) 0 0
320-4a McTamanyJim McTamany (R/hand extended head high on L-Kansas City) 0 0
320-5a McTamanyJim McTamany (Reaching L for unseen ground ball-Kansas City) 0 0
320-2b McTamanyJim McTamany (Catch R/hand above head-Kansas City) 0 0
320-2a McTamanyJim McTamany (Catch R/hand above head-Brooklyn) 1 0
321-2a McVeyGeorge McVey (Bending/L-hands nearly waist high-feet level-Denvers) 0 0
321-1b McVeyGeorge McVey (Bending/L-hands knee high-L/foot forward-Denvers) 0 0
321-3a McVeyGeorge McVey (Standing upright-hands outstretched shoulder high-St. Joe) 1 0
321-4b McVeyGeorge McVey (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Denvers) 0 0
321-1a McVeyGeorge McVey (Bending/L-hands knee high-L/foot forward-St. Joe) 0 0
321-4a McVeyGeorge McVey (Bat at ready-looking at camera-St. Joe) 0 0
321.5-1a MeeganPete Meegan (Standing-ball in hands above waist-San Francisco) 0 0
321-3b McVeyGeorge McVey (Standing upright-hands outstretched shoulder high-Denvers) 1 0
321-2b McVeyGeorge McVey (Bending/L-hands nearly waist high-feet level-Milwaukee) 0 0
321-5a McVeyGeorge McVey (Bat at ready-looking down at bat-Denvers) 0 0
322-1a MessittJohn Messitt (Leaning/L-hands clenched at sides-Omaha) 0 0
322-4a MessittJohn Messitt (Sliding-Omaha) 0 0
322-3a MessittJohn Messitt (Bat in R/hand at side-Omahas) 0 0
322-2a MessittJohn Messitt (Throw-R/hand head high-Omahas, W.A.) 1 0
323-3b MillerDoggie Miller (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Catcher, Pittsburg) 1 0
323-1c MillerDoggie Miller (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Catcher, Pittsburg) 0 0
323-2a MillerDoggie Miller (Bat in R/hand at side-Pittsburg) 1 0 Buy
323-5a MillerDoggie Miller (Hands on thighs-Pittsburg) 0 0
323-1a MillerDoggie Miller (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Geo. F.-Pittsburgh) 1 0
323-1b MillerDoggie Miller (Bat at ready-looking at camera-C., Pittsburg) 1 0
323-3a MillerDoggie Miller (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Pittsburg) 0 0
323-4a MillerDoggie Miller (Ball in hands at waist-Pittsburg) 1 0
324-2a MillerJoe Miller (Stooping-hands at ankles-Minneapolis) 0 0
324-3b MillerJoe Miller (Bat in R/hand at side-Minneapolis) 0 0
324-4b MillerJoel Miller (Catch, arms outstretched, hands cupped, ball visible-Omaha) 0 0
324-6a MillerJoe Miller (Hands on knees-Omaha) 0 0
324-7a MillerJoe Miller (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Omaha) 1 0
324-3a MillerJoe Miller (Bat in R/hand at side-Omaha) 0 0
324-4a MillerJoe Miller (Catch-arms outstretched-hands cupped-ball visible-illegible) 0 0
324-5a MillerJoe Miller (Catch-ball between cupped hands chest high-leaning forward-Omaha) 0 0
324-1a MillerJoe Miller (Strike-bat at ready-looking at ball-Omaha) 0 0
325-2a MilliganJocko Milligan (Bat in R/hand at side-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
325-1b MilliganJocko Milligan (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Philadelphia (PL)) 0 0
325-4a MilliganJocko Milligan (Stooping-catch-hands by R/knee-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
325-3b MilliganJocko Milligan (Throw-R/hand head high-Philadelphia (PL)) 0 0
325-2b MilliganJocko Milligan (Bat in R/hand at side-St. Louis) 1 0
325-3a MilliganJocko Milligan (Throw-R/hand head high-St. Louis) 0 0
326-1a MillsE.L. Mills (Bat at ready-glancing/L-Milwaukees) 0 0
326-3b MillsE.L. Mills (Catch-hands shoulder high-ball in air-Milwaukees, W. Ass'n) 1 0
326-2a MillsE.L. Mills (Bat in L/hand at side-Milwaukees) 0 0
326-3a MillsE.L. Mills (Catch-hands shoulder high-ball in air-Milwaukees) 1 0
326-6a MillsE.L. Mills (Catch-ball in hands shoulder high-Milwaukees) 0 0
327-2a MinnehanDaniel Minnehan (Strike-looking down at ball) 0 0
327-4a MinnehanDaniel Minnehan (Catch-leaning/L-hands chest high) 0 0 Buy
327-1a MinnehanDaniel Minnehan (Bat at ready-looking at camera) 0 0
327-3a MinnehanDaniel Minnehan (Catch-hands chin high) 0 0
328-1a MoffetSam Moffet (Strike-looking at approaching ball) 0 0
329-2a MorrillJohn Morrill (Hands on hips-Boston) 0 0
329-3a MorrillJohn Morrill (Bat in R/hand at side) 0 0
329-4b MorrillJohn Morrill (Bat at ready at 60-Morrill, 1st B, Boston) 0 0
329-1c MorrillJohn Morrill (Portrait-John Morrill, 1st B., Boston) 0 0
329-1a MorrillJohn Morrill (Portrait-Morrell, Boston) 1 0
329-1e MorrillJohn Morrill (Portrait-Morrell, Boston, 1st Base and Manager) 1 0
329-1f MorrillJohn Morrill (Portrait-Honest John) 0 0
329-3a MoffetSam Moffet (Throw-R/hand head high) 0 0
329-2b MorrillJohn Morrill (Hands on hips-First Base, Manager, Boston Club) 0 0
329-4a MorrillJohn Morrill (Bat at ready at 60-Washingtons) 1 0
329-4c MorrillJohn Morrill (Bat at ready at 60-Morrell, 1st B, Boston) 0 0
329-1b MorrillJohn Morrill (Portrait-Morrill, First Base, Manager, Boston) 0 0
329-1d MorrillJohn Morrill (Portrait-Morrell, Boston - 1st Base and Manager) 0 0
329-2c MorrillJohn Morrill (Hands on hips-1st Base and Manager) 1 0
330-5a MorrisEd Morris (Hands at chest-feet together-no space between ankles-Pittsburgh) 0 0
330-4b MorrisEd Morris (Ball in L/hand head high-R/hand clear of R/thigh-Pittsburghs) 0 0
330-6b MorrisEd Morris (Hands at chest-feet Just apart with background visible between ankles-Pittsburgh's) 0 0
330-3b MorrisEd Morris (Ball in L/hand-head high-R/hand over R/thigh-Pittsburgs) 1 0
330-6a MorrisEd Morris (Hands at chest-feet Just apart with background visible between ankles-Pittsburgh) 1 0
330-2a MorrisEd Morris (Bat at ready-partly behind cap-Pittsburgh's) 1 0
330-1b MorrisEd Morris (Bat at ready-clear of head-Pittsburgh) 1 0
330-3a MorrisEd Morris (Ball in L/hand-head high-R/hand over R/thigh-Pittsburgh) 1 0 Buy
330-4a MorrisEd Morris (Ball in L/hand head high-R/hand clear of R/thigh-Pittsburgh) 1 0
330-1a MorrisEd Morris (Bat at ready-clear of head-Pittsburghs) 1 0
331-5c MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-hands held out on L-clear of belt-looking/R-Tony-Cincinnati) 0 0
331-2a MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-hands above head-Tony-Cincinnati) 1 0
331-4a MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-hands at waist L/arm across belt-looking at camera-Cincinnati) 0 0
331-1a MullaneCount Mullane (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Cincinnatti) 1 0
331-5a MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-hands held out on L-clear of belt-looking/R-Cincinnatti) 1 0
331-1b MullaneCount Mullane (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Tony-Cincinnati) 0 0
331-7b MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-R/hand extended forward thigh high-Cincinnatti) 1 0
331-6c MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-R/hand hip high at back-Tony-Cincinnati) 1 0
331-6b MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-R/hand hip high at back-Cincinnati) 1 0
331-5b MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-hands held out on L-clear of belt-looking/R-Cincinnati) 0 0
331-5d MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-hands held out on L-clear of belt-looking/R-Cincinnatis) 1 0
331-2c MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-hands above head-Cincinnati (NL)) 0 0
331-3b MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-hands above waist clear of belt-looking at camera-Cincinnati) 1 0
331-3a MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-hands above waist clear of belt-looking at camera-Cincinnatis) 1 0
331-1c MullaneCount Mullane (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Cincinnati) 0 0
331-2b MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-hands above head-Cincinnatti) 1 0
331-6a MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-R/hand hip high at back-Cincinnatti) 0 0
331-6d MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-R/hand hip high at back-Cincinnatis) 1 0
332-2a MulveyJoseph Mulvey (Strike-ball chest high-Phila) 1 0
332-2b MulveyJoseph Mulvey (Strike-ball chest high-Philadelphias) 1 0
332-1b MulveyJoseph Mulvey (Hands on thighs-ball head high-Phila.) 1 0
332-3c MulveyJoseph Mulvey (Catch-hands above waist-Philadelphias) 1 0
332-1a MulveyJoseph Mulvey (Hands on thighs-ball head high-Third Base, Philadelphias) 1 0
332-3d MulveyJoseph Mulvey (Catch-hands above waist-Philadelphia (PL)) 0 0
332-3b MulveyJoseph Mulvey (Catch-hands above waist-Third Base, Philadelphias) 1 0
332-3a MulveyJoseph Mulvey (Catch-hands above waist-Phila.) 1 0
333a MinahanDaniel Minahan (Ready to hit, bat at almost 45) 1 0
333-4a MurphyP.L. Murphy (Throw-R/hand head high-Pauls) 1 0
333-3a MurphyP.L. Murphy (Standing-hands on thighs) 0 0
333b MinahanDaniel Minahan (Bat almost 90, look at ball) 1 0
333-1a MurphyP.L. Murphy (Bat in L/hand at side) 1 0
333-2a MurphyP.L. Murphy (Bat at ready-looking at camera) 0 0
333-5a MurphyP.L. Murphy (Catch-hands extended/L head high) 0 0
334-4a MurphyPat Murphy (Catch-hands above head-C., New Yorks) 0 0
334-2a MurphyPat Murphy (Leaning/L-catch-hands chin high-C., New Yorks) 1 0
334-1b MurphyPat Murphy (Bat in R/hand at side-C. N.Y's) 0 0
334-2b MurphyPat Murphy (Leaning/L-catch-hands chin high-P.J.-N.Y's) 1 0
334-3a MurphyPat Murphy (Ball almost in R/hand chin high-C., New Yorks) 0 0
334-2c MurphyPat Murphy (Leaning/L-catch-hands chin high-New York (NL)) 0 0
334-1a MurphyPat Murphy (Bat in R/hand at side-C., New Yorks) 1 0
335-2a MurrayMiah Murray (Bat over R/shoulder) 1 0
335-1a MurrayMiah Murray (On R/knee-hands by L/shoulder) 0 0
335-4a MurrayMiah Murray (Catch-stretching high/R) 0 0
335-3a MurrayMiah Murray (Bat at ready nearly horizontal) 0 0
335-5a MurrayMiah Murray (Throw-R/hand above head) 1 0
336-2b MutrieJim Mutrie (Seated-bowler hat in R/hand-N.Y.) 0 0 Buy
336-2a MutrieJim Mutrie (Seated-bowler hat in R/hand-New Yorks) 1 0
336-2b MutrieJim Mutrie (Seated-bowler hat in R/hand-New York (NL)) 0 0
336-2c MutrieJim Mutrie (Seated-bowler hat in R/hand-N.Y.) 0 0
336-3a MutrieJim Mutrie (Standing-bowler hat on head-N.Y.) 1 0
336-1a MutrieJim Mutrie (Portrait-bare head-N.Y.) 1 0
336-3b MutrieJim Mutrie (Standing-bowler hat on head-New Yorks) 1 0 Buy
336-1b MutrieJim Mutrie (Portrait-bare head-New Yorks) 0 0
337-1b MyersGeorge Myers (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Catcher, Indianapolis) 1 0
337-2a MyersGeorge Myers (Stooping-hands waist high-C. Indianapolis) 1 0
337-7a MullaneCount Mullane (Pitch-R/hand extended forward thigh high-Tony-Cincinnati) 1 0
337-1a MyersGeorge Myers (Bat at ready-looking at camera-C. Indianapolis) 1 0
337-3a MyersGeorge Myers (Tagging player on ground) 1 0
337-2b MyersGeorge Myers (Stooping-hands waist high-Catcher, Indianapolis) 0 0
338-1a MyersAl Myers (Portrait-looking/R-S.S.) 1 0
338-3b MyersAl Myers (Hands on knees-Short Stop) 1 0
338-3c MyersAl Myers (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Philadelphia (NL)) 0 0
338-5b MyersAl Myers (R/hand at side-L/hand at back-S.S.) 0 0
338-4a MyersAl Myers (Catch-hands cupped above waist-S.S.) 1 0
338-3a MyersAl Myers (Hands on knees-S.S.) 1 0
338-1b MyersAl Myers (Portrait-looking/R-Short Stop) 1 0
338-4b MyersAl Myers (Catch-hands cupped above waist-Philadelphia (NL)) 0 0
338-2b MyersAl Myers (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Short Stop) 0 0
338-5a MyersAl Myers (R/hand at side-L/hand at back-Short Stop) 0 0
338-2a MyersAl Myers (Bat at ready-looking at camera-S.S.) 1 0
339-5b NagleTom Nagle (Catch-hands chest high-Chicago (NL)) 0 0
339-4a NagleTom Nagle (Hands on knees-Omahas) 1 0
339-1a NagleTom Nagle (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Omahas) 1 0
339-4b NagleTom Nagle (Hands On Knees-Chicago (NL)) 0 0
339-3a NagleTom Nagle (Stooping-hands by R/foot-Omahas) 0 0
339-5a NagleTom Nagle (Catch-hands chin high-Omahas) 1 0
339-2a NagleTom Nagle (Strike-looking at ball-Omahas) 1 0
339-1b NagleTom Nagle (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Chicago (NL)) 0 0
340-3a NashBilly Nash (Hands on knees-Boston) 0 0
340-1c NashBilly Nash (Tagging falling player-3d B., Bostons) 1 2 Buy
340-6c NashBilly Nash (Throw-R/hand shoulder high-Billie) 0 0
340-4d NashBilly Nash (Hands on bat between legs-Boston (PL)) 0 0
340-4c NashBilly Nash (Hands on bat between legs-Billie) 0 0
340-6b NashBilly Nash (Throw-R/hand shoulder high-Bostons) 1 0
340-5a NashBilly Nash (Strike-looking at ball-Nash) 0 0
340-2b NashBilly Nash (Portrait-3d,. B. Boston.) 0 0
340-6a NashBilly Nash (Throw-R/hand shoulder high-B. Nash) 1 0
340-4b NashBilly Nash (Hands on bat between legs-Third Base) 1 0
340-1b NashBilly Nash (Tagging falling player-3d B., Boston.) 1 2
340-3b NashBilly Nash (Hands on knees-Third Base, Boston) 0 0
340-1a NashBilly Nash (Tagging falling player-Third Base, Boston) 1 0
340-4a NashBilly Nash (Hands on bat between legs-B. Nash) 0 0
340-2a NashBilly Nash (Portrait-Third Base. Boston.) 0 0
341-1a NelsonJack Nelson (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
342-3b NicholsKid Nichols (Pitch-hands at chest-Omaha) 1 1
342-5a NicholsKid Nichols (Pitch-R/hand forward head high-Omaha) 1 1
342-4b NicholsKid Nichols (Pitch-R/hand behind back-Omaha) 0 1
342-1a NicholsKid Nichols (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Omahas) 1 1
342-5b NicholsKid Nichols (Pitch-R/hand forward head high-Omahas) 1 1
342-4a NicholsKid Nichols (Pitch-R/hand behind back-Omahas) 1 1
342-3a NicholsKid Nichols (Pitch-hands at chest-Omahas) 1 1
342-2a NicholsKid Nichols (Strike-looking at ball-Omaha) 1 1
343-1a NicholsSamuel Nichols (Bat in R/hand at side-Pittsburghs) 1 0
343-3a NicholsSamuel Nichols (Catch-hands neck high-Pittsburghs) 0 0
343-2a NicholsSamuel Nichols (Catch-hands cupped above waist-Pittsburghs) 0 0
343-4a NicholsSamuel Nichols (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-Pittsburghs) 0 0
