Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

By joining this site, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions, and are agreeing to be legally bound by them. This agreement is subject to change by the company Vintage Card Prices, Inc. at any time. Changes are effective without notice upon each member.

1.Legal definitions

Hearby, the term "Member" or "Membership", as referred to in this document shall mean the User of a valid username and password (User ID) for Vintagecardprices.com during the term of membership.
Hearby, the term "Site", as referred to in this document shall mean Vintagecardprices.com (owned by Vintage Card Prices, Inc.), which you are purchasing a username and password (User ID) from in order to access its content, materials and benefits of membership.
Hearby, the term "Subscriber", as referred to in this document shall mean the End-user, Consumer, of the services of the Site and holder of a valid username and password (User ID) for the Site.
Hearby, the term "User ID", as referred to in this document shall mean the combination of unique username and password that used to access the Site. A User Id is a license to use the Site for a period of time which is specified.

2. Description of services

Vintagecardprices.com will provide one User ID to access the site and its contents for which you are purchasing membership.

3. Billing

"Vintagecardprices" will appear on your credit card billing statement for all charges made.

4. Payment/fee and period of Membership

To become a member of Vintagecardprices.com users must complete the registration form, and membership fees must be paid by credit card (either MasterCard, VISA, American Express or Discover), PayPal, check or money order. Vintagecardprices.com has a $17.99 Gold Monthly Membership and $179.90 Gold Yearly Membership . The member is responsible for such fees according to the terms of the site. Once a member has accessed the site using the User ID, assigned to the member, subscription fees become non-refundable.

5. AUTOMATIC Recurring Billing

As determined by the webmaster of the site, subscription fees may be automatically renewed at the end of the original term selected, for a similar period of time, unless the Subscriber has cancelled their account by clicking "Cancel" under their "My Account" page. All trial/special offer memberships shall renew at the one-month membership rate. The maximum Term of this agreement is 60 months.

Unless and until this agreement is canceled in accordance with the terms hereof, Subscriber hereby authorizes Vintagecardprices.com to charge subscriber's credit card to pay for the ongoing cost of membership. Subscriber hereby further authorizes Vintagecardprices.com to charge Subscriber's credit card for any and all purchases of content access, products, services and entertainment provided by the site.

6. Electronic Receipt

Subscribers may request a copy of the account of charges made for the use of the site. Subscriber foregoes this right if such request is not made. Requests must be made directly to Vintagecardprices.com.

7. Cancellation

Subscribers are responsible for canceling their own accounts by clicking the "Cancel" button on the "My Account" page. At any time, and without cause, subscription to the Service may be terminated by Vintagecardprices.com. When the member has cancelled their account, subscription fees are NOT refunded. Subscribers are liable for charges incurred by them until termination of service.

8. Refunds

No refunds.

9. Authorization of Use

The content and services purchased through Vintagecardprices.com membership are for the user's own private non-commercial use and enjoyment. Any other use is strictly prohibited. Subscribers to the site are hearby authorized a single license to view or print material found on the site. This license shall be granted for sole use via one computer. All memberships are provided for personal use and shall not be used for any commercial purposes or by any commercial entities. Commercial use of either the site or any content or material found within Vintagecardprices.com is strictly prohibited. No material within the site may be transferred to any other person or entity, whether commercial or non-commercial. In addition, materials may not be modified, or altered. Materials may not be displayed publicly, or used for any rental, sale, or display. Materials shall extend to copyright, trademarks, or other proprietary notices there from. Excessive access to materials is prohibited.

Vintagecardprices.com reserves the right to terminate this license at any time if the terms of this agreement are breached. In the case that the terms are breached, you will be required to immediately destroy any content, information or material printed, downloaded or otherwise copied from the Site.

10. Data Collection

Users are prohibited access or use of this website by web crawlers, scrapers or other robots, including for purposes of data collection.

11. Transfer of User ID

Access to the Site is through a combination of a username and a password (User ID). Subscribers may not under any circumstances release their User ID to any other person, and are required to keep his or her User ID strictly confidential.

Vintagecardprices.com will not release passwords for any reason, to anyone other than the Subscriber, except as may be specifically required by law or court order. Unauthorized access to the Site is a breach of this Agreement and a violation of law. Subscribers acknowledge that the webmaster of the site may track through the use of special software each subscribers entry to the site.

If any breach of security, theft or loss of User ID, or unauthorized disclosure of User ID occurs, subscriber must immediately notify Vintagecardprices.com of said security breach.

Subscriber will remain liable for unauthorized use of service until the Site is notified of the security breach by email or telephone.

12. Supplementary Terms and conditions

The Site may have additional Terms and Conditions that are an integral part of this Agreement, and are in addition to these Terms and Conditions. Such Terms and Conditions as listed at the Site will in no way invalidate any of the Terms and Conditions listed here. All Terms listed apply to the Site, and the Subscriber.

I agree to the terms and conditions specified by the site linked to this page.

13. Severability

If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court finds that any of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision it would become valid or enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited.

14. Notice

Notices by the Site to Subscribers may be given by means of electronic messages through the Site, or by conventional mail.

Notices by Subscribers may be given by electronic messages, or conventional mail otherwise specified in the Agreement. All questions, complaints, or notices regarding the Vintagecardprices.com membership must be directed here. All cancellations of service to a site must be directed to Vintagecardprices.com.

15. Electronic Newsletter Communication

Vintagecardprices.com may utilize electronic newsletters to reach all or a subset of all registered members - using email addresses collected. users may remove themselves from such mailing at any time by following the instructions that shall be sent as part of any such mailing.

16. Disclaimers/Release

The site can not be held liable if, for any reason, members can not access the membership areas of Vintagecardprices.com due to computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures or other causes beyond the control of the site. If membership is interrupted due to technical difficulties please contact Vintagecardprices.com within 24 hours of the problem and let us know of your problem or complaint. Please email all questions or complaints to support @ Vintagecardprices.com. If complaints are legitimate, Vintagecardprices.com will provide credit in the amount of the membership time lost.

By becoming a member of Vintagecardprices.com you release and agree to hold harmless Vintagecardprices.com, its sponsors, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees and agencies from any liability whatsoever for any claims, costs, injuries, losses or damages of any kind arising out of or in connection to the membership.

17. Questions and Contact Information

All questions to Vintagecardprices.com regarding these terms and conditions must be directed to:

admin @ Vintagecardprices.com
Vintage Card Prices, Inc.
14071 Peyton Dr Unit 274
Chino Hills, CA 91709