344-5a NicholsonJ.W. Nicholson (Pitch-R/hand head high close to cap) 0 0
344-6a NicholsonJ.W. Nicholson (Catch-hands face high with ball near-L/profile) 1 0
344-1a NicholsonJ.W. Nicholson (Leaning/L-hands on knees) 0 0
344-3a NicholsonJ.W. Nicholson (Pitch-hands at chest) 0 0
344-1a NicholsonJ.W. Nicholson (Pitch-R/hand head high in rear) 1 0
344-2a NicholsonJ.W. Nicholson (Bat in R/hand at side-L/hand on hip) 0 0
345-2b NicholsonParson Nicholson (Catch-ball in hands by R/knee-T.C.-Cleveland) 1 0
345-5a NicholsonParson Nicholson (Strike-bat at ball-looking at camera-Whites) 0 0
345-2c NicholsonParson Nicholson (Catch-ball in hands by R/knee-Cleveland) 0 0
345-2a NicholsonParson Nicholson (Catch-ball in hands by R/knee-Whites) 1 0
345-1b NicholsonParson Nicholson (Bat in R/hand at side-Cleveland) 0 0
345-4a NicholsonParson Nicholson (Tagging player on ground-Whites) 1 0
345-3a NicholsonParson Nicholson (Catch-hands by R/knee-NO ball-Whites) 0 0
345-1a NicholsonParson Nicholson (Bat in R/hand at side-Whites) 1 0
346-2c NicolHugh Nicol (Bat at ready-by head-Little Nick) 0 0
346-4a NicolHugh Nicol (Catch, stretching up/L-Cincinnatis) 1 0
346-4c NicolHugh Nicol (Catch-stretching up/L-Little Nick-Cincinnati) 1 0
346-8a NicolHugh Nicol (With Reilly-bodies facing each other-Cincinnati) 0 0
346-5a NicolHugh Nicol (Leaning forward-hands outstretched for catch-Hugh-Cincinnatis) 0 0
346-5d NicolHugh Nicol (Leaning forward-hands outstretched for catch-Little-Cincinnati) 0 0
346-7c NicolHugh Nicol (With Reilly-side by side-(Long & Short) Cin) 1 0
346-7e NicolHugh Nicol (With Reilly-side by side-(Long & Short) C) 1 0
346-2b NicolHugh Nicol (Bat at ready-by head-H. Nicol) 0 0
346-5c NicolHugh Nicol (Leaning forward-hands outstretched for catch-Cincinnati) 1 0
346-6a NicolHugh Nicol (Leaning forward-R/hand at hip-L/hand by knee-Little Nick) 1 0
346-3a NicolHugh Nicol (Sliding-Nicol) 0 0
346-4b NicolHugh Nicol (Catch-stretching up/L-Cincinnatti) 0 0
346-4d NicolHugh Nicol (Catch-stretching up/L-Hugh-Cincinnatis) 0 0
346-4d NicolHugh Nicol (Catch-stretching up/L-H. Nicol-Cincinnati (NL)) 0 0
346-2d NicolHugh Nicol (Bat at ready-by head-Cincinnati (NL)) 0 0
346-5b NicolHugh Nicol (Leaning forward-hands outstretched for catch-Cincinnatis) 1 0
346-7a NicolHugh Nicol (With Reilly-side by side-Cincinnatti) 1 0
346-3b NicolHugh Nicol (Sliding-Little) 1 0
346-2a NicolHugh Nicol (Bat at ready-by head-Nicol) 0 0
346-7d NicolHugh Nicol (With Reilly-side by side-Cincinnattis) 0 0
346-7b NicolHugh Nicol (With Reilly-side by side-(Long & Short)) 1 0
346-1a NicolHugh Nicol (Portrait in striped hat-Brown's Champions) 1 0 Buy
347-2b NyceFrederick Nyce (Ball in R/hand neck high-Burlingtons) 1 0
347-4a NyceFrederick Nyce (Ball in hands at chest) 1 0
347-5a NyceFrederick Nyce (Ball in R/hand-forward chin high) 1 0
347-2a NyceFrederick Nyce (Ball in R/hand neck high-Whites) 1 0
347-3a NyceFrederick Nyce (Ball in R/hand held out thigh high) 1 0
347-1a NyceFrederick Nyce (Bat on R/shoulder) 1 0
348-3a OberlanderDoc Oberlander (Pitch-L/hand cap high-looking/L-Cleveland's) 1 0 Buy
348-3b OberlanderDoc Oberlander (Pitch-L/hand cap high-looking/L-Syracuse) 1 0
348-2a OberlanderDoc Oberlander (Pitch-hands chest high-Cleveland's) 0 0
348-4c OberlanderDoc Oberlander (Pitch-L/hand cap high-looking at camera-hand in rear-Cleveland (NL)) 0 0
348-4a OberlanderDoc Oberlander (Pitch-L/hand cap high-looking at camera-hand in rear-Syracuse) 0 0
348-1a OberlanderDoc Oberlander (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Cleveland's) 1 0
348-5a OberlanderDoc Oberlander (Pitch-L/hand cap high-looking at camera-hand well forward-Cleveland's) 0 0
348-1b OberlanderDoc Oberlander (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Syracuse) 0 0
348-4b OberlanderDoc Oberlander (Pitch-L/hand cap high-looking at camera-hand in rear-Cleveland's) 0 0
349-6a O'BrienJack O'Brien (Catch-hands out from chest-Baltimores) 0 0
349-1a O'BrienJack O'Brien (In mask-hands on knees-MINI-Brooklyn) 1 0
349-1b O'BrienJack O'Brien (In mask-hands on knees-Brooklyn) 0 0
349-9a O'BrienJack O'Brien (Catch-facing/L-reaching/L head high for ball-Baltimores) 0 0
349-7a O'BrienJack Brien (Bat at ready at 45-feet well apart-Baltimores) 1 0
349-2a O'BrienJack O'Brien (Mask in L/hand-looking upwards-Brooklyn) 0 0
349-5a O'BrienJack O'Brien (Throw-R/hand neck high-Baltimores) 0 0
349-8a O'BrienJack O'Brien (Bat at ready at 60-heels together-Baltimores) 1 0
349-4a O'BrienJack O'Brien (Ball in R/hand head high-Brooklyn) 1 0
349-3a O'BrienJack O'Brien (Bat over R/shoulder-Brooklyn) 0 0
350-4b O'BrienBilly O'Brien (Catch-hands forward waist high-Washingtons) 1 0
350-2a O'BrienBilly O'Brien (Bat at ready-feet wide apart-Washingtons) 0 0
350-4a O'BrienBilly O'Brien (Catch-hands forward waist high-Washington) 0 0
350-6a O'BrienBilly O'Brien (Tagging Irwin-Washington's) 0 0
350-3a O'BrienBilly O'Brien (Hands on knees-Washington) 1 0
350-1a O'BrienBilly O'Brien (Bat at ready-feet close together-Washingtons) 1 0
350-3b O'BrienBilly O'Brien (Hands on knees-Washingtons) 1 0
350-5a O'BrienBilly O'Brien (Fielding grounder by R/foot-Washington) 1 0
351-5a O'BrienWilliam Darby O'Brien (Throw-R/hand head high-Darley) 1 0
351-4a O'BrienWilliam Darby O'Brien (Catch-hands head high on L) 1 0
351-1a O'BrienWilliam Darby O'Brien (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Bl'yn) 1 0
351-2a O'BrienWilliam Darby O'Brien (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Bl'yn) 0 0
351-1b O'BrienWilliam Darby O'Brien (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Brooklyns) 1 0
351-3a O'BrienWilliam Darby O'Brien (Catch-R/hand high/L) 1 0
351-5b O'BrienWilliam Darby O'Brien (Throw-R/hand head high-Bk'ns) 0 0
352-3a O'BrienJohn Darby O'Brien (Ball in L/hand-L/arm shoulder high-feet on ground-Clevelands) 0 0
352-5a O'BrienJohn Darby O'Brien (Pitch-ball in R/hand in front of chest-Clevelands) 1 0
352-4a O'BrienJohn Darby O'Brien (Pitch-hands shoulder high-L/foot off ground-Clevelands) 1 0
352-2a O'BrienJohn Darby O'Brien (Pitch-ball in R/hand at L of chest-Clevelands) 1 0
352-1a O'BrienJohn Darby O'Brien (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Clevelands) 1 0
353-3a O'ConnellPatrick O'Connell (Tag player on ground-Des Moines) 0 0
353-4a O'ConnellPatrick O'Connell (Bat in L/hand at side-Omaha) 0 0
353-1b O'ConnellPatrick O'Connell (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Omaha) 0 0
353-5a O'ConnellPatrick O'Connell (Catch-hands at chest-light uniform-Des Moines) 1 0
353-2a O'ConnellPatrick O'Connell (Stooping to field grounder-Des Moines) 0 0
353-3b O'ConnellPatrick O'Connell (Tag player on ground-Omaha) 0 0
353-1a O'ConnellPatrick O'Connell (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Des Moines) 0 0
354.5-1a O'DayHarry O'Day (Bat on R/shoulder-facing front-Sacramento) 0 0
354-2a O'ConnorJack O'Connor (Stooping to field grounder-hands ankle high-Cincinnati) 0 0
354-3a O'ConnorJack O'Connor (Catch-leaning forward-hands about chest high above waist-Cincinnati) 0 0
354-5a O'ConnorJack O'Connor (Stooping to field grounder-hands knee high-Columbus) 0 0
354-4a O'ConnorJack O'Connor (Throw-R/hand head high-Cincinnati) 0 0
354-1a O'ConnorJack O'Connor (Bat at ready-Columbus) 1 0
354-2b O'ConnorJack O'Connor (Stooping to field grounder-hands ankle high-Columbus) 0 0
354-3b O'ConnorJack O'Connor (Catch-leaning forward-hands about chest high above waist-Columbus) 0 0
354-4b O'ConnorJack O'Connor (Throw-R/hand head high-Columbus) 0 0
354-1b O'ConnorJack O'Connor (Bat at ready-Cincinnati) 0 0
355-2c O'DayHank O'Day (Throw-R/hand head high-Pitcher) 0 0
355-3b O'DayHank O'Day (Pitch-hands at chest-Pitcher, Washington) 1 1
355-2a O'DayHank O'Day (Throw-R/hand head high-P. Washingtons) 0 1
355-1b O'DayHank O'Day (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Pitcher, Washington) 1 1
355-3a O'DayHank O'Day (Pitch-hands at chest-H. O'Day-Washington) 1 1
355-3c O'DayHank O'Day (Pitch-hands at chest-P. Washington) 1 1
355-1a O'DayHank O'Day (Bat at ready-looking at camera-P. Washington) 1 1
355-2b O'DayHank O'Day (Throw-R/hand head high-P. Washington) 1 1
356-5a O'NeillTip O'Neill (Strike-bat nearly horizontal-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
356-11a O'NeillTip O'Neill (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-NO ball visible-St. Louis) 0 0
356-4a O'NeillTip O'Neill (Throw-hands about waist high-E.-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
356-12a O'NeillTip O'Neill (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-BALL visible-St. Louis) 1 0
356-9a O'NeillTip O'Neill (Throw-R/hand chest high-L/hand below waist-St. Louis) 1 0
356-7a O'NeillTip O'Neill (Stooping to field grounder-ball approaching-St. Louis) 1 0
356-6a O'NeillTip O'Neill (Bat at ready nearly vertical-St. Louis) 0 0
356-1a O'NeillTip O'Neill (Portrait in striped hat-Brown's Champions) 1 0
356-2c O'NeillTip O'Neill (Stooping to field grounder-ball between hands-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
356-3a O'NeillTip O'Neill (Catch-hands above head-looking up at ball-E.-St. Louis Browns) 0 0
356-2a O'NeillTip O'Neill (Stooping to field grounder-ball between hands-J.E.-St. Louis Bro) 1 0
356-2d O'NeillTip O'Neill (Stooping to field grounder-ball between hands-J.E-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
356-10a O'NeillTip O'Neill (Bat at ready at 60-looking at camera-St. Louis) 1 0
356-8a O'NeillTip O'Neill (Catch-hands head high-R/foot partly concealed behind L/leg-St. Louis) 0 0
356-2b O'NeillTip O'Neill (Stooping to field grounder-ball between hand-Chicagos (PL)) 0 0
357-1a O'NeillNorris O'Neill (Standing-bat in R/hand at side-Oakland) 0 0
358-1a O'RourkeJim O'Rourke (Catch-hands chest high-Jim-N.Y's.) 1 1
358-2c O'RourkeJim O'Rourke (Bat in R/hand at side-Jim-3d B. N.Y's) 1 1
358-2a O'RourkeJim O'Rourke (Bat in R/hand at side-Jim-C., New Yorks) 1 1
358-3a O'RourkeJim O'Rourke (Throw-R/hand head high-Jim-N.Y's.) 1 1
358-4b O'RourkeJim O'Rourke (Bat at ready-looking at camera-New Yorks) 0 1
358-3b O'RourkeJim O'Rourke (Throw-R/hand head high-New Yorks) 1 1
358-4a O'RourkeJim O'Rourke (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Jim-N.Y's.) 1 1
358-2b O'RourkeJim O'Rourke (Bat in R/hand at side-3d B., New Yorks) 1 1
359-6b O'RourkeTom O'Rourke (Catch-hands at neck-ball chin high-C., Boston.) 1 0
359-5a O'RourkeTom O'Rourke (Bat in R/hand at side-bare head-Jersey Citys) 1 0
359-1a O'RourkeTom O'Rourke (Catch-hands head high-C., Boston) 1 0
359-2c O'RourkeTom O'Rourke (Catch-hands thigh high-Jersey Citys) 0 0
359-3a O'RourkeTom O'Rourke (Throw-R/hand head high-Catcher, Boston) 1 0
359-6a O'RourkeTom O'Rourke (Catch-hands at neck-ball chin high-Catcher, Boston) 1 0
359-4b O'RourkeTom O'Rourke (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Catcher, Boston) 1 0
359-5b O'RourkeTom O'Rourke (Bat in R/hand at side-bare head-Boston) 1 0
359-2a O'RourkeTom O'Rourke (Catch-hands thigh high-Catcher, Boston) 1 0
359-2b O'RourkeTom O'Rourke (Catch-hands thigh high-C., Boston) 0 0
359-1b O'RourkeTom O'Rourke (Catch-hands head high-Catcher, Boston) 0 0
359-4a O'RourkeTom O'Rourke (Bat at ready-looking at camera-C., Boston.) 1 0
360-6b OrrDave Orr (Bat at ready at about 45-Columbus) 1 0
360-3b OrrDave Orr (Catch-hands head high on L-Brooklyn) 0 0
360-5b OrrDave Orr (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-feet together-facing front-Columbus) 1 0
360-5d OrrDave Orr (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-feet together-facing front-Brooklyn) 0 0
360-2b OrrDave Orr (Catch-hands by R/knee-Columbus) 1 0
360-5a OrrDave Orr (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-feet together-facing front-Brooklyns) 1 0
360-3a OrrDave Orr (Catch-hands head high on L-Script) 1 0
360-4b OrrDave Orr (Catch-hands head high on R-Columbus) 1 0
360-5c OrrDave Orr (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-feet together-facing front-Dave-Columbus) 0 0
360-6a OrrDave Orr (Bat at ready at about 45-Brooklyns) 1 0
360-7a OrrDave Orr (Bat at ready-nearly vertical-feet apart-looking/R-Brooklyn) 0 0
360-4a OrrDave Orr (Catch-hands head high on R-Brooklyns) 1 0
360-2a OrrDave Orr (Catch-hands by R/knee-Script) 1 0
360-1a OrrDave Orr (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
361-2a ParsonsCharlie Parsons (Bat in R/hand at side) 0 0
361-3a ParsonsCharlie Parsons (Pitch-hands at chest-looking at camera) 1 0
361-4a ParsonsCharlie Parsons (Strike-bat over R/shoulder) 0 0
361-1a ParsonsCharlie Parsons (Pitch-ball in L/hand away from body-R/knee bent) 0 0
361-5a ParsonsCharlie Parsons (Pitch-hands above waist at L-looking L) 0 0
362-2a PattonOwen Patton (Stooping for ball by R/foot-Minneapolis) 0 0
362-3b PattonOwen Patton (Catch-ball in hands by neck-Des Moines) 0 0
362-4a MillsE.L. Mills (Throw-ball in R/hand head high-Milwaukees) 0 0
362-4a PattonOwen Patton (Catch-R/hand above head-Minneapolis) 1 0
362-5a PattonOwen Patton (Catch-hands cupped chin high-L/foot off ground-Minneapolis) 1 0
362-1b PattonOwen Patton (Bat at ready behind head-Des Moines) 0 0
362-1a PattonOwen Patton (Bat at ready behind head-Minneapolis) 0 0
362-3a PattonOwen Patton (Catch-ball in hands by neck-Minneapolis) 0 0
362-6a PattonOwen Patton (Throw-R/hand chest high-Minneapolis) 0 0
362-5b PattonOwen Patton (Catch-hands cupped chin high-L/foot off ground-Des Moines) 1 0
363-1a PeeplesJimmy Peeples (In Mask-Hands waist high-Brooklyn) 1 0
363-2a PeeplesJimmy Peeples (Bat on R/shoulder-Brooklyn) 1 0
363-1b PeeplesJimmy Peeples (In Mask-Hands waist high-Columbus) 0 0
363-3a PeeplesJimmy Peeples (Sliding-tagged by Hardie Henderson-Columbus) 1 0
363-3b PeeplesJimmy Peeples (Sliding-tagged by Hardie Henderson-Brooklyn) 0 0
363-2b PeeplesJimmy Peeples (Bat on R/Shoulder-Columbus) 0 0
364-1a PerrierHip Perrier (Bat at ready-L/handed-San Francisco) 0 0
365-5a PetteePat Pettee (About to tag Lowe-Milwaukee) 1 0
365-3a PetteePat Pettee (Throw-R/hand head high-Londons) 0 0
365-2a PetteePat Pettee (Ball in R/hand shoulder high-Londons) 1 0
365-1a PetteePat Pettee (Bat on R/shoulder-looking/L-Londons) 1 0
365-4a PetteePat Pettee (Sliding into base-Milwaukee) 0 0
366-4c PfefferFred Pfeffer (Bat on R/shoulder-W.T.-Chicagos) 1 0
366-2c PfefferFred Pfeffer (Throw-R/hand neck high-WT-Chicago) 0 0
366-4b PfefferFred Pfeffer (Bat on R/shoulder-Chicago's) 0 0
366-5a PfefferFred Pfeffer (Tagging player on ground-Chicago) 1 0
366-2d PfefferFred Pfeffer (Throw-R/hand neck high-WT-Chicagos) 1 0
366-5b PfefferFred Pfeffer (Tagging player on ground-W.T.-Chicagos) 0 0
366-5d PfefferFred Pfeffer (Tagging player on ground-Caption illegible) 0 0
366-1a PfefferFred Pfeffer (Catch-hands above waist-Chicago) 1 0
366-4a PfefferFred Pfeffer (Bat on R/shoulder-Chicago) 1 0
366-2b PfefferFred Pfeffer (Throw-R/hand neck high-Chicago's) 1 0
366-2e PfefferFred Pfeffer (Throw-R/hand neck high-WT Chicago (PL) in photo) 0 0
366-3a PfefferFred Pfeffer (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Chicago) 1 0
366-4d PfefferFred Pfeffer (Bat on R/shoulder-N.F.-Chicago) 0 0
366-5c PfefferFred Pfeffer (Tagging player on ground-N.F.-Chicago) 1 0
366-2a PfefferFred Pfeffer (Throw-R/hand neck high-Chicago) 1 0
366-5e PfefferFred Pfeffer (Tagging player on ground-W.T.-Chicago) 1 0
367-6a PhelanDick Phelan (Catch-hands chest high-bending forward at waist-looking down-Des Moines) 0 0
367-5a PhelanDick Phelan (Catch-hands chin high-Des Moines) 1 0
367-4a PhelanDick Phelan (Catch-hands cupped at chest high-Des Moines) 1 0
367-2a PhelanDick Phelan (Strike-looking down at ball-Des Moines) 0 0
367-3a PhelanDick Phelan (Catch-hands waist high-Des Moines) 0 0
367-1a PhelanDick Phelan (Bat at ready looking at camera-Des Moines) 1 0
368-1c PhillipsBill Phillips (Hands On Knees-Brooklyn-Mini) 1 0
368-1b PhillipsBill Phillips (Hands On Knees-Brooklyn) 0 0
368-4b PhillipsBill Phillips (Bat over R/shoulder-Kansas City) 0 0
368-1a PhillipsBill Phillips (Hands On Knees-Kansas City) 0 0
368-4a PhillipsBill Phillips (Bat over R/shoulder-Brooklyn) 0 0
368-2a PhillipsBill Phillips (Catch-hands head high-Brooklyn) 0 0
368-2b PhillipsBill Phillips (Catch-hands head high-Kansas City) 0 0
368-3a PhillipsBill Phillips (Stooping/L-horizontal-Brooklyn) 0 0
369-1b PickettJack Pickett (Bat over R/shoulder-St. Pauls) 0 0
369-7c PickettJack Pickett (Throw-R/hand head high-Philadelphias) 0 0
369-2b PickettJack Pickett (Bat in R/hand at side-Philadelphias) 0 0
369-1c PickettJack Pickett (Bat over R/shoulder-St. Paul) 0 0
369-3c PickettJack Pickett (Catch-bending/L-hands neck high-Philadelphias) 0 0
369-1d PickettJack Pickett (Bat over R/shoulder-Philadelphias) 1 0
369-5a PickettJack Pickett (Ball in R/hand on ground by L/foot-St. Pauls) 1 0
369-2a PickettJack Pickett (Bat in R/hand at side-Kansas Citys) 1 0
369-7b PickettJack Pickett (Throw-R/hand head high-St. Pauls) 0 0
369-3b PickettJack Pickett (Catch-bending/L-hands neck high-St. Paul) 1 0
369-3d PickettJack Pickett (Catch-bending/L-hands neck high-St. Pauls) 1 0
369-3a PickettJack Pickett (Catch-bending/L-hands neck high-Kansas City) 1 0
369-6a PickettJack Pickett (Stooping to field grounder by feet-looking down at ball-St. Pauls) 1 0
369-4a PickettJack Pickett (Catch-bending/L hands thigh high-St. Paul) 0 0
369-1a PickettJack Pickett (Bat over R/shoulder-Kansas Citys) 1 0
369-7a PickettJack Pickett (Throw-R/hand head high-Kansas City) 0 0
370-1a PinkneyGeorge Pinkney (Catch-hands chest high-Brooklyn) 1 0
370-3b PinkneyGeorge Pinkney (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Brooklyn) 0 0
370-5a PinkneyGeorge Pinkney (Bat over R/shoulder-Brooklyns) 0 0
370-2a PinkneyGeorge Pinkney (Hands on knees-Brooklyn) 1 0
370-3a PinkneyGeorge Pinkney (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Brooklyns) 1 0
370-4a PinkneyGeorge Pinkney (Stooping-hands ankle high-Brooklyn) 0 0
370-6a PinkneyGeorge Pinkney (Pinkney tagging Toole-Brooklyn) 0 0
371-4a PoormanTom Poorman (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Athletics) 1 0
371-2a PoormanTom Poorman (Stooping/R for catch ankle high-Milwaukees) 1 0
371-3a PoormanTom Poorman (Throw-R/hand head high-Athletics) 1 0
371-1a PoormanTom Poorman (Sliding-R/hand raised-Milwaukees) 1 0
372-7a PorterHenry Porter (Tagging player-vertical-Kansas City) 0 0
372-1c PorterHenry Porter (Tagging player-horizontal-Kansas City) 0 0
372-3b PorterHenry Porter (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Kansas City) 1 0
372-4b PorterHenry Porter (Throw-R/hand neck high-Kansas City) 1 0
372-1a PorterHenry Porter (Tagging player-horizontal-Brooklyn-MINI) 0 0
372-4a PorterHenry Porter (Throw-R/hand neck high-Brooklyn) 1 0
372-1b PorterHenry Porter (Tagging player-horizontal-Brooklyn) 0 0
372-2b PorterHenry Porter (Pitch-hands chest high-Kansas City) 1 0
372-6a PorterHenry Porter (Catch-hands head high-Kansas City) 1 0
372-2a PorterHenry Porter (Pitch-hands chest high-Brooklyn) 1 0
372-3a PorterHenry Porter (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Brooklyn) 1 0
372-5a PorterHenry Porter (Throw-R/hand cap high-front facing-Brooklyn) 1 0
373-2c PowellJim Powell (Strike-looking at ball head high-Manager) 0 0
373-4a PowellJim Powell (Catch-looking at ball head high-Mgr) 0 0
373-4b PowellJim Powell (Catch-looking at ball head high-1st B.) 1 0
373-1b PowellJim Powell (Bat at ready-looking at camera-1st B.) 0 0
373-2b PowellJim Powell (Strike-looking at ball head high-1st B) 0 0
373-3a PowellJim Powell (Stooping-hands on knees-ball approaching-Mgr) 0 0
373.5-1a PowersThomas Powers (Bat at ready-looking at camera-San Francisco) 0 0
373-5b PowellJim Powell (Catch-looking at ball above head-1st B.) 0 0
373-5a PowellJim Powell (Catch-looking at ball above head-Mgr) 0 0
373-1a PowellJim Powell (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Mgr) 0 0
373-2a PowellJim Powell (Strike-looking at ball head high-Mgr) 1 0
374-2a PurcellBlondie Purcell (Catch-stretching up/L-Captain, Baltimores) 1 0
374-3b PurcellBlondie Purcell (Catch-stretching up/R-Captain, Baltimores) 1 0
374-3a PurcellBlondie Purcell (Catch-stretching up/R-1st B., Athletics) 1 0
374-1a PurcellBlondie Purcell (Sliding-horizontal-Athletics) 1 0
374-1b PurcellBlondie Purcell (Sliding-Horizontal-1st B., Baltimores) 0 0
374-2b PurcellBlondie Purcell (Catch-stretching up/L-1st B., Athletics) 1 0
374-5a PurcellBlondie Purcell (Bat at ready-behind head-Captain, Baltimores) 1 0 Buy
374-4a PurcellBlondie Purcell (Throw-R/arm extended in rear-Captain, Baltimores) 1 0
375-3a QuinnTom Quinn (Arms at sides-C., Baltimores) 0 0
375-5a QuinnTom Quinn (Catch-hands at waist-C., Baltimores) 0 0
375-2a QuinnTom Quinn (Bat at ready-looking at camera-C., Baltimores) 1 0
375-1a QuinnTom Quinn (Hands on knees-C., Baltimores) 0 0
375-4a QuinnTom Quinn (Throw-R/hand head high-C., Baltimores) 0 0
376-3a QuinnJoe Quinn (Leaning/L-ready to run-Bostons (PL)) 1 0
376-5a QuinnJoe Quinn (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Bostons (PL)) 1 0
376-5b QuinnJoe Quinn (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Bostons) 0 0
376-4a QuinnJoe Quinn (R/hand extended forward head high-Des Moines) 0 0
376-3b QuinnJoe Quinn (Leaning/L-ready to run-Bostons) 0 0
376-1a QuinnJoe Quinn (Sliding-horizontal-Bostons) 1 0 Buy
376-2a QuinnJoe Quinn (Ball in hands by chin-Bostons) 1 0
377-5b RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Hands clasped at waist-white uniform visible between hands and belt-Pitcher, Boston) 1 1
377-4b RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Hands clasped at waist-no space visible between hands and belt-Pitcher, Boston) 1 1
377-3c RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Bat at ready-Pitcher, Boston) 1 1
377-3a RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Bat at ready-P., Boston.) 1 1
377-1c RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Hands on hips-bat on L-P., Boston (PL)) 0 1
377-3d RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Bat at ready-P., Boston (PL)) 0 1
377-2a RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Radbourn tagging Nash-P., Boston.) 1 2 Buy
377-6a RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Portrait-looking/R-P., Boston.) 1 1
377-1a RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Hands on hips-bat on L-P., Boston.) 1 1 Buy
377-5a RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Hands clasped at waist-white uniform visible between hands and belt-P., Boston.) 1 1
377-4a RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Hands clasped at waist-no space visible between hands and belt-P., Boston.) 1 1
377-3b RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Bat at ready-P., Bostons) 1 1
377-2b RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Radbourn tagging Nash--Pitcher, Boston) 0 2
377-6b RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Portrait-looking/R-Pitcher, Boston) 0 1 Buy
377-1b RadbournOld Hoss Radbourn (Hands on hips-bat on L-Pitcher, Boston) 1 1
378-6a RadfordShorty Radford (Bat at ready-looking down at bat-NO ball visible-Clevelands) 0 0
378-3b RadfordShorty Radford (Leaning/L-ball in R/hand by R/knee-Clevelands) 1 0
378-3a RadfordShorty Radford (Leaning/L-ball in R/hand by R/knee-Brooklyns) 0 0
378-7a RadfordShorty Radford (Catch-hands cap high-BALL visible-Brooklyns) 0 0
378-5a RadfordShorty Radford (Catch-hands cap high-NO ball visible-Clevelands) 1 0
378-7b RadfordShorty Radford (Catch-hands cap high-BALL visible-Clevelands) 0 0
378-2a RadfordShorty Radford (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Brooklyns) 1 0
378-1a RadfordShorty Radford (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Brooklyns) 0 0
378-4a RadfordShorty Radford (Throw-R/hand head high-Brooklyns) 0 0
379-1a RamseyToad Ramsey (Strike-bat over R/shoulder-Louisvills) 1 0
379-2a RamseyToad Ramsey (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Louisville) 0 0
379-3a RamseyToad Ramsey (Pitch-L/arm forward neck high-Louisvills) 0 0
379-3b RamseyToad Ramsey (Pitch-R/arm forward neck high-Louisville) 0 0
380-3a RehseFred Rehse (Catch-hands cap high) 0 0
380-4a RehseFred Rehse (Catch-hands thigh high) 0 0
380-6a RehseFred Rehse (Pitch-R/hand shoulder high) 0 0
380-2a RehseFred Rehse (Bat in R/hand at side) 1 0
380-1a RehseFred Rehse (Bat at ready-L/handed) 1 0
380-5a RehseFred Rehse (Pitch-hands at chest) 0 0
381-2c ReillyJohn Reilly (Catch-reaching up/L-Cincinnat) 1 0
381-4a ReillyJohn Reilly (Side by side-with Nicol--No city) 1 0
381-2a ReillyJohn Reilly (Catch-reaching up/L-Cincinnatti) 1 0
381-3d ReillyJohn Reilly (Throw-R/hand cap high-Cincinnati (NL)) 0 0
381-2d ReillyJohn Reilly (Catch-reaching up/L-Cincinnatis) 1 0
381-3a ReillyJohn Reilly (Throw-R/hand cap high-Cincinnatti) 1 0
381-3b ReillyJohn Reilly (Throw-R/hand cap high-John Reilly-Cincinnattis) 1 0
381-1a ReillyJohn Reilly (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Big John-Cincinnati) 1 0
381-3c ReillyJohn Reilly (Throw-R/hand cap high-Big John-Cincinnati) 0 0
381-2b ReillyJohn Reilly (Catch-reaching up/L-Cincinnati) 1 0
382-2a MoffetSam Moffet (Pitch-hands at chest) 1 0
382-4a ReillyCharlie Reilly (Bat at ready-looking at camera-St. Pauls) 1 0
382-3a ReillyCharlie Reilly (Throw-R/hand chin high-St. Pauls) 0 0
382-2a ReillyCharlie Reilly (Catch-hands extended waist high-St. Pauls) 1 0
382-1a ReillyCharlie Reilly (Hands on thighs-St. Pauls) 0 0
383-1a ReynoldsCharlie Reynolds (Hands on thighs-Kansas City) 1 0
383-1b ReynoldsCharlie Reynolds (Hands on thighs-Brooklyn) 0 0
383-4a ReynoldsCharlie Reynolds (Throw-R/hand head high-Kansas City) 1 0
383-3a ReynoldsCharlie Reynolds (Bat in R/hand at side-Kansas City) 0 0
383-2a ReynoldsCharlie Reynolds (Arms at sides-Kansas City) 1 0
384-1b RichardsonHardy Richardson (Catch-hands head high-Bostons) 1 0
384-2b RichardsonHardy Richardson (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-Detroits) 1 0
384-3a RichardsonHardy Richardson (Bat at ready nearly horizontal-Detroits) 1 0
384-1a RichardsonHardy Richardson (Catch-hands head high-Detroits) 1 0
384-2a RichardsonHardy Richardson (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-Bostons) 1 0
385-2d RichardsonDanny Richardson (Moving/L-Arms at sides-New York (PL)) 0 0
385-2a RichardsonDanny Richardson (Moving/L-Arms at side-Danny-N.Y's) 1 0
385-1d RichardsonDanny Richardson (Bat over R/shoulder-New Yorks (PL)) 0 0
385-3b RichardsonDanny Richardson (Bat at ready at 45-New Yorks) 1 0
385-4a RichardsonDanny Richardson (Throw-R/hand head high-N.Y's) 1 0
385-1c RichardsonDanny Richardson (Bat over R/shoulder-Danny-N.Y's) 1 0
385-2c RichardsonDanny Richardson (Moving/L-Arms at sides-N.Y's) 0 0
385-5a RichardsonDanny Richardson (Stooping to field grounder-N.Y's) 1 0
385-5b RichardsonDanny Richardson (Stooping to field grounder-New Yorks) 0 0
385-4b RichardsonDanny Richardson (Throw-R/hand head high-New Yorks (PL)) 0 0
385-3a RichardsonDanny Richardson (Bat at ready at 45-Danny-N.Y's) 1 0
385-1a RichardsonDanny Richardson (Bat over R/shoulder-N.Y's) 1 0
385-1b RichardsonDanny Richardson (Bat over R/shoulder-New Yorks) 1 0
385-2b RichardsonDanny Richardson (Moving/L-Arms at sides-New Yorks) 0 0
386-1a ReipschlagerCharles Ripslager (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
387-5a RoachJohn Roach (Pitch-L/hand in rear chest high-N.Y's.) 1 0
387-6a RoachJohn Roach (Bat at ready-leaning forward-N.Y's.) 1 0
387-4a RoachJohn Roach (Leaning/L-hands thigh high-N.Y's.) 1 0
387-3a RoachJohn Roach (Bat in R/hand at side-N.Y's.) 0 0
387-2a RoachJohn Roach (Bat at ready-Standing upright-N.Y's.) 1 0
387-1a RoachJohn Roach (Pitch-hands by chin-N.Y's.) 1 0
388-4a RobinsonWilbert Robinson (Catch-hands thigh high-Athletics) 1 1
388-2a RobinsonWilbert Robinson (Catch-looking/R up at ball-hands head high-Athletics) 1 1
388-5a RobinsonWilbert Robinson (Throw-R/hand in rear chest high-Athletics) 0 1
388-3a RobinsonWilbert Robinson (Catch-hands neck high-Athletics) 1 1
388-1a RobinsonWilbert Robinson (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Athletics) 0 1
389-4a RobinsonM.C. Robinson (Throw-R/hand head high) 0 0
389-1a RobinsonM.C. Robinson (Strike-ball shoulder high) 0 0
389-2a RobinsonM.C. Robinson (Tagging player on ground) 1 0
389-6a RobinsonM.C. Robinson (Ball in hands waist high) 1 0
389-5a RobinsonM.C. Robinson (Catch-hands cupped chest high) 1 0
389-3c RobinsonM.C. Robinson (Squating for grounder) 1 0
390-1a RobinsonYank Robinson (Portrait in striped hat-Brown's Champions) 1 0
390-2a RobinsonYank Robinson (Stooping for grounder-W.H.-St. L. Brow) 1 0 Buy
390-6b RobinsonYank Robinson (Bat on R/shoulder-looking at camera-St. Louis) 0 0
390-5a RobinsonYank Robinson (Catch-hands shoulder high-W.H.-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
390-3a RobinsonYank Robinson (Throw-R/hand neck high-W.H.-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
390-6a RobinsonYank Robinson (Bat on R/shoulder-looking at camera-W.H.-St. Louis Browns) 0 0
390-4a RobinsonYank Robinson (Sliding-W.H.-St. Louis Browns) 0 0
391-2a RooksGeorge Rooks (Bat over L/shoulder-Chicago Maroons) 0 0
391-5a RooksGeorge Rooks (Throw-L/hand neck high-Chicago Maroons) 1 0
391-1b RooksGeorge Rooks (Bat in L/Hand at side-Detroits) 0 0
391-1a RooksGeorge Rooks (Bat in L/Hand at side-Chicago Maroons) 0 0
391-4a RooksGeorge Rooks (Catch-hands head high-R/profile-Chicago Maroons) 1 0
391-3a RooksGeorge Rooks (Catch-hands chin high-facing front-Chicago Maroons) 1 0
392-1a RosemanChief Roseman (Portrait-spotted tie) 1 0
393-1a RoweDave Rowe (Portrait-half length looking/L-body facing/L-Mg'r., Denvers) 0 0
393-3a RoweDave Rowe (Catch-hands shoulder high-Mg'r., Denvers) 0 0
393-4a RoweDave Rowe (Catch-hands thigh high-Kansas City) 0 0
393-6a RoweDave Rowe (Bat at ready-looking/L-Kansas City) 0 0
393-2c RoweDave Rowe (Throw-R/hand head high-Mg'r., Kansas City) 0 0
393-2b RoweDave Rowe (Throw-R/hand head high-Mg'r., Denvers) 1 0
393-1b RoweDave Rowe (Portrait-half length looking/L-body facing/L-Kansas City) 0 0
393-3b RoweDave Rowe (Catch-hands shoulder high-Kansas City) 0 0
393-5a RoweDave Rowe (Stooping to field grounder-Kansas City) 0 0
393-2a RoweDave Rowe (Throw-R/hand head high-MGR. & C.F., Denvers) 1 0
393-6a RoweDave Rowe (Portrait-mid-chest up-body facing front but looking/L-Kansas City) 0 0
394-3a RoweJack Rowe (Strike-Looking at approaching ball-Detroits) 1 0
394-1a RoweJack Rowe (Bat on L/Shoulder-looking at camera-Detroits) 0 0
394-2a RoweJack Rowe (Bat in R/hand at side-Detroits) 1 0
394-3b RoweJack Rowe (Strike-Looking at approaching ball-Pittsburgh) 0 0
395-2a RusieAmos Rusie (Pitch-R/hand thigh high-Indianapolis) 1 1
395-3b RusieAmos Rusie (Pitch-R/hand head high at side-Russie-Indianapolis) 1 1
395-4a RusieAmos Rusie (Pitch-R/hand forward chin high-Indianapolis) 1 1
395-5a RusieAmos Rusie (Bat at ready nearly horizontal-Indianapolis) 1 1
395-4b RusieAmos Rusie (Pitch-R/hand forward chin high-New Yorks (NL)) 0 1
395-1b RusieAmos Rusie (Pitch-hands at neck-New Yorks (NL)) 0 1
395-3a RusieAmos Rusie (Pitch-R/hand head high at side-Rusie-Indianapolis) 1 1 Buy
395-1a RusieAmos Rusie (Pitch-hands at neck-Indianapolis) 1 1
396-4b RyanJimmy Ryan (Bat in R/hand by side-Chicago (PL)) 0 0
396-2b RyanJimmy Ryan (Ball in hands by neck-Chicago) 1 0
396-5b RyanJimmy Ryan (Catch-Hands head high-Chicago) 0 0
396-1a RyanJimmy Ryan (Stooping for catch knee high-Chicago) 1 0
396-1c RyanJimmy Ryan (Stooping for catch knee high-Philadelphia) 0 0
396-5a RyanJimmy Ryan (Catch-Hands head high-J. Ryan-Chicago) 1 0
396-6a RyanJimmy Ryan (Strike-Looking at approaching ball-Chicago) 1 0
396-4a RyanJimmy Ryan (Bat in R/hand by side-Chicago) 1 0
396-6b RyanJimmy Ryan (Strike-Looking at approaching ball-J. Ryan-Chicago) 1 0
396-1b RyanJimmy Ryan (Stooping for catch knee high-Chicago (PL)) 0 0
396-3a RyanJimmy Ryan (Throw-L/hand head high-Chicago) 1 0
396-2a RyanJimmy Ryan (Ball in hands by neck-J. Ryan-Chicago) 1 0
397-1a SageDoc Sage (Stooping for low ball on L-Toledos) 1 0
397-4b SageDoc Sage (Catching-Van Dyke at bat-Toledos) 1 0
397-2a SageDoc Sage (Bat on R/shoulder-looking at camera-Toledos) 0 0
397-3a SageDoc Sage (Strike-looking at approaching ball-Toledos) 0 0
397-4a SageDoc Sage (Catching-Van Dyke at bat-Des Moines) 0 0
397-5a SageDoc Sage (Throw-R/hand head high-Des Moines) 0 0
398-5a SandersBen Sanders (Bat at ready-Dark uniform-R/elbow away from body-leaning forward-L/knee bent-Phila) 1 0
398-3a SandersBen Sanders (Dark Uniform-catch-hands neck high-Phila) 1 0
398-2a SandersBen Sanders (White Uniform-throw-R/hand head high-Phila) 1 0
398-4a SandersBen Sanders (Bat at ready-Dark uniform-R/elbow against body-standing errect-Phila) 1 0
398-3c SandersBen Sanders (Dark Uniform-catch-hands neck high-Philadelphias (PL)) 1 0
398-2c SandersBen Sanders (White Uniform-throw-R/hand head high-Philadelphias (PL)) 0 0
398-3b SandersBen Sanders (Dark Uniform-catch-hands neck high-Philadelphias) 1 0 Buy
398-1a SandersBen Sanders (White Uniform-Pitch-hands at neck-Phila) 0 0
398-2b SandersBen Sanders (White Uniform-throw-R/hand head high-Philadelphias) 1 0 Buy
399-5a ScheibeckFrank Scheibeck (Throw-R/arm extended forward) 0 0
399-1a ScheibeckFrank Scheibeck (Catc-hands waist high) 0 0
399-2a ScheibeckFrank Scheibeck (Catch-hands above head) 0 0
399-4a ScheibeckFrank Scheibeck (Strike-looking at ball by bat) 0 0
399-3a ScheibeckFrank Scheibeck (Stooping for ball at feet) 0 0
400-2a SchellhaseAl Schellhase (Catch-ball by hands chest high) 0 0
400-3a SchellhaseAl Schellhase (Catch-hands thigh high-L/leg unbent) 0 0
400-5a SchellhaseAl Schellhase (Bat at ready nearly horizontal) 1 0
400-1a SchellhaseAl Schellhase (Catch-hands above head) 0 0
400-4a SchellhaseAl Schellhase (Catch-hands thigh high-L/leg bent) 1 0
401-1a SchenkelBill Schenkel (Strike-Looking at approaching ball-Milwaukees) 0 0
401-2a SchenkelBill Schenkel (Ball in hands Chest High-Milwaukee) 1 0
401-2b SchenkelBill Schenkel (Ball in hands Chest High-Milwaukees) 1 0
401-5a SchenkelBill Schenkel (Sliding-Milwaukees) 0 0
401-4a SchenkelBill Schenkel (L/Hand chin High-R/arm at Side-Milwaukees) 1 0
401-3a SchenkelBill Schenkel (Catch-Hands cupped chest High-Milwaukees) 1 0
402-1a SchildknechtL. Schildknecht (Bat on R/shoulder-looking at camera-Milwa'k's) 1 0
402-1d SchildknechtL. Schildknecht (Bat on R/shoulder-looking at camera-Des Moines) 0 0
402-1b SchildknechtL. Schildknecht (Bat on R/shoulder-looking at camera-Milwaukee) 0 0
402-2b SchildknechtL. Schildknecht (Catch-leaning/R-hands thigh high-Milwaukee) 0 0
402-3a SchildknechtL. Schildknecht (Catch-ball in hands chest high-Milwa'k's) 1 0
402-1c SchildknechtL. Schildknecht (Bat on R/shoulder-looking at camera-Milwaukees) 1 0
402-2a SchildknechtL. Schildknecht (Catch-leaning/R-hands thigh high-Milwa'k's) 0 0
403-1a SchmelzGus Schmelz (Head and shoulder portrait-looking/L-Cincinnati) 0 0
403-2a SchmelzGus Schmelz (Full length-street clothes-looking/R-Cincinnatis) 1 0
404-3b SchoeneckJumbo Schoeneck (Stooping for grounder-hands knee high-Indianapol) 0 0
404-3d SchoeneckJumbo Schoeneck (Stooping for grounder-hands knee high-Indianap's) 0 0
404-1b SchoeneckJumbo Schoeneck (Bat at ready, looking at camera-Indianapol) 1 0
404-4b SchoeneckJumbo Schoeneck (Catch-hands chin high-Indianapolis) 0 0
404-5c SchoeneckJumbo Schoeneck (Ball in R/hand head high-Indianap's) 0 0
404-1d SchoeneckJumbo Schoeneck (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Indianap's) 0 0
404-3a SchoeneckJumbo Schoeneck (Stooping for grounder-hands knee high-Chicago Maroons) 0 0
404-1c SchoeneckJumbo Schoeneck (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Indianapolis) 0 0
404-3c SchoeneckJumbo Schoeneck (Stooping for grounder-hands knee high-Indianapolis) 0 0
404-4a SchoeneckJumbo Schoeneck (Catch-hands chin high-Chicago Maroons) 1 0
404-1a SchoeneckJumbo Schoeneck (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Chicago Maroons) 0 0 Buy
404-5b SchoeneckJumbo Schoeneck (Ball in R/hand head high-Indianapolis) 0 0
404-5a SchoeneckJumbo Schoeneck (Ball in R/hand head high-Chicago Maroons) 1 0
404-2a SchoeneckJumbo Schoeneck (Hands on knees-Chicago Maroons) 1 0
405-5a SchriverPop Schriver (Throw-R/hand cap high-Philadelphias) 1 0
405-3a SchriverPop Schriver (Catch-stooping-hands below knees-Phila) 1 0
405-5c SchriverPop Schriver (Throw-R/hand cap high-Philadelphia (NL)) 0 0
405-2a SchriverPop Schriver (Bat held horizontal-Phila) 1 0
405-4a SchriverPop Schriver (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Philadelphias) 1 0
405-1a SchriverPop Schriver (Bat on R/shoulder-Phila) 1 0
405-4c SchriverPop Schriver (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Philadelphia (NL)) 0 0
405-1b SchriverPop Schriver (Bat on R/shoulder-Philadelphias) 0 0
405-5b SchriverPop Schriver (Throw-R/hand cap high-Phila) 1 0
405-4b SchriverPop Schriver (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Phila) 1 0
406-1b SeeryEmmett Seery (Catch-Hands above head-Left Field) 0 0
406-3b SeeryEmmett Seery (Arms folded-Bat standing on L-L.F.) 1 0
406-2a SeeryEmmett Seery (Ball in hands at neck-L.F.) 1 0
406-3a SeeryEmmett Seery (Arms folded-Bat standing on L-Left Field) 1 0
406-3a SeradBilly Serad (Pitch-ball in R/hand neck high-Toronto) 1 0
406-2b SeeryEmmett Seery (Ball in hands at neck-Left Field) 1 0
406-3b SeradBilly Serad (Pitch-ball in R/hand neck high-Cincinnati) 0 0
406-4a SeeryEmmett Seery (Bat at ready-Looking at camera-L.F.) 1 0
406-1a SeeryEmmett Seery (Catch-hands above head-L.F.) 1 0
407-1a SeradBilly Serad (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Cincinnati) 0 0
407-1b SeradBilly Serad (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Toronto) 0 0
407-4a SeradBilly Serad (Ball in L/hand-chest high-Cincinnati) 0 0
407-2a SeradBilly Serad (Pitch-ball in hands chin high-Cincinnati) 0 0
408-3a SewardEd Seward (Pitch-R/hand forward head high-Athletics) 1 0
408-2a SewardEd Seward (Pitch-R/hand neck high in rear-Athletics) 1 0
408-1a SewardEd Seward (Ball in hands neck high-Athletics) 1 0
409-3a ShaferOrator Shafer (Bat in L/hand at side-Des Moines) 0 0
409-5a ShaferOrator Shafer (Hands together above head-Des Moines) 0 0
409-1a ShaferOrator Shafer (Arms folded-Des Moines) 1 0
409-6a ShaferOrator Shafer (Catch-hands cupped should high-L/profile-Des Moines) 1 0
409-2a ShaferOrator Shafer (Throw-R/hand head high-Des Moines) 0 0
409-4a ShaferOrator Shafer (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Des Moines) 0 0
410-5a ShaferTaylor Shafer (Bending/R-hands over base-St. Paul) 0 0
410-2a ShaferTaylor Shafer (Throw-R/hand neck high-St. Paul) 0 0
410-4a ShaferTaylor Shafer (Bat at ready at 45-St. Paul) 0 0
410-1a ShaferTaylor Shafer (Stooping/L-fielding grounder-hands ankle high-St. Paul) 0 0
410-3a ShaferTaylor Shafer (Ball in hands by L/shoulder-St. Paul) 0 0
411-3a ShannonDan Shannon (Catch-hands cupped at chest-ball by top/R corner-Omahas) 0 0
411-4a ShannonDan Shannon (Sliding-Omahas) 0 0
411-2a ShannonDan Shannon (Ball in hands at chest-Leaning towards player sliding-Philadelphias (PL)) 0 0
411-2c ShannonDan Shannon (Ball in hands at chest-Leaning towards player sliding-Omahas) 0 0
411-3b ShannonDan Shannon (Catch-hands cupped at chest-ball by top/R corner-Philadelphias (PL)) 0 0
411-5a ShannonDan Shannon (Bat in R/hand at side-Omahas) 0 0
411-1a ShannonDan Shannon (Bat over R/shoulder-Philadelphias (PL)) 0 0 Buy
411-2b ShannonDan Shannon (Ball in hands at chest-Leaning towards player sliding-Louisvilles) 0 0
412-1a SharsigBill Sharsig (Full length-in bowler hat-Manager, Athletics) 1 0
412-3b ShawSam Shaw (Pitch-R/arm extended forward-Newarks) 0 0
413-5a ShawSam Shaw (Pitch-hands together at L-chest high-Baltimores) 1 0
413-3a ShawSam Shaw (Bat at ready-looking/L-Newarks) 1 0
413-4a ShawSam Shaw (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Baltimores) 0 0
413-1b ShawSam Shaw (Pitch-hands together above waist-Newarks) 0 0
413-5b ShawSam Shaw (Pitch-hands together at L-chest high-Newarks) 0 0
413-1a ShawSam Shaw (Pitch-hands together above waist-Baltimores) 1 0
413-2a ShawSam Shaw (Pitch-R/arm extended forward-Baltimores) 0 0 Buy
413-3b ShawSam Shaw (Bat at ready-looking/L-Baltimores) 0 0
414-5a ShawJohn Shaw (Throw-L/profile-R/hand neck high-Minneapolis) 0 0
414-2a ShawJohn Shaw (Stooping/L-horizontal-Minneapolis) 0 0
414-4a ShawJohn Shaw (Catch-stooping-hands neck high-Minneapolis) 0 0
414-1a ShawJohn Shaw (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Minneapolis) 1 0
414-6a ShawJohn Shaw (Fielding grounder at feet-Minneapolis) 1 0
414-3a ShawJohn Shaw (Sliding-horizontal-Minneapolis) 0 0
415-5a ShindleBill Shindle (Throw-R/hand shoulder high-Baltimores) 1 0
415-5b ShindleBill Shindle (Throw-R/hand shoulder high-Philadelphias (PL)) 0 0
415-3a ShindleBill Shindle (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Philadelphias (PL)) 1 0
415-4a ShindleBill Shindle (Hands on knees-Baltimores) 1 0
415-4b ShindleBill Shindle (Hands on knees-Philadelphias (PL)) 1 0
415-1a ShindleBill Shindle (Stooping for grounder-Baltimores) 0 0
415-3b ShindleBill Shindle (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Baltimores) 1 0
415-2a ShindleBill Shindle (Catch-hands head high-Baltimores) 0 0
416-4a ShochGeorge Shoch (Strike-Manager Gaffney in rear-R.F., Washington) 1 0
416-2b ShochGeorge Shoch (Catch-hands head high-Right Field, Washington) 1 0
416-3a ShochGeorge Shoch (Strike-ball thigh high-G. Shoch, R.F., Washington) 1 0
416-2a ShochGeorge Shoch (Catch-hands head high-R.F., Washington) 1 0
416-4b ShochGeorge Shoch (Strike-Manager Gaffney in rear-Right Field, Washington) 1 0
416-3b ShochGeorge Shoch (Strike-ball thigh high-Right Field, Washington) 1 0
416-1a ShochGeorge Shoch (Stooping to field grounder-R.F., Washingtons) 1 0
416-3c ShochGeorge Shoch (Strike-ball thigh high-Washington) 0 0
417-4a SchombergOtto Schomberg (Bat at ready-looking at camera-1st B. Indianapolis) 0 0
417-2b SchombergOtto Schomberg (Throw-Hands Neck High-1st Base, Indianapolis) 1 0
417-1a SchombergOtto Schomberg (Catch-Hands Cap High-1st Base, Indianapolis.) 1 0
417-1b SchombergOtto Schomberg (Catch-Hands Cap High-1st B. Indianapolis.) 1 0
417-2a SchombergOtto Schomberg (Throw-Hands Neck High-1st B. Indianapolis) 1 0
417-3a SchombergOtto Schomberg (Catch-hands waist high-1st Base, Indianapolis.) 1 0
418-6a ShreveLev Shreve (Pitch-R/hand chin high-looking/L) 1 0
418-3a ShreveLev Shreve (Pitch-R/hand above head-facing front) 1 0
418-2a ShreveLev Shreve (Pitch-Ball in hands at chest) 1 0
418-7a ShreveLev Shreve (Pitch-R/hand head high-looking/R) 0 0
418-5a ShreveLev Shreve (Pitch-R/hand head high-facing front) 1 0
418-4a ShreveLev Shreve (Pitch-R/hand cap high at L/border-looking at camera) 1 0
418-8a ShreveLev Shreve (Bat at ready-looking at camera) 1 0
418-1a ShreveLev Shreve (Strike-looking at approaching ball) 1 0
419-2a SilchEd Silch (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Brooklyns) 0 0
419-5b SilchEd Silch (Throw-R/hand shoulder high-Denvers) 1 0
419-1a SilchEd Silch (Bat at ready-look at camera-Denvers) 1 0
419-4b SilchEd Silch (Ball in hands above head-Brooklyns) 0 0
419-4a SilchEd Silch (Ball in hands above head-Denvers) 1 0
419-3a SilchEd Silch (Catch-Hands cupped head high-Brooklyns) 1 0
419-5a SilchEd Silch (Throw-R/hand shoulder high-Brooklyns) 0 0
419-3b SilchEd Silch (Catch-Hands cupped head high-Denvers) 1 0
420-2b SlatteryMike Slattery (Catch, hands cupped chest high-New Yorks) 0 0
420-3a SlatteryMike Slattery (Catch, L/hand extended head high-N.Y) 0 0
420-4c SlatteryMike Slattery (Bat on R/shoulder-New York PL) 0 0
420-1b SlatteryMike Slattery (Bat held horizontal-New Yorks) 1 0
420-4b SlatteryMike Slattery (Bat on right shoulder-New Yorks) 1 0
420-2a SlatteryMike Slattery (Catch, hands cupped chest high-N.Y) 0 0
420-2c SlatteryMike Slattery (Catch, hands cupped chest high-New York's) 1 0
420-3b SlatteryMike Slattery (Catch, L/hand extended head high-New York's) 0 0
420-5a SlatteryMike Slattery (R/hand across body by L/thigh-N.Y.) 1 0
420-5b SlatteryMike Slattery (R/hand across body by L/thigh-New Yorks) 0 0
420-4a SlatteryMike Slattery (Bat on right shoulder-N.Y) 1 0
420-1a SlatteryMike Slattery (Bat held horizontally-N.Y) 0 0
421-2a SmithSam Smith (Ball in hands head high on L-Louisville) 1 0
421-4a SmithSam Smith (Stooping to field grounder by R/foot-Louisville) 0 0
421-1a SmithSam Smith (Strike-ball about thigh high-Louisville) 0 0
421-3a SmithSam Smith (Catch-stooping-hands by R/knee-Louisville) 0 0
421-5a SmithSam Smith (Bat at ready-NO ball visible-Louisville) 0 0
422-4b SmithPhenomenal Smith (Bat at ready-looking/L-Athletics) 1 0
422-6a SmithPhenomenal Smith (Pitch-L/hand shoulder high-L/ear only visible-Baltimores) 0 0
422-2b SmithPhenomenal Smith (Pitch-hands above waist-Athletics) 1 0
422-1a SmithPhenomenal Smith (Portrait-looking/L-New York) 1 0
422-3a SmithPhenomenal Smith (Pitch-hands by R/shoulder-Baltimores) 1 0
422-4a SmithPhenomenal Smith (Bat at ready-looking/L-Baltimores) 1 0
422-5a SmithPhenomenal Smith (Pitch-L/hand neck high-both ears visible-Baltimores) 0 0
422-5b SmithPhenomenal Smith (Pitch-L/hand neck high-both ears visible-Athletics) 1 0
422-2a SmithPhenomenal Smith (Pitch-hands above waist-Baltimores) 0 0
422-3b SmithPhenomenal Smith (Pitch-hands by R/shoulder-Athletics) 0 0
423-2c SmithEllsworth Smith (Elmer) (Pitch-hands at chest-Cincinnatti) 0 0
423-5a SmithEllsworth Smith (Elmer) (Pitch-L/hand head high-glancing/L-R/arm across waist-E. Smith-Cincinnati) 1 0
423-3b SmithEllsworth Smith (Elmer) (Pitch-L/hand chest high in rear-looking/L-E. Smith-Cincinnati) 1 0
423-3c SmithEllsworth Smith (Elmer) (Pitch-L/hand chest high in rear-looking/L-Cincinnatti) 1 0
423-1a SmithEllsworth Smith (Elmer) (Strike-looking at approaching ball-Cincinnati) 0 0
423-2b SmithEllsworth Smith (Elmer) (Pitch-hands at chest-Cincinnati) 0 0
423-4a SmithEllsworth Smith (Elmer) (Pitch-L/hand head high-looking at camera-R/hand by R/thigh-E. Smith-Cincinnatis) 1 0
423-3a SmithEllsworth Smith (Elmer) (Pitch-L/hand chest high in rear-looking/L-E. Smith-Cincinnatis) 1 0
423-4b SmithEllsworth Smith (Elmer) (Pitch-L/hand head high-looking at camera-R/hand by R/thigh-E. Smith-Cincinnati) 1 0
423-2a SmithEllsworth Smith (Elmer) (Pitch-hands at chest-E. Smith-Cincinnati) 0 0
424-2a SmithFred Smith (Pitch-ball in R/hand by face-Des Moines) 1 0
424-3a SmithFred Smith (Stooping/R to field grounder-Des Moines) 0 0
424-5a SmithFred Smith (Bat over R/shoulder-Des Moines) 0 0
424-1a SmithFred Smith (Pitch-hands at throat-ball visible between palms-Des Moines) 0 0
424-4a SmithFred Smith (Pitch-hands at throat-ball not visible-Des Moines) 0 0
425-3b SmithGermany Smith (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Geo. Smith-Brooklyns) 0 0
425-1a SmithGermany Smith (Hands on knee-Brooklyns) 0 0
425-4b SmithGermany Smith (Stooping to field grounder-Geo. Smith-Brooklyns) 1 0
425-2a SmithGermany Smith (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Brooklyns) 1 0 Buy
425-3a SmithGermany Smith (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Brooklyns) 0 0
425-4a SmithGermany Smith (Stooping to field grounder-Brooklyns) 0 0
425-2b SmithGermany Smith (Bat at ready, looking at camera-G. Smith-Brooklyns) 1 0
425-1b SmithGermany Smith (Hands on knee-G. Smith-Brooklyn's) 0 0
425-2c SmithGermany Smith (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Geo.-Brooklyns) 1 0
425-3c SmithGermany Smith (Strike-looking at ball by bat-G. Smith-Brooklyns) 0 0
425-5a SmithGermany Smith (Throw-R/hand head high-Brooklyns) 1 0
425-5b SmithGermany Smith (Throw-R/hand head high-G. Smith-Brooklyns) 1 0
425-1c SmithGermany Smith (Hands on knees-Geo. Smith-Brooklyns) 1 0 Buy
426-3b SmithPop Smith (Hands on knees-ShortStop, Pittsburg) 1 0
426-1d SmithPop Smith (Stooping-R/hand fielding grounder-S.S., Pittsburgs) 0 0
426-3a SmithPop Smith (Hands on knees-S.S. Pittsburg) 1 0
426-1b SmithPop Smith (Stooping-R/hand fielding grounder-Short Stop, Pittsburgh) 1 0
426-2b SmithPop Smith (Bat at ready-looking at camera-S.S., Pittsburg) 1 0
426-2a SmithPop Smith (Bat at ready-looking at camera-S.S., Pittsburgs) 1 0
426-1a SmithPop Smith (Stooping-R/hand fielding grounder-S.S. Pittsburg) 1 0
426-1c SmithPop Smith (Stooping-R/hand fielding grounder-S.S. Bostons) 1 0
426-3c SmithPop Smith (Hands on knees-S.S. Bostons) 0 0
426-4a SmithPop Smith (Stooping-both hands fielding grounder-S.S. Pittsburg) 1 0
426-2c SmithPop Smith (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Bostons (NL)) 0 0
427-4a SmithNick Smith (Bat at ready-looking down at bat-NO ball visible-S.S., St. Joe) 1 0
427-5a SmithNick Smith (Catch-stooping-hands at R/knee-S.S., St. Josephs) 1 0
427-2a SmithNick Smith (Catch-hands head high-feet apart-S.S., St. Josephs) 1 0
427-3a SmithNick Smith (Bat at ready-looking at camera-S.S., St. Joe) 0 0
427-1a SmithNick Smith (Catch-hands head high-feet together-S.S., St. Josephs) 1 0
427-6a SmithNick Smith (Strike-looking at ball-S.S., St. Josephs) 1 0
427-2b SmithNick Smith (Catch-hands head high-feet apart-S.S., St. Joe) 1 0
428-4a SomersPete Somers (Pitch-L/hand head high-looking/R-St. Louis Browns) 0 0
428-5a SomersPete Somers (Pitch-hands above waist-St. Louis Browns) 0 0
428-1a SomersPete Somers (Bat at ready-looking at camera-P.T.-St. Louis Browns) 0 0
428-2a SomersPete Somers (Arms folded-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
428-3a SomersPete Somers (Pitch-L/hand head high-looking/L-St. Louis Browns) 1 0
429-3a SommerJoe Sommer (Throw-R/hand neck high-Sommers-Baltimores) 1 0
429-3b SommerJoe Sommer (Throw-R/hand neck high-Sommer-Baltimores) 0 0
429-1a SommerJoe Sommer (Sliding-horizontal-Sommers-Baltimores) 1 0
429-2b SommerJoe Sommer (Stooping to field grounder-Sommers-Baltimores) 0 0
429-5b SommerJoe Sommer (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Sommers-Baltimores) 0 0
429-5a SommerJoe Sommer (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Sommer-Baltimore) 1 0
429-2a SommerJoe Sommer (Stooping to field grounder-Sommer-Baltimores) 0 0
429-4a SommerJoe Sommer (Catch-hands above head-Sommers-Baltimores) 1 0
430-1a SommersPete Sommers (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Chicago's) 0 0
430-2b SommersPete Sommers (Stooping-ball by hands chest high-New Yorks (NL)) 0 0
430-5a SommersPete Sommers (Catch-arms extended/L at waist-Chicago's) 0 0
430-4a SommersPete Sommers (Throw-R/hand above head-Chicagos) 1 0
430-3b SommersPete Sommers (Catch-hands head high-New Yorks (NL)) 0 0
430-2a SommersPete Sommers (Stooping-ball by hands chest high-Chicago's) 1 0
430-3a SommersPete Sommers (Catch-hands head high-Chicago's) 0 0
430-6a SommersPete Sommers (Portrait-looking/R-Chicagos) 0 0
431-7a SowdersBill Sowders (Strike-ball cap high-Sowders) 1 0
431-7b SowdersBill Sowders (Strike-ball cap high-B.I.W.) 0 0
431-1a SowdersBill Sowders (Pitch-hands neck high-Boston) 1 0
431-1c SowdersBill Sowders (Pitch-hands neck high-W.-Boston) 0 0
431-2b SowdersBill Sowders (Pitch-ball in R/hand chin high-L/elbow held up shoulder high-Boston) 0 0
431-4a SowdersBill Sowders (Pitch-R/hand forward head high-ball just released-Sowders) 0 0
431-4c SowdersBill Sowders (Pitch-R/hand forward head high-ball just released-W.) 0 0
431-5b SowdersBill Sowders (Hands at sides-ball at top/R-B.I.W.) 0 0
431-3a SowdersBill Sowders (Pitch-ball in R/hand cap high-L/hand waist high-Sowders) 1 0
431-6b SowdersBill Sowders (Bat at ready by head-B.I.W.) 0 0
431-1d SowdersBill Sowders (Pitch-hands neck high-W.-Bostons) 1 0
431-1b SowdersBill Sowders (Pitch-hands neck high-Bostons) 1 0
431-2a SowdersBill Sowders (Pitch-ball in R/hand chin high-L/elbow held up shoulder high-Bostons) 0 0
431-3b SowdersBill Sowders (Pitch-ball in R/hand cap high-L/hand waist high-B.I.W.) 0 0
431-4b SowdersBill Sowders (Pitch-R/hand forward head high-ball just released-Souders) 1 0
431-5a SowdersBill Sowders (Hands at sides-ball at top/R-Sowders) 0 0
431-6a SowdersBill Sowders (Bat at ready by head-Sowders) 0 0
432-2a SowdersJohn Sowders (Catch-ball in R/hand thigh high-P., St. Pauls) 0 0
432-6a SowdersJohn Sowders (Bat at ready nearly vertical-St. Pauls) 0 0
432-1a SowdersJohn Sowders (Pitch- hands at chest-looking front-P., St. Pauls) 1 0
432-4a SowdersJohn Sowders (Bat grounded in hands thigh high-P., Kansas City) 1 0
432-5a SowdersJohn Sowders (Pitch-hands at chest-looking/L-St. Pauls) 0 0
432-3a SowdersJohn Sowders (Pitch-ball in L/hand chin high-Kansas Citys) 1 0
433-3a SpragueCharlie Sprague (Bat grounded in R/hand-dark cap-Chicago Maroons) 0 0
433-5a SpragueCharlie Sprague (Pitch-hands at waist-dark cap-Chicago Maroons) 0 0
433-7b SpragueCharlie Sprague (Pitch-leaning forward-L/hand in rear head high-bare head-C.W.-Chicago) 1 0
433-7d SpragueCharlie Sprague (Pitch-leaning forward-L/hand in rear head high-bare head-C.W-Clevelands) 1 0
433-8a SpragueCharlie Sprague (Pitch-L/hand extended forward-bare head-Chicago) 1 0
433-4a SpragueCharlie Sprague (Pitch-hands at waist-light cap-Chicago) 1 0
433-7a SpragueCharlie Sprague (Pitch-leaning forward-L/hand in rear head high-bare head-Chicago) 0 0
433-6a SpragueCharlie Sprague (Pitch-L/hand head high-light cap-C.W.-Chicago) 1 0
433-7c SpragueCharlie Sprague (Pitch-leaning forward-L/hand in rear head high-bare head-Clevelands) 1 0
433-2a SpragueCharlie Sprague (Bat at ready-dark cap-Chicago Maroons) 0 0
433-9a SpragueCharlie Sprague (Ball in R/hand shoulder high-L/hand on stomach-Cleveland) 0 0
433-1a SpragueCharlie Sprague (Bat at ready-light cap-C.W.-Chicago) 1 0
434-1a SproatEd Sproat (Bat at ready on R/shoulder-St. Louis Whites) 1 0 Buy
434-2a SproatEd Sproat (Strike-ball approaching thigh high-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
434-5a SproatEd Sproat (Pitch-R/hand waist high-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
434-4a SproatEd Sproat (Pitch-R/hand head high-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
434-3a SproatEd Sproat (Pitch-hands at chin-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
435-2a StaleyHarry Staley (Pitch-R/hand neck high-R/heel off ground-Harry-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
435-1b StaleyHarry Staley (Pitch-hands at chest-H.-Pittsburgs) 1 0
435-3a StaleyHarry Staley (Pitch-R/hand chest high-both heels on ground-Pittsburgs) 0 0
435-5a StaleyHarry Staley (Strike-bat nearly horizontal-St. Louis Whites) 0 0
435-4a StaleyHarry Staley (Bat at nearly 30-B.B. Harry-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
435-1a StaleyHarry Staley (Pitch-hands at chest-Harry-St. Louis Whites) 1 0
435-2b StaleyHarry Staley (Pitch-R/hand neck high-R/heel off ground-Pittsburgs) 1 0
435-3b StaleyHarry Staley (Pitch-R/hand chest high-both heels on ground-St. Louis Whites) 0 0
435-5b StaleyHarry Staley (Strike-bat nearly horizontal-Pittsburgs) 0 0
436-2a StearnsDan Stearns (Catch-bending forward-hands thigh high-Kansas City) 0 0
436-1a StearnsDan Stearns (Catch-hands neck high-Kansas Citys) 1 0
436-1b StearnsDan Stearns (Catch-hands neck high-Kansas City) 1 0
436-5a StearnsDan Stearns (Bat in R/hand at side-Kansas City) 0 0
436-3a StearnsDan Stearns (Throw-R/hand thigh high-Kansas Citys) 1 0
436-4a StearnsDan Stearns (Bat on L/shoulder-Des Moines) 0 0
437-1a StemmeyerBill Stemmeyer (White Uniform-pitch-hands at chest-P., Boston) 1 0
437-3a StemmeyerBill Stemmeyer (White Uniform-pitch-R/hand cap high-Pitcher, Boston.) 1 0
437-6a StemmeyerBill Stemmeyer (Dark Uniform-R/hand vertically above head-P., Clevelands) 0 0
437-3b StemmeyerBill Stemmeyer (White Uniform-pitch-R/hand cap high-P., Boston) 0 0
437-2a StemmeyerBill Stemmeyer (White Uniform-bat at ready-P., Boston) 0 0
437-4a StemmeyerBill Stemmeyer (White Uniform-ball in R/hand waist high-P., Boston.) 1 0
437-4b StemmeyerBill Stemmeyer (White Uniform-ball in R/hand waist high-Pitcher, Boston) 1 0
437-1b StemmeyerBill Stemmeyer (White Uniform-pitch-hands at chest-Pitcher, Boston) 0 0
437-5a StemmeyerBill Stemmeyer (Dark Uniform-Bat at ready-P., Clevelands) 0 0
438-2a StephensGeorge Stephens (Catch-hands cupped at chest-feet apart-Milwaukee) 0 0
438-4a StephensGeorge Stephens (Bat in R/hand at side-Milwaukee) 0 0
438-3a StephensGeorge Stephens (Ready to pitch-hands at chest-feet together-Milwaukee) 0 0
438-1a StephensGeorge Stephens (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-Milwaukee) 0 0
439-1a SterlingJohn Sterling (Bat in R/hand-ball in L/hand chest high-Minneapolis) 1 0
439-3a SterlingJohn Sterling (Pitch-hands at chest-Minneapolis) 0 0
439-5a SterlingJohn Sterling (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Minneapolis) 0 0
439.5-1a StockwellLen Stockwell (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-San Francisco) 0 0
439-2a SterlingJohn Sterling (Strike-looking down at ball-Minneapolis) 1 0
439-4a SterlingJohn Sterling (Pitch-R/hand thigh high in rear-Minneapolis) 0 0
440-5b StoveyHarry Stovey (Catch-hands above head-Bostons (PL)) 0 0
440-8a StoveyHarry Stovey (Throw-Leaning back R/hand chest high in rear-Athletics) 1 0
440-5a StoveyHarry Stovey (Catch-hands above head-Athletics) 1 0
440-7b StoveyHarry Stovey (Catch-R/hand above head-Bostons (PL)) 1 0
440-7a StoveyHarry Stovey (Catch-R/hand above head-Athletics) 1 0
440-6a StoveyHarry Stovey (Catch-Hands at chest-Athletics) 0 0
440-3a StoveyHarry Stovey (Bat at ready near vertical-Athletics) 1 0
440-1a StoveyHarry Stovey (Hands On Knees-Athletics) 1 0
440-2a StoveyHarry Stovey (Bat in R/hand at side-Athletics) 1 0
440-4a StoveyHarry Stovey (Bat at Ready-Near vertical-Athletics) 0 0
441-4a StrattonScott Stratton (Pitch-R/hand head high-C.-Louisville) 1 0
441-1a StrattonScott Stratton (Bat on L/Shoulder-C.-Louisville) 1 0
441-2a StrattonScott Stratton (Pitch-Hands at chest-C-Louisville) 0 0
441-5a StrattonScott Stratton (Pitch-R/hand waist high-C.-Louisville) 0 0
441-1b StrattonScott Stratton (Bat on L/Shoulder-Louisvilles) 1 0
441-3b StrattonScott Stratton (Pitch-R/hand at side head high-C.-Louisville) 0 0
441-3a StrattonScott Stratton (Pitch-R/hand at side head high-Louisvilles) 1 0
442-2c StraussJoe Strauss (Kneeling looking/R-ball in hands by R/knee-Milwaukees) 0 0
442-3b StraussJoe Strauss (Throw-R/hand head high-Omaha's) 0 0
442-4b StraussJoe Strauss (Catch-stooping-hands waist high-Omahas) 0 0
442-6a StraussJoe Strauss (Bat at ready nearly vertical-Omahas) 1 0
442-2b StraussJoe Strauss (Kneeling looking/R-ball in hands by R/knee-Illegible) 0 0
442-1a StraussJoe Strauss (Kneeling looking/L-hands by R/knee-Omahas) 1 0
442-3a StraussJoe Strauss (Throw-R/hand head high-Omahas) 0 0
442-4a StraussJoe Strauss (Catch-stooping-hands waist high-Omahas W.A.) 1 0
442-5a StraussJoe Strauss (Catch-stooping-hands by R/ankle-Milwaukee) 0 0
442-2a StraussJoe Strauss (Kneeling looking/R-ball in hands by R/knee-Milwaukee) 0 0
442-1b StraussJoe Strauss (Kneeling looking/L-hands by R/knee-Milwaukee) 0 0
443-4a StrickerCub Stricker (Catch-hands chest high/R-Clevelands) 0 0
443-6a StrickerCub Stricker (Bat at ready-looking front-BALL chest high on L-Clevelands) 0 0
443-3a StrickerCub Stricker (Catch-hands above head-NO ball-Clevelands) 1 0
443-5a StrickerCub Stricker (Catch-hands above head-BALL above-Clevelands) 0 0
443-1a StrickerCub Stricker (Bat at ready-looking front-NO ball-Clevelands) 1 0
443-2a StrickerCub Stricker (Stooping for ball by L/foot-Clevelands) 0 0
444-3b SullivanMarty Sullivan (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Columbus) 0 0
444-5a SullivanMarty Sullivan (Strike-looking at approaching ball-Chicago's) 1 0
444-1b SullivanMarty Sullivan (Throw-R/hand head high-Chicago's) 1 0
444-3a SullivanMarty Sullivan (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Chicago's) 1 0 Buy
444-1a SullivanMarty Sullivan (Throw-R/hand head high-Indianapolis) 1 0
444-5b SullivanMarty Sullivan (Strike-Looking at approaching ball-Indianapolis) 1 0
444-2b SullivanMarty Sullivan (Catch-hands chest high-Indianapolis) 0 0
444-2a SullivanMarty Sullivan (Catch-hands chest high-Chicago's) 1 0
444-4a SullivanMarty Sullivan (Bat in R/hand at side-Chicago's) 1 0
445-3a SullivanMike Sullivan (Sliding-L/hand raised-Athletics) 0 0
445-2a SullivanMike Sullivan (Hands on knees-Athletics) 0 0
445-1a SullivanMike Sullivan (Bat at ready on base-Athletics) 1 0
446-1a SundayBilly Sunday (Catch-bending/L-hands thigh high-Chicago) 1 0
446-2a SundayBilly Sunday (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Chicago) 1 0
446-3a SundayBilly Sunday (Throw-R/hand neck high-Chicago) 1 0 Buy
446-5b SundayBilly Sunday (Bat in R/hand at side-W.A.-Pittsburghs) 1 0
446-1b SundayBilly Sunday (Catch-bending/L-hands thigh high-Pittsburgs) 1 0
446-2c SundayBilly Sunday (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Pittsburgs) 0 0
446-5a SundayBilly Sunday (Bat in R/hand at side-Chicago) 1 0
446-5c SundayBilly Sunday (Bat in R/hand at side-W.A.-Pittsburgh) 1 0
446-4a SundayBilly Sunday (Catch-hands cupped chin high-Chicago) 1 0
446-3b SundayBilly Sunday (Throw-R/hand neck high-Pittsburgs) 1 0
446-4b SundayBilly Sunday (Catch-hands cupped chin high-Pittsburgs) 1 0 Buy
446-2b SundayBilly Sunday (Bat at ready-looking at camera-W.A.-Pittsburghs) 1 0
447-3a SutcliffeCy Sutcliffe (Catch-hands above waist-Clevelands) 0 0
447-5a SutcliffeCy Sutcliffe (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Clevelands) 1 0
447-4a SutcliffeCy Sutcliffe (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Clevelands) 1 0
447-1a SutcliffeCy Sutcliffe (Stoop to field grounder by R/foot-Clevelands) 0 0
447-2a SutcliffeCy Sutcliffe (Catch-hands neck high-Clevelands) 1 0
448-5a SuttonEzra Sutton (Bat in R/hand at side-Third Base, Boston.) 1 0
448-2b SuttonEzra Sutton (Throw-hands chest high-Third Base, Boston.) 1 0
448-5b SuttonEzra Sutton (Bat in R/hand at side-2nd B., Boston) 0 0
448-2a SuttonEzra Sutton (Throw-hands chest high-3d B., Boston.) 1 0
448-7c SuttonEzra Sutton (Strike-looking down at ball-Third Base, Boston.) 1 0
448-1a SuttonEzra Sutton (Catch-Hands shoulder high-3d B., Boston.) 0 0
448-6b SuttonEzra Sutton (Throw-R/hand just releasing ball-Third Base , Boston.) 0 0
448-6a SuttonEzra Sutton (Throw-R/hand just releasing ball-3d B., Boston.) 1 0
448-7b SuttonEzra Sutton (Strike-looking down at ball-Milwaukee) 1 0
448-4a SuttonEzra Sutton (Strike-ball above bat-3d B., Boston.) 1 0
448-7d SuttonEzra Sutton (Strike-looking down at ball-3d B., Boston.) 1 0
448-3a SuttonEzra Sutton (Stooping to field grounder-2nd B., Boston) 1 0
448-7a SuttonEzra Sutton (Strike-looking down at ball-Milwaukees) 1 0
449-3a SwartwoodEd Swartwood (On ground-R/hand on base-L/arm up-Hamlts) 1 0
449-1b SwartwoodEd Swartwood (Catch-hands above head-Des Moines) 0 0
449-3b SwartwoodEd Swartwood (On ground-R/hand on base-L/arm up-Des Moines) 0 0
449-5b SwartwoodEd Swartwood (Tagging player-R/arm raised-Hamlts) 0 0
449-1a SwartwoodEd Swartwood (Catch-hands above head-Brooklyn) 1 0
449-2a SwartwoodEd Swartwood (Kneeling on R/knee-ready to field grounder-Brooklyn) 1 0
449-2b SwartwoodEd Swartwood (Kneeling on R/knee-ready to field grounder-Des Moines) 0 0
449-5a SwartwoodEd Swartwood (Tagging player-R/arm raised-Des Moines) 0 0
450-2a SwartzelPark Swartzel (Catch-stooping-hands cupped-Kansas City) 0 0
450-4a SwartzelPark Swartzel (Pitch-ball in R/hand thigh high-Kansas City) 0 0
450-3a SwartzelPark Swartzel (Pitch-hands by L/shoulder-Kansas City) 1 0
450-1b SwartzelPark Swartzel (Bat on R/shoulder-Kansas City) 0 0
450-2b SwartzelPark Swartzel (Catch-stooping-hands cupped-Kansas Citys) 0 0
450-1a SwartzelPark Swartzel (Bat over R/shoulder-Kansas Citys) 0 0
450-5a SwartzelPark Swartzel (Pitch-leaning/L-R/hand by head-Kansas City) 0 0
450-6a SwartzelPark Swartzel (In jacket-arms at sides-Kansas City) 1 0
450-3b SwartzelPark Swartzel (Pitch-hands by L/shoulder-Kansas Citys) 1 0
451-3a SweeneyPete Sweeney (Catch-hands head high-Washington) 1 0
451-3b SweeneyPete Sweeney (Catch-hands head high-Washingtons) 1 0
451-4a SweeneyPete Sweeney (Throw-R/hand head high-Washingtons) 0 0
451.5-1a SylvesterLouis Sylvester (Bat at ready-Sacramento) 0 0
451-2a SweeneyPete Sweeney (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Washingtons) 0 0
451-5a SweeneyPete Sweeney (Catch-leaning R-L/arm fielding grounder-Washingtons) 0 0
451-1a SweeneyPete Sweeney (Hands on knees-Washington) 0 0
452-2a TatePop Tate (Bat at ready at 60-C., Boston) 0 0
452-2c TatePop Tate (Bat at ready at 60-C., Baltimores) 0 0
452-3a TatePop Tate (Catch-bending-hands chest high-C., Boston) 0 0
452-3b TatePop Tate (Catch-bending-hands chest high-E.C.-Boston) 1 0
452-1b TatePop Tate (Hands on knees-Catcher, Boston) 0 0
452-2b TatePop Tate (Bat at ready at 60-Catcher, Boston) 1 0
452-3d TatePop Tate (Catch-bending-hands chest high-E.C.-Baltimores) 0 0
452-3c TatePop Tate (Catch-bending-hands chest high-C., Baltimores) 1 0
452-1a TatePop Tate (Hands on knees-C., Boston) 1 0
453-2b TebeauPatsy Tebeau (Strike-ball thigh high-Clevelands) 1 0
453-3b TebeauPatsy Tebeau (Stooping-catch by R/ankle-Oliver-Chicago) 1 0
453-5a TebeauPatsy Tebeau (Ball in L/hand knee high-leaning/R-Oliver-Chicago) 1 0
453-4b TebeauPatsy Tebeau (Ball in R/hand chest high-leaning/L-Clevelands) 1 0
453-1a TebeauPatsy Tebeau (Bat by head-looking at camera-Chicago) 1 0
453-3a TebeauPatsy Tebeau (Stooping-catch by R/ankle-Chicago) 1 0
453-4a TebeauPatsy Tebeau (Ball in R/hand chest high-leaning/L-Chicago) 1 0
453-2a TebeauPatsy Tebeau (Strike-ball thigh high-Chicago) 1 0
453-1b TebeauPatsy Tebeau (Bat by head-looking at camera-Clevelands) 1 0
454-1a TenerJohn Tener (Ball in R/hand cap high-arm bent-Chicagos) 1 0
454-4a TenerJohn Tener (Ball in hands by R/shoulder-Chicagos) 0 0
454-5a TenerJohn Tener (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Chicagos) 0 0
454-3a TenerJohn Tener (Ball in R/hand thigh high-Chicagos) 1 0
454-2a TenerJohn Tener (Ball in R/hand Chin high-arm straight-Chicagos) 0 0
455-4a TerryAdonis Terry (Throw-arms extended horizontally-Pitcher, Brooklyn) 1 0
455-5a TerryAdonis Terry (Catch-hands chest high-Pitcher, Brooklyns) 1 0
455-5b TerryAdonis Terry (Catch-hands chest high-P., Brooklyns) 1 0
455-2a TerryAdonis Terry (Pitch-hands together chest high-P., Brooklyn) 1 0
455-1a TerryAdonis Terry (Throw-pivoting on R/foot-Brooklyn) 1 0
455-3a TerryAdonis Terry (Bat on R/shoulder-Brooklyn) 0 0
455-2b TerryAdonis Terry (Pitch-hands together chest high-Pitcher, Brooklyns) 0 0
456-5a ThompsonSam Thompson (Strike-ball above bat-Detroits) 1 1
456-1b ThompsonSam Thompson (Strike-ball chest high-Phila's) 0 1
456-4b ThompsonSam Thompson (Bat in R/hand at side-Phila's) 1 1 Buy
456-4a ThompsonSam Thompson (Bat in R/hand at side-Philadelphia) 1 1
456-2a ThompsonSam Thompson (Bat at ready at 45-Detroits) 1 1
456-1a ThompsonSam Thompson (Strike-ball chest high-Detroits) 1 1
456-5b ThompsonSam Thompson (Strike-ball above bat-Phila's) 0 1
456-4c ThompsonSam Thompson (Bat in R/hand at side-Detroits) 1 1
456-3a ThompsonSam Thompson (Arms folded-R.F. Detroits) 1 1
456-4d ThompsonSam Thompson (Bat in R/hand at side-Philadelphias) 1 1
456-3b ThompsonSam Thompson (Arms folded-Phila's) 0 1
456-1c ThompsonSam Thompson (Strike-ball chest high-Philadelphia) 0 1
457-1c TiernanMike Tiernan (Ball in hands above waist-New Yorks (NL)) 1 0
457-5b TiernanMike Tiernan (Sliding-horizontal-New Yorks (NL)) 0 0
457-4a TiernanMike Tiernan (Throw-L/hand chin high-N.Y's.) 1 0
457-2a TiernanMike Tiernan (Catch-hands cupped chest high-N.Y's.) 1 0 Buy
457-1b TiernanMike Tiernan (Ball in hands above waist-New Yorks) 1 0
457-3a TiernanMike Tiernan (Stooping to field grounder-N.Y's.) 1 0
457-6b TiernanMike Tiernan (Bat at ready by head-N.Y's) 1 0
457-5a TiernanMike Tiernan (Sliding-horizontal-N.Y's.) 1 0
457-6a TiernanMike Tiernan (Bat at ready by head-New Yorks) 1 0
457-1a TiernanMike Tiernan (Ball in hands above waist-N.Y's.) 1 0
458-2a TitcombCannonball Titcomb (Bat in R/hand at side-N.Y.) 0 0
458-3b TitcombCannonball Titcomb (Pitch-hands at chin-looking front-New York) 0 0
458-5a TitcombCannonball Titcomb (Pitch-R/arm across body-hand at thigh-N.Y.) 0 0
458-1a TitcombCannonball Titcomb (Bat at ready-looking at camera-N.Y.) 1 0
458-3a TitcombCannonball Titcomb (Pitch-hands at chin-looking front-N.Y.) 1 0
458-1b TitcombCannonball Titcomb (Bat at ready-looking at camera-New Yorks) 1 0
458-2b TitcombCannonball Titcomb (Bat in R/hand at side-New Yorks) 1 0
458-4a TitcombCannonball Titcomb (Pitch-hands at neck-R/profile-N.Y.) 0 0
459-1a TomneyPhil Tomney (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Louisvilles) 1 0
459-3a TomneyPhil Tomney (Catch-hands above waist-Louisvilles) 0 0
459-5a TomneyPhil Tomney (Strike-ball just above waist-Louisvilles) 0 0
459-4a TomneyPhil Tomney (Catch-hands above head-Louisvilles) 1 0
459-2a TomneyPhil Tomney (Stooping-hands by R/foot-Louisvilles) 0 0
460-1b TooleSteve Toole (Pitch-L/hand extended rearward-chin high-MINI-Brooklyn) 0 0
460-3c TooleSteve Toole (Pitch-ball in L/hand above head-MINI-Brooklyn) 0 0
460-2a TooleSteve Toole (Pitch-hands at R-chest high-Brooklyn) 0 0
460-3b TooleSteve Toole (Pitch-ball in L/hand above head-Rochesters) 0 0
460-4b TooleSteve Toole (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Rochesters) 1 0 Buy
460-5a TooleSteve Toole (Pitch-hands at chest-Brooklyn) 0 0
460-2b TooleSteve Toole (Pitch-hands at R-chest high-Kansas City) 0 0
460-3a TooleSteve Toole (Pitch-ball in L/hand above head-Brooklyn) 1 0
460-4a TooleSteve Toole (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Brooklyn) 0 0
460-1a TooleSteve Toole (Pitch-L/hand extended rearward-chin high-Brooklyn) 0 0
461-3a TownsendGeorge Townsend (Catch-hand chest high-feet wide apart-NO ball-Athletics) 1 0
461-1a TownsendGeorge Townsend (Bat at ready behind head-Athletics) 0 0
461-2a TownsendGeorge Townsend (Bat at ready at 30-C. Athletics) 1 0
461-5a TownsendGeorge Townsend (Catch-hands outstretched shoulder high-feet close together-Athletics) 0 0
461-2b TownsendGeorge Townsend (Bat at ready at 30-C., Athletics) 1 0
461-4a TownsendGeorge Townsend (Catch-hand chest high-feet wide apart-BALL visible-Athletics) 1 0
461-1b TownsendGeorge Townsend (Bat at ready behind head-Athletic's) 0 0
462-1a TraffleyBill Traffley (Catch-hands above head) 1 0
462-3a TraffleyBill Traffley (Hands on thigh) 0 0
462-6a TraffleyBill Traffley (Catch-Leaning/R-hands knee high) 0 0
462-4a TraffleyBill Traffley (Throw-right hand head high) 0 0
462-5a TraffleyBill Traffley (Bat at ready nearly vertical) 0 0
462-2a TraffleyBill Traffley (Catch-Stooping-hands chest high) 1 0
463-5a TreadwayGeorge Treadway (Catch-hands chin high over L/shoulder) 0 0
463-1b TreadwayGeorge Treadway (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Denver) 0 0
463-4a TreadwayGeorge Treadway (Catch-hands chest high) 0 0
463-1a TreadwayGeorge Treadway (Strike-looking at ball by bat-St. Paul) 0 0
463-3a TreadwayGeorge Treadway (Bat at ready-facing front) 0 0 Buy
463-2a TreadwayGeorge Treadway (Catch-bending/L-hands thigh high) 1 0
464-5b TrottSam Trott (Strike-Looking at approaching ball-Newarks) 0 0
464-2b TrottSam Trott (Throw-L/hand head high-Newarks) 1 0
464-1a TrottSam Trott (Catch-hands neck high on L-Baltimores) 0 0
464-4a TrottSam Trott (Hands on thighs-Newarks) 1 0
464-3b TrottSam Trott (Catch-hands knee high-Newarks) 0 0
464-5a TrottSam Trott (Strike-looking at approaching ball-Baltimores) 0 0
464-6a TrottSam Trott (Tagging Burns-Horizontal-Baltimores) 0 0
464-3a TrottSam Trott (Catch-hands knee high-Baltimores) 0 0
464-2a TrottSam Trott (Throw-L/hand head high-Baltimores) 1 0
464-4b TrottSam Trott (Hands on thighs-Baltimores) 0 0
465-3a TuckerTommy Tucker (Throw-leaning/L-R/hand chin high-Baltimores) 0 0
465-1a TuckerTommy Tucker (Catch-stooping-hands ankle high-Baltimores) 1 0
465-4a TuckerTommy Tucker (Ball in hands at chest-Baltimores) 1 0
465-5a TuckerTommy Tucker (Strike-Looking at approaching ball-Baltimores) 0 0
465-2a TuckerTommy Tucker (Catch-leaning/L-hands chin high-Baltimores) 0 0
466-1a TuckermanA.M. Tuckerman (Bat on L/shoulder-looking at camera-St. Paul) 1 0
466-2a TuckermanA.M. Tuckerman (Bat at ready at 60-looking R-St. Paul) 0 0
466-4a TuckermanA.M. Tuckerman (Pitch-R/hand cap high-St. Paul) 1 0
466-5a TuckermanA.M. Tuckerman (Pitch-R/hand above head-St. Pauls) 0 0
466-2b TuckermanA.M. Tuckerman (Bat at ready at 60-looking R-St. Pauls) 1 0
466-1b TuckermanA.M. Tuckerman (Bat on L/shoulder-looking at camera-St. Pauls) 1 0
466-3a TuckermanA.M. Tuckerman (Pitch-hands at chest-St. Pauls) 0 0
466-4b TuckermanA.M. Tuckerman (Pitch-R/hand cap high-St. Pauls) 1 0
467-3a TurnerGeorge Turner (Catch-hands just above waist-Minneapolis) 1 0
467-1a TurnerGeorge Turner (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Minneapolis) 1 0
467-2a TurnerGeorge Turner (Strike-looking down at ball-Minneapolis) 1 0
467-5a TurnerGeorge Turner (Stooping to catch ball by L/knee-Minneapolis) 0 0
467-4a TurnerGeorge Turner (Catch-hands head high-Minneapolis) 1 0
468-2a TwitchellLarry Twitchell (Pitch-hands by chest-Detroits) 1 0
468-1a TwitchellLarry Twitchell (Bat at ready behind head-Detroits) 1 0
468-3a TwitchellLarry Twitchell (Pitch-R/hand forward head high-Detroits) 1 0
468-2b TwitchellLarry Twitchell (Pitch-hands by chest-Clevelands) 1 0
468-1b TwitchellLarry Twitchell (Bat at ready behind head-Clevelands) 1 0
468-3b TwitchellLarry Twitchell (Pitch-R/hand forward head high-Clevelands) 1 0
469-3a TyngJim Tyng (Pitch-hands at chest-Phila) 1 0
469-2a TyngJim Tyng (Bat in R/hand at side-Phila) 0 0 Buy
469-5a TyngJim Tyng (Bat on R/shoulder by head-Phila) 1 0
469-1a TyngJim Tyng (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Phila) 1 0
469-4a TyngJim Tyng (Pitch-R/hand head high-Phila) 0 0
470-2a Van DykeBill Van Dyke (Sliding-Horizontal format-Toledos) 0 0
470-1b Van DykeBill Van Dyke (Catch-stretching/L-hands chin high-Des Moines) 0 0
470-1a Van DykeBill Van Dyke (Catch-stretching/L-hands chin high-Toledos) 0 0
471-1b Van HaltrenGeorge Van Haltren (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Chicagos) 1 0
471-1c Van HaltrenGeorge Van Haltren (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Chicago's) 1 0
471-3a Van HaltrenGeorge Van Haltren (Pitch-hands centered above belt-Chicago) 1 0
471-5a Van HaltrenGeorge Van Haltren (Pitch-hands at R-just above waist high-Chicago) 0 0
471-4a Van HaltrenGeorge Van Haltren (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Chicago) 1 0
471-3b Van HaltrenGeorge Van Haltren (Pitch-hands centered above belt-Chicagos) 1 0
471-1a Van HaltrenGeorge Van Haltren (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Chicago) 1 0
471-2a Van HaltrenGeorge Van Haltren (Hands clenched-thigh high-Chicago) 0 0
471-3c Van HaltrenGeorge Van Haltren (Pitch-hands centered aboce belt-Chicago's) 1 0
472-5a VaughnFarmer Vaughn (Catch-hands by L/shoulder-Louisvilles) 1 0
472-1b VaughnFarmer Vaughn (Bat at ready-looking at camera-New York (PL)) 0 0
472.5-2a VeachBill Veach (Catch-L/profile-reaching up L-St. Paul) 0 0
472.5-3a VeachBill Veach (Catch-hands above head-looking at camera-Sacramento) 0 0
472.5-5a VeachBill Veach (Throw-R/hand chin high-St. Paul) 0 0
472-6a VaughnFarmer Vaughn (Ball in R/hand head high-New York (PL)) 1 0
472-2a VaughnFarmer Vaughn (Strike-looking down at ball-Louisvilles) 0 0
472-6b VaughnFarmer Vaughn (Ball in R/hand head high-Louisvilles) 0 0
472.5-1a VeachBill Veach (Kneeling-ball in R/hand cap high-St. Paul) 0 0
472-3a VaughnFarmer Vaughn (Catch-Stooping-hands knee high-Louisvilles) 1 0
472.5-1a VeachBill Veach (Crouched-walking/L-St. Paul) 0 0
472-1a VaughnFarmer Vaughn (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Louisvilles) 1 0
472-4a VaughnFarmer Vaughn (Catch-stooping-hands by R/shoulder-Louisvilles) 1 0
473-3b ViauLeon Viau (Pitch-R/hand at chest-looking at camera-Cincinnati) 0 0
473-1a ViauLeon Viau (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Cincinnati) 0 0
473-5a ViauLeon Viau (Pitch-R/hand out thigh high-looking at camera-Cincinnatti) 1 0
473-4a ViauLeon Viau (Pitch-R/hand out waist high-R/profile-Cincinnatis) 1 0
473-2a ViauLeon Viau (Pitch-R/hand head high-Cincinnati) 0 0
473-1b ViauLeon Viau (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Cincinnati (NL)) 0 0
473-3a ViauLeon Viau (Pitch-R/hand at chest-looking at camera-Leon-Cincinnatis) 1 0
473-5b ViauLeon Viau (Pitch-R/hand out thigh high-looking at camera-Cincinnati) 0 0
474-3a VintonBill Vinton (Pitch-hands at chest-Minneapolis) 1 0
474-1a VintonBill Vinton (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Minneapolis) 0 0
474-4a VintonBill Vinton (Pitch-R/hand head high-Minneapolis) 1 0
474-2a VintonBill Vinton (Strike-looking at ball-Minneapolis) 1 0
475-2a VisnerJoe Visner (Standing-arms at sides-Brooklyns) 0 0
475-5a VisnerJoe Visner (Bending forward-hands on thighs-Brooklyns) 0 0
475-1a VisnerJoe Visner (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Brooklyns) 1 0
475-4a VisnerJoe Visner (Catch-hands chest high-bare head-Brooklyns) 0 0
475-3a VisnerJoe Visner (Throw-ball in R/hand chest high-Brooklyns) 1 0
476-1a Von Der AheChris Von Der Ahe (Portrait-looking/L-Brown's Champion) 1 0
477-3a WalshReddy Walsh (Catch-bending/L-hands waist high-Omaha) 1 0
477-2a WalshReddy Walsh (Bat at ready at 60-looking L-Omahas) 0 0
477-1a WalshReddy Walsh (Bat at ready by head-looking at camera-Omahas) 1 0
477-4a WalshReddy Walsh (Catch-hands chest high-Omahas) 0 0
478-5a WardJohn Ward (Throw-R/hand cap high-R/profile-Capt. John-N.Y's.) 1 1
478-3a WardJohn Ward (Cap in R/hand at side-L/hand on hip-Capt. John-N.Y's.) 1 1
478-9a WardJohn Ward (Throw-R/hand forward-L/profile-J.M.-New Yorks) 1 1
478-6a WardJohn Ward (Bat at ready-looking/L-J.-New Yorks) 1 1
478-2a WardJohn Ward (Sliding-R/hand raised-horizontal-New Yorks) 0 1
478-8a WardJohn Ward (Sliding-L/hand raised-horizontal-J.M.-New Yorks) 1 1 Buy
478-1c WardJohn Ward (Portrait-looking/L-J.M.-New Yorks) 1 1
478-1a WardJohn Ward (Portrait-looking/L-Capt. John-N.Y's.) 1 1 Buy
478-4a WardJohn Ward (Hands on hips-J.M.-New Yorks) 1 1
478-7b WardJohn Ward (Hands behind back-J.M.-New Yorks) 0 1
478-5b WardJohn Ward (Throw-R/hand cap high-R/profile-John-N.Y's) 1 1
478-3b WardJohn Ward (Cap in R/hand at side-L/hand on hip-J.-New Yorks) 1 1
478-9b WardJohn Ward (Throw-R/hand forward-L/profile-Capt. John-N.Y's) 1 1
478-6b WardJohn Ward (Bat at ready-looking/L-Capt. John-N.Y's) 1 1
478-2b WardJohn Ward (Sliding-R/hand raised-horizontal-Capt. John-N.Y's) 0 1
478-8c WardJohn Ward (Sliding-L/hand raised-horizontal-New Yorks) 0 1
478-8b WardJohn Ward (Sliding-L/hand raised-horizontal-Capt. John-N.Y's.) 1 1
478-1b WardJohn Ward (Portrait-looking/L-J.-New Yorks) 1 1
478-4b WardJohn Ward (Hands on hips-Capt. John-N.Y's.) 1 1
478-7a WardJohn Ward (Hands behind back-Capt. John-N.Y's.) 1 1
478-3c WardJohn Ward (Cap in R/hand at side-L/hand on hip-John-N.Y's) 0 1
479-1a WarnerE.H. Warner (Catch-hands waist high-Milwaukee) 0 0
480-1c WatkinsBill Watkins (Portrait-looking/L-Kansas City) 0 0
480-1b WatkinsBill Watkins (Portrait-looking/L-Kansas Citys) 1 0
480-1a WatkinsBill Watkins (Portrait-looking/L-Detroits) 1 0
481-3a WeaverFarmer Weaver (Catch-hands cupped head high-Louisvilles) 0 0
481-2a WeaverFarmer Weaver (Catch-L/hand above head-Louisvilles) 1 0
481-1a WeaverFarmer Weaver (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Louisvilles) 0 0
481-4a WeaverFarmer Weaver (Catch-hands cupped waist high-Louisvilles) 0 0
482-1a WeberCount Weber (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Citys) 0 0
482-4a WeberCount Weber (Pitch-Hands out waist high-Citys) 1 0 Buy
482-2a WeberCount Weber (Strike-Looking down at ball-City) 0 0
482-2b WeberCount Weber (Strike-Looking down at ball-Citys) 0 0
482-4b WeberCount Weber (Pitch-Hands out waist high-City) 0 0
482-3b WeberCount Weber (Pitch-Hands at chest-Citys) 0 0
482-5a WeberCount Weber (Pitch-R/hand chin high-City) 0 0
482-5b WeberCount Weber (Pitch-R/hand chin high-Citys) 1 0
482-1b WeberCount Weber (Bat at ready-looking at camera-City) 0 0
482-3a WeberCount Weber (Pitch-Hands at chest-City) 0 0
483-1a WeidmanStump Weidman (Pitch-R/hand forward-ball released-Detroits) 1 0
483-2a WeidmanStump Weidman (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Detroits) 1 0
483-3a WeidmanStump Weidman (Pitch-ball in hands at chest-Detroits) 1 0
483-2b WeidmanStump Weidman (Bat at ready-looking at camera-New York) 0 0
483-4a WeidmanStump Weidman (Bat in R/hand at side-Detroits) 1 0
484-4b WidnerBill Widner (Pitch-R/hand forward neck high-Eidner-Columbus) 1 0
484-1a WidnerBill Widner (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Columbus) 0 0
484-3a WidnerBill Widner (Pitch-hands at chest-Columbus) 0 0
484-5b WidnerBill Widner (Pitch-R/hand back chest high-Eidner-Columbus) 0 0
484-4a WidnerBill Widner (Pitch-R/hand forward neck high-Weidner-Columbus) 1 0
484-2a WidnerBill Widner (Stooping to field grounder-Columbus) 0 0
484-5a WidnerBill Widner (Pitch-R/hand back chest high-Weidner-Columbus) 0 0
485-7a WelchCurt Welch (With Gleason) 1 0
485-3a WelchCurt Welch (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Athletics) 0 0 Buy
485-6b WelchCurt Welch (Throw-R/hand shoulder high- L.F., Athletics) 0 0
485-6a WelchCurt Welch (Throw-R/hand shoulder high-C.F. Athletics) 1 0
485-5a WelchCurt Welch (Catch-hands out head high-Athletics) 1 0
485-2a WelchCurt Welch (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Athletics) 1 0
485-4a WelchCurt Welch (Stooping to field grounder-Athletics) 1 0
485-1a WelchCurt Welch (Portrait in striped hat-Brown's Champions) 1 0
486-1c WelchMickey Welch (Pitch-R/hand head high-Smiling Mickey between legs in black) 1 1
486-1a WelchMickey Welch (Pitch-R/hand head high-Welch-New Yorks) 0 1
486-2b WelchMickey Welch (Pitch-R/hand at R/thigh-New Yorks (N.L.)) 1 1
486-4a WelchMickey Welch (Pitch-R/arm extended forward-Smiling Mickey) 1 1
486-1d WelchMickey Welch (Pitch-R/hand head high-New Yorks (N.L.)) 1 1
486-3c WelchMickey Welch (Pitch-hands above waist-Smiling Mickey between legs in black) 1 1
486-1b WelchMickey Welch (Pitch-R/hand head high-Welsh-New Yorks) 1 1
486-2c WelchMickey Welch (Pitch-R/hand at R/thigh-Welsh-New Yorks) 1 1
486-2a WelchMickey Welch (Pitch-R/hand at R/thigh-Welch-New Yorks) 1 1 Buy
486-3b WelchMickey Welch (Pitch-hands above waist-Smiling Mickey behind right leg in white) 1 1
486-3a WelchMickey Welch (Pitch-hands above waist-New Yorks) 1 1
487-3a WellsJake Wells (Standing-facing front-hands in jacket pockets-Kansas City) 1 0
487-2a WellsJake Wells (Catch-hands forward chin high-Kansas City) 0 0
487-1a WellsJake Wells (Holding bat across thighs-Kansas City) 0 0
487-4a WellsJake Wells (Catch-hands shoulder high facing L-Kansas City) 0 0
488-1a WellsFrank Wells (Catch-hands above head-Milwaukees) 1 0
489-5a WerrickJoe Werrick (Stooping to field grounder-Louisville) 0 0
489-3a WerrickJoe Werrick (Catch-stretching up/L-St. Paul) 1 0
489-2a WerrickJoe Werrick (Throw-R/hand chest high-Louisville) 0 0
489-1a WerrickJoe Werrick (Tagging-R/hand raised-Louisville) 1 0
489-3b WerrickJoe Werrick (Catch-stretching up/L-Louisville) 1 0
489-4a WerrickJoe Werrick (Strike-bat over R/shoulder-Louisville) 1 0
490-2a WestBuck West (Strike-looking down at ball by bat-Minneapolis) 1 0
490-4a WestBuck West (Catch-hands out/L-shoulder high-Minneapolis) 1 0
490-3a WestBuck West (Catch-hands by R/thigh-Minneapolis) 1 0
490-1a WestBuck West (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Minneapolis) 1 0
490-5a WestBuck West (Bending to field low ball-Minneapolis) 1 0
491-3b WeyhingGus Weyhing (Pitch-R/hand cap high-A.C.-Athletics) 0 0 Buy
491-1a WeyhingGus Weyhing (Pitch-hands at throat-A.C.-Athletics) 1 0
491-2b WeyhingGus Weyhing (Pitch-R/hand forward chest high-Athletics) 1 0
491-2a WeyhingGus Weyhing (Pitch-R/hand forward chest high-A.C.-Athletics) 1 0
491-3a WeyhingGus Weyhing (Pitch-R/hand cap high-Athletics) 1 0
492-1b WeyhingJohn Weyhing (Pitch-hands at neck-Columbus) 1 0
492-1a WeyhingJohn Weyhing (Pitch-hands at neck-John-Athletics) 1 0
492-2b WeyhingJohn Weyhing (Pitch-L/hand out chest high-Jno-Athletics) 0 0
492-2a WeyhingJohn Weyhing (Pitch-L/hand out chest high-John-Athletics) 1 0
492-3a WeyhingJohn Weyhing (Bat at ready at 45-John-Athletics) 1 0
493-1c WheelockBobby Wheelock (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Detroits) 1 0
493-3b WheelockBobby Wheelock (Throw-R/hand chest high-R.F., Boston) 0 0
493-4b WheelockBobby Wheelock (Strike-looking down at ball-Right Field, Boston) 0 0
493-2b WheelockBobby Wheelock (Bat on R/shoulder-looking at camera-Right Field, Boston) 1 0
493-6a WheelockBobby Wheelock (Bat in R/hand at side-R.F., Boston) 0 0
493-5a WheelockBobby Wheelock (Hands on hips-R.F., Boston.) 1 0
493-3a WheelockBobby Wheelock (Throw-R/hand chest high-Right Field, Boston) 0 0
493-4a WheelockBobby Wheelock (Strike-looking down at ball-R.F., Boston) 1 0
493-1b WheelockBobby Wheelock (Catch-hands cupped chest high-Right Field, Boston) 1 0
493-5b WheelockBobby Wheelock (Hands on hips-Right Field, Boston) 1 0
493-2a WheelockBobby Wheelock (Bat on R/shoulder-looking at camera-R.F.-Boston) 1 0
493-7a WheelockBobby Wheelock (Bat at ready at 60 looking at camera-R.F., Boston) 1 0
493-1a WheelockBobby Wheelock (Catch-hands cupped chest high-R.F., Boston) 0 0
494-2a WhitacreHarry Whitacre (Pitch-hands out head high-Athletics) 0 0
494-1a WhitacreHarry Whitacre (Bat at 45-looking/R-Athletics) 1 0
494-3a WhitacreHarry Whitacre (Pitch-R/hand back head high-Athletics) 0 0
495-1a WhitakerPat Whitaker (Pitch-hands behind R/thigh-Baltimores) 0 0
495-2a WhitakerPat Whitaker (Pitch-hands out above waist-Baltimores) 1 0
495-4a WhitakerPat Whitaker (Pitch-R/hand forward neck high-Baltimores) 1 0
495-3a WhitakerPat Whitaker (Pitch-hands shoulder high-Baltimores) 1 0
495-5a WhitakerPat Whitaker (Bat at ready over R/shoulder-Baltimores) 0 0
496-7a WhiteDeacon White (Stooping to field grounder-hands together by L/foot-Detroits) 1 0 Buy
496-8a WhiteDeacon White (Stooping/R to field grounder with R/hand-Detroits) 1 0
496-2a WhiteDeacon White (Strike-looking down at ball by bat-Detroit) 0 0
496-4a WhiteDeacon White (Catch-hands neck high-Detroit) 0 0
496-6a WhiteDeacon White (Throw-R/hand neck high-Detroit) 0 0
496-9 WhiteDeacon White (Portrait-Identified as McGreachery-but is Deacon White) 1 0
496-5a WhiteDeacon White (Catch-hands above head-Pittsburghs) 1 0
496-3a WhiteDeacon White (Catch-hands waist high-Detroits) 1 0
496-1a WhiteDeacon White (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Detroits) 0 1
496-2b WhiteDeacon White (Strike-looking down at ball by bat-Pittsburgh) 0 0
496-5b WhiteDeacon White (Catch-Hands above head-Detroit) 0 0
496-6b WhiteDeacon White (Throw-R/hand neck high-Pittsburghs) 1 0
497-4a WhiteWilliam White (Throw-R/hand forward chest high-Louisville) 0 0
497-1a WhiteWilliam White (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Louisville) 0 0
497-2a WhiteWilliam White (Stooping-ball in L/hand on grass-Louisville) 0 0
497-5a WhiteWilliam White (Catch-hands cupped neck high-Louisville) 0 0
497-3a WhiteWilliam White (Stooping to field ground ball-Louisville) 1 0
498-3a WhitneyJim Whitney (Pitch-R/hand waist high-P. Washington) 1 0
498-2a WhitneyJim Whitney (Pitch-hands at chest-P. Washington) 1 0
498-3b WhitneyJim Whitney (Pitch-R/hand waist high-Pitcher, Washington) 0 0
498-1a WhitneyJim Whitney (Bat at ready-looking at camera-P. Washington) 1 0
498-1b WhitneyJim Whitney (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Pitcher, Washington) 0 0
498-2b WhitneyJim Whitney (Pitch-hands at chest-Pitcher, Washington) 1 0
498-3c WhitneyJim Whitney (Pitch-R/hand waist high-Indianapolis) 1 0
499-3b WhitneyArt Whitney (Bat at ready-looking at camera-3d Base, Pittsburg) 1 0
499-3d WhitneyArt Whitney (Bat at ready-looking at camera-New Yorks) 0 0
499-3c WhitneyArt Whitney (Bat at ready-looking at camera-A.-New Yorks) 1 0
499-1c WhitneyArt Whitney (Stooping-dog with paw on his knee-New Yorks) 0 0
499-3a WhitneyArt Whitney (Bat at ready-looking at camera-3d B. Pittsburg) 1 0
499-2d WhitneyArt Whitney (Bending/L-hands thigh high-New Yorks (PL)) 0 0
499-1d WhitneyArt Whitney (Stooping-dog with paw on his knee-3d Base, Pittsburg.) 1 0
499-2b WhitneyArt Whitney (Bending/L-hands thigh high-A.-New Yorks) 1 0
499-1b WhitneyArt Whitney (Stooping-dog with paw on his knee-A.-New Yorks) 1 0
499-2c WhitneyArt Whitney (Bending/L-hands thigh high-New Yorks) 1 0
499-2a WhitneyArt Whitney (Bending/L-hands thigh high-Pittsburg) 1 0
499-1a WhitneyArt Whitney (Stooping-dog with paw on his knee-3d B. Pittsburg) 1 0
500-3a WhitneyG. Whitney (Stooping to field grounder-St. Joes) 1 0
500-1a WhitneyG. Whitney (Bat at ready-near horizontal-looking at camera-St. Joes) 0 0 Buy
500-5a WhitneyG. Whitney (Catch-hands cupped at waist-St. Joes) 0 0
500-2a WhitneyG. Whitney (Strike-looking down at ball-bat by head-St. Joes) 1 0
500-4a WhitneyG. Whitney (Throw-R/hand neck high-St. Joes) 0 0
501-1a WilliamsJames Williams (Full length-hat in R/hand-Clevelands) 1 0
501-2a WilliamsJames Williams (Full length-Hat on head-Clevelands) 1 0
502-2a WilliamsonNed Williamson (Catch-hands neck high-Chicago's) 1 0 Buy
502-2b WilliamsonNed Williamson (Catch-hands neck high-Chicago) 0 0
502-3e WilliamsonNed Williamson (Throw-R/hand chin high-C.W.-Chicagos) 0 0
502-5b WilliamsonNed Williamson (Arms folded-Chicago's) 1 0
502-4b WilliamsonNed Williamson (Catch-hands above head-E.-Chicago) 1 0
502-3c WilliamsonNed Williamson (Throw-R/hand chin high-W.-Chicago's) 1 0
502-4d WilliamsonNed Williamson (Catch-hands over head-C.W.-Chicago) 0 0
502-1b WilliamsonNed Williamson (In top hat-looking/R-Chicagos (PL)) 0 0
502-6b WilliamsonNed Williamson (Strike-looking down at ball-C W-Chicagos) 1 0
502-5c WilliamsonNed Williamson (Arms folded-C W-Chicagos) 1 0
502-4f WilliamsonNed Williamson (Catch-hands over head-W.-Chicago) 1 0
502-6a WilliamsonNed Williamson (Strike-looking down at ball-Chicago's) 1 0
502-5a WilliamsonNed Williamson (Arms folded-W.-Chicago) 1 0
502-3b WilliamsonNed Williamson (Throw-R/hand chin high-E.-Chicago) 0 0
502-3d WilliamsonNed Williamson (Throw-R/hand chin high-C.W.-Chicago) 0 0
502-3a WilliamsonNed Williamson (Throw-R/hand chin high-Chicago's) 1 0
502-4e WilliamsonNed Williamson (Catch-hands over head-C W-Chicagos) 1 0
502-4c WilliamsonNed Williamson (Catch-hands over head-C.W.-Chica.) 0 0
502-1a WilliamsonNed Williamson (In top hat-looking/R-E.-Chicago) 0 0
502-6c WilliamsonNed Williamson (Strike-looking down at ball-E.-Chicago) 0 0
502-4a WilliamsonNed Williamson (Catch-hands above head-Chicago's) 1 0 Buy
503-3a WinklemanGeorge Winkleman (Ready to pitch-R/hand above waist-L/hand by L/hip-Minneapolis) 0 0
503-4a WillisCharles Willis (Pitch-R/hand forward head high-Omahas) 1 0
503-3a WillisCharles Willis (Pitch-hands out/L chin high-Omahas) 1 0
503-5a WillisCharles Willis (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Omahas) 0 0
503-1a WillisCharles Willis (Pitch-hands in front of cap-Omahas) 1 0
503-2a WillisCharles Willis (Pitch-hands at waist-Omahas) 1 0
504-3a WilmotWalt Wilmot (Catch-hands thigh high-Washingtons) 1 0
504-2b WilmotWalt Wilmot (Bat in R/hand at side-Chicago (NL)) 0 0
504-4a WilmotWalt Wilmot (Catch-hands at chest-BALL present-Washingtons) 1 0
504-6b WilmotWalt Wilmot (Catch-hands at chest-NO ball present-Chicago (NL)) 0 0
504-1a WilmotWalt Wilmot (Strike-looking down at ball-Washington) 1 0
504-2a WilmotWalt Wilmot (Bat in R/hand at side-Washington) 0 0
504-1b WilmotWalt Wilmot (Strike-looking down at ball-Chicagos (NL)) 0 0
504-3b WilmotWalt Wilmot (Catch-hands thigh high-Washington) 0 0
504-6a WilmotWalt Wilmot (Catch-hands at chest-NO ball present-Washington) 0 0
504-5b WilmotWalt Wilmot (Throw-R/hand back-neck high-Washington) 1 0
504-5a WilmotWalt Wilmot (Throw-R/hand back-neck high-Washingtons) 1 0
505-5a WinklemanGeorge Winkleman (Strike-ball waist high-Minneapolis) 0 0
505-1a WinklemanGeorge Winkleman (Throw-hands out/R-shoulder high-Hartford) 0 0
505-2a WinklemanGeorge Winkleman (Pitch-hands chest high-Minneapolis) 0 0
505-4a WinklemanGeorge Winkleman (Catch-hands above head-Minneapolis) 0 0
505-1b WinklemanGeorge Winkleman (Throw-hands out/R-shoulder high-Minneapolis) 0 0
506-3b WiseSam Wise (Bat in R/hand at side-S.S., Boston.) 1 0
506-4b WiseSam Wise (Portrait-looking/R-Washingtons) 0 0
506-2a WiseSam Wise (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Short Stop, Boston.) 1 0
506-1a WiseSam Wise (Stooping-hands on knees-S.S., Boston.) 1 0
506-1c WiseSam Wise (Stooping-hands on knees-Washingtons) 0 0
506-1b WiseSam Wise (Stooping-hands on knees-Short Stop, Boston.) 1 0
506-2c WiseSam Wise (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Washingtons) 0 0
506-3a WiseSam Wise (Bat in R/hand at side-Short Stop, Boston.) 1 0
506-4a WiseSam Wise (Portrait-looking/R-Boston) 1 0
506-2b WiseSam Wise (Bat at ready-looking at camera-S.S., Boston) 0 0
507-5a WolfChicken Wolf (Stooping-hands cupped by R/ankle-Louisville) 0 0
507-2a WolfChicken Wolf (Strike-name not visible on shirt-Louisville) 1 0
507-1a WolfChicken Wolf (Bat at ready-Team name visible on shirt-Louisville) 0 0
507-4a WolfChicken Wolf (Catch-hands chin high-Louisville) 1 0
507-3a WolfChicken Wolf (Lying on grass-feet on base-Louisville) 1 0
508-1b WoodGeorge Wood (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Left Field, Philadelphia) 1 0
508-3a WoodGeorge Wood (Stooping for grounder-Phila.) 1 0
508-2a WoodGeorge Wood (Catch-hands neck high-Phila.) 1 0
508-3b WoodGeorge Wood (Stooping for grounder-Left Field, Philadelphia) 0 0
508-4c WoodGeorge Wood (Throw-R/hand head high-L.F., Philadelphias) 0 0
508-2b WoodGeorge Wood (Catch-hands neck high-Left Field, Philadelphia) 1 0
508-1a WoodGeorge Wood (Bat at ready-looking at camera-Phila.) 1 0
508-4a WoodGeorge Wood (Throw-R/hand head high-Phila.) 1 0
508-4b WoodGeorge Wood (Throw-R/hand head high-Left Field, Philadelphia) 1 0
508-3d WoodGeorge Wood (Stooping for grounder-L.F., Philadelphias) 0 0
508-2c WoodGeorge Wood (Catch-hands neck high-L.F., Philadelphias) 1 0
508-1c WoodGeorge Wood (Bat at ready-looking at camera-L.F., Philadelphias) 1 0
508-3c WoodGeorge Wood (Stooping for grounder-Philadelphias (PL)) 1 0
509-1a WoodPete Wood (Bat on R/shoulder-Philadelphias) 1 0
509-2b WoodPete Wood (Bat at ready-nearly horizontal-Philadelphias) 0 0
509-5a WoodPete Wood (Pitch-R/hand extended at side-head high-Philadelphias) 1 0
509-4a WoodPete Wood (Pitch-R/hand forward neck high-Philadelphias) 1 0
509-3b WoodPete Wood (Pitch-hands at neck-Philadelphia) 0 0
509-1b WoodPete Wood (Bat on R/shoulder-Philadelphia) 1 0
509-3a WoodPete Wood (Pitch-hands at neck-Philadelphias) 1 0
509-2a WoodPete Wood (Bat at ready-nearly horizontal-Philadelphia) 1 0
510-3a WrightHarry Wright (Portrait-looking/L-Beard just over R/side of collar-Man'g. Philas) 1 1
510-1c WrightHarry Wright (Portrait-look right-Man'g. Phila) 1 1
510-1a WrightHarry Wright (Portrait-look right-Mgr. Phila's) 1 1
510-1d WrightHarry Wright (Portrait-look right-Mgr., Phila's.) 1 1
510-1b WrightHarry Wright (Portrait-look right-Mgr., Phil'a. (N L)) 1 1
511-2a ZimmerChief Zimmer (Catch-hands chest high-feet together-Clevlands) 1 0
511-4b ZimmerChief Zimmer (Throw-R/hand forward head high-Clevelands) 1 0
511-1a ZimmerChief Zimmer (Strike-looking at ball by bat-Cleveland's) 1 0
511-3a ZimmerChief Zimmer (Catch-hands chest high-feet well apart-Clevelands) 1 0
511-4a ZimmerChief Zimmer (Throw-R/hand forward head high-Cleveland's) 1 0
512-2a ZinnFrank Zinn (Catch-hands thigh high-Athletics) 1 0
512-3a ZinnFrank Zinn (Catch-hands cap high-Athletics) 0 0
512-1a ZinnFrank Zinn (Fielding grounder by L/foot-Athletics) 1 0 Buy
512-7a WilliamsonNed Williamson (W/ Mascot Willie Hahn) 1 0
512-6e WilliamsonNed Williamson (Strike, looking down at ball-"W") 0 0
518-1e WoodGeorge Wood (Bat at ready, looking at camera-Philadelphia) 0 0
518-4d WoodGeorge Wood (Throw-R/hand head high-Geo. A.-Philadelphia) 0 0
520g WrightHarry Wright (Portrait-look Left, "Phila (NL)") 1 1
520h WrightHarry Wright (Portrait-look Left-Mgr. Phila's.) 1 1
520f WrightHarry Wright (Portrait-look Left, "Man'g. Phila") 1 